Had it up to here with Cellulite? Want to get rid of it forever, and make your body all lovely and sleek and youthful??
Yeah, me too, so I when one of my old 'Gym Boys' showed me this Exercise years ago, I started doing it all the time, and changed it up a bit to make it work more effectively for me.
This is a great Exercise for Women, but I know for a fact that 'manly men' do it, too! ha,ha! (Oh, and in case you are thinking something inaccurate about the 'Gym Boy' thing, that's just what I used to call all the guys at the gym where I used to work out a lot -- it's a term of endearment, but in no way a reference to anyone I went out with -- I either call those guys "that crazy old jerk" or "one of my great old friends"...usually one or the other -- sometime both! ha,ha!)
(Take a little Fun Break with Ailsa! : )
Errr, take a really fun break with Ailsa?? That me! lol! Hello, Wine, My Old Friend! Best Friend? haha! No, me joke, but, you know, if fun to have a nice glass of wine, and is apparently healthy, too? Yeah, let's go with that! haha! : )
Get rid of Cellulite once and for all with this very easy and incredibly inexpensive Exercise.
This exercise will give you beautiful sleek legs, and a lovely toned behind, too -- good-bye stupid cellulite! It takes about 10 - 20 minutes, or so, depending on how many Reps you do (repetitions -- 'Reps' in Weight Lifting Language... : )
Also, I am a BIG believer in the Big Muscle Diet, where you focus on eating well, but work to build your big muscle groups, mainly your legs and arms. It's quite a struggle for women to lose weight (lucky men, how do they drop weight so easily?? lol!), so try to focus on your big muscles instead of your tummy, and your tummy will get smaller and smaller, as your 'big muscles' become more and more toned, since those big muscles will use up the calories you are taking in when you eat, so you don't need to be nearly so restrictive.. yippee!!
This exercise will give you beautiful sleek legs, and a lovely toned behind, too -- good-bye stupid cellulite! It takes about 10 - 20 minutes, or so, depending on how many Reps you do (repetitions -- 'Reps' in Weight Lifting Language... : )
Also, I am a BIG believer in the Big Muscle Diet, where you focus on eating well, but work to build your big muscle groups, mainly your legs and arms. It's quite a struggle for women to lose weight (lucky men, how do they drop weight so easily?? lol!), so try to focus on your big muscles instead of your tummy, and your tummy will get smaller and smaller, as your 'big muscles' become more and more toned, since those big muscles will use up the calories you are taking in when you eat, so you don't need to be nearly so restrictive.. yippee!!
Straighten out Bowed Legs. Oh, and if you happen to want to straighten your legs out (if they even have a slight bow in them), this exercise will help to strengthen the muscles around your knees, which can straighten out your legs. Definitely worth a shot, if this is something you're dealing with. You need to work your way up, slowly, to at least a 30 pound weight to see really good results, but you can easily do that within 6 months, if not sooner. If you are really serious about straightening out your legs, and strengthening your legs, work your way up to 45 pounds. Males can go higher, but the goal is to strengthen those muscles in the back and inside of your legs and knees. (And keep in mind that everyone else probably thinks you have great legs, so wear the right clothes that make you look and feel good, excercise when you can... most importantly, I just want you to feel good about yourself! :)
Here's what you need -- something you can lay down on that will allow you to have good Leg Extension when you are laying on your Stomach. I used to use my Giant Exercise Ball, then it dawned on me that I could easily use the fancy wee Bench at the end of my Bed as an Exercise Bench. Softer and nicer, and not nearly as expensive and hard to find. I'll see if I can find an Ad for them at WalMart, since I've seen these wee Benches for under $50.00 at WalMart -- one of my favorite Stores! You can pick up a Set of Free Weights while you're there, too.
I use a 10 Pound Weight to Start, but if this is brand new for you, start with a 5 Pound Weight. As you get used to the Weight, you can increase it up to about 35 Pounds. You probably don't want to go much higher than that... although, I like the 40 pound weight, now... the longer you do this amazing exercise, the more weight you'll be able to lift, and the more toned your legs will be, but be careful, start slowly with a low weight, and gradually work your way up.. it can take more than a year to get to the 40 pound weight, for women.
