Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Summer School! Take your more difficult classes in the summer, get higher grades, smaller classes! Free up time when you get to Grade 12 - #SummerSchool is a great option! #Education #LAUSD

#SummerSchool is open, now, in a lot of places, #LAUSD has a great Summer School Program - all sorts of classes and courses, all levels of education.

You can still enroll your child (or yourself!) for Summer School!

I taught Summer School with LAUSD, for years - it was so great, and I had both my children take Summer School classes - it's a great way to get classes done, quickly, to free some time up, in Grade 12 : >

If your child is struggling with any classes, like Math, Algebra, English... have them take a Summer School class - the teacher might have a different approach, usually smaller class sizes, and you're in and out, by lunch time, so it won't interfere with the rest of the day!

Quite often, students will get higher grades in Summer School, too - the curriculum is shortened, more condensed material, is a great learning environment!

There is usually a Code of Conduct for students in Summer School, too, so behavioral issues are few and far between, and immediately dealt with, unlike during the regular school year, where there isn't nearly enough discipline (we all know that, now - hopefully, that will change, too, so all students can learn in peace and quiet, with no fear of any level of danger).

Thursday, June 22, 2023

How To Watch Twitter On Your TV, from your devices - Tablet, iPad, iPhone #Android @Twitter #TwitterOnTV - Just what I've been asking for! Thanks, Elon Musk! @ElonMusk! #Twitter #TuckerCarlson #AndrewTate Interview

If you want to watch Twitter on your TV, and you have a phone, iPad or Tablet... #android

Go to Google Home
➡️ Mirror Screen
➡️ Cast Screen
➡️ Twitter

Thanks, #elonmusk! This is a GAME-CHANGER! Yahoo!! Yippee!

You can scroll through Twitter on your TV!! OMG!! Amazing!

I would imagine you could do this with #Facebook Facebook, too!

#Twitter #CastToTV #scroll #Tablet #ipad #iphone #phone #tv

This is revolutionary!

I am @AilsaForshaw on Twitter! 

Oh My Goodness, there are so many videos on Twitter, all sorts of amazing Tweets, including my own! I hope you scroll through my Twitter Feed, too! 

You'll be very well informed, have lots of laughs, and you can watch all my videos! 

I'm on YouTube, too, of course! Lol! Ailsa Forshaw 

Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson has a new show on Twitter, Tucker On Twitter #TuckerOnTwitter 

Just in case you're not on Twitter, yet - and I encourage you to get on Twitter, learn what's really going on in the world, that is clearly not on the MSM... you know the drill... 

Tucker Carlson/Andrew Tate Interview - 
Brilliant, all the way through : ) 

Tucker Carlson is very, very smart, and now that Tucker Carlson has his own show on Twitter, he's free to talk about whatever he wants and needs to talk about - and, Tucker Carlson is very funny, too! 

You can scroll all through Twitter, you control the scrolling with your device - this is gonna be amazing, for the longer videos, too! 

What a miracle - wow, Twitter is where it's at, man! Lol! 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Online Divorce - Divorce doesn't have to cost a fortune - File for Divorce Online - It's always better to have an Amicable Divorce! #Divorce #OnlineDivorce

Online Divorce
This is a great service, when you need it the most!
#OnlineBusiness #OnlineDivorce #ad #Divorce

OnlineDivorce provides completed documents for uncontested divorces.
Once you choose your state, sign up, and create an account, then you will go through a divorce questionnaire covering all aspects of the divorce, including custody, parenting time and support of any minor children, division of property and debt, division of any retirement, spousal support, and wife’s maiden name being restored.

Once the questionnaire is finished then the forms are generated and will be downloaded directly from the account.

The forms are filled out, ready for the parties to review and sign.

Step by step instructions are provided with the divorce forms to easily walk the parties through what to do with each form and how to file and finalize the divorce directly with the court.

This is a great service, when you need it the most!
Start Your Divorce Online Without Lawyer Fees

Online divorce in Canada Check for your Province

Online divorce in California Check for your State

Quick and Cheap Way to Terminate Your Marriage