AND, if you're at home alone, you can just put on a pair of Ankle Weights, that'll work, too - I do 2 sets of 50 reps with the ankle weights, but start wherever you are comfortable, build yourself up to a higher number, or a higher weight... but with the ankle weights, you won't have to struggle to figure out how to get the free weight between your feet, so, will be safer for you, too : )
I put a pair of socks around my ankles to protect my ankles - you can tuck the one end into the endy bit, to hold it in place - men's socks are great for that! lol!
AND, if you're at home alone, you can just put on a pair of Ankle Weights, that'll work, too - I do 2 sets of 50 reps with the ankle weights, but start wherever you are comfortable, build yourself up to a higher number, or a higher weight... but with the ankle weights, you won't have to struggle to figure out how to get the free weight between your feet, so, will be safer for you, too : )
I put a pair of socks around my ankles to protect my ankles - you can tuck the one end into the endy bit, to hold it in place - men's socks are great for that! lol!
Oh, and you will notice when you are doing these Exercises that your legs will seem Longer and Leaner, too. That's because these Exercises can straighten out any 'Bow Legs' that you might have, and you will build some nice Lean Muscle in your Legs. Sounds good, huh??
Man, these are really old pictures of me -- but you get the idea : )
Oh, no, my pictures have disappeared - annoying! Here are a quick few before I find out where they all went!
Oh, no, my pictures have disappeared - annoying! Here are a quick few before I find out where they all went!
Step One: Pull the Bench into the Middle of the room, so you have lots of space. Put on some great Music -- anything that makes you want to move...
Dammit, my fave pics are gone - very annoying - will have to try and find them - so many of my files have disappeared, over the last few weeks - what is going on, me wonders? Hmmm...
Dammit, my fave pics are gone - very annoying - will have to try and find them - so many of my files have disappeared, over the last few weeks - what is going on, me wonders? Hmmm...
Step Two: Set the Weight on it's End, so you can grasp it between your feet. If you are lucky enough to have someone help you with this, have them 'Place the Weight' in the Arch bit of your feet. Then tell them to get their hands off yer legs, you're trying to exercise ovah' here...! ha,ha! It's pretty easy to maneuver the Weight if it's 10 Pounds or less, but you really do need someone to help you when the Weight is over 25 pounds.
Step Three: You should be nice and comfortable laying on your stomach, by now, and up on your elbows. I'm only looking up for the picture, but normally you just look down or at your Dog (or other cute Pet), if they have found you while you're exercising! If you click to Enlarge the lower picture on the Right -- you'll see Tia coming over for a wee cuddle while I'm exercising!
Step Four: Slowly Raise and Lower the Weight, using a Full Extension. Let your feet go toward your Behind, then right back down almost to the floor. It's a good stretch, and great for developing nice Lean Muscles. I would Start with 3 Sets of 10 Repetitions. When you are finding that too easy, increase it to 3 Sets of 20 Reps. I like to do 2 Sets of 50 Reps, but that's because I've been doing these Exercises for a long time.
To add extra weight, I wear the 'wrap around' Ankle Weights to make the Weight a little Heavier. As you increase the amount of Weight you use, you might want to wrap your Ankles with an extra Sock -- men's socks work well because they are bigger and will tuck in around your ankle.
I'm wearing Running Shoes in these pictures, but generally I like to just wear Socks -- I find it easier to feel the weight between my feet. When you are using Weights that are 25 pounds or more, though, you have to wear Running Shoes or you could get hurt.
Oh, and very slowly lower the Weight to the floor when you are done, so you don't drop the Weight on the floor. That won't work out well! You can set it down on it's End, then it will lightly go on the floor from there. You might want to put a Towel under the weight if you are afraid of anything happening to the floor!
In between Sets, pick up a couple of 3 or 5 Pound Weights, and do a 'Butterfly Move' to work on your Arms in the same work-out. Put the Weights in front of your waist, raise them up in a big sweeping motion over your head, then slowly back down. Just do 10 reps in between each Set of the Anti-Cellulite Exercises, and you'll be in great shape in no time at all!
I have to go to the Gym to lift a 35 pound weight between my feet, because I need someone to 'Place the Weight' (put the weight in the right place -- in the Arch of my feet), and because I can let the weight drop on the floor, gently, without the worry of wrecking the floor! I like the Straight Bench, and have to concentrate on the music in the gym and counting to the 20 reps to keep my focus on the exercise. Bizarrely enough, sometimes it feels like I'm gonna flip the Bench up, and then I'll be in real trouble, but apparently that's just in my mind, so I have to think about that, too! Gives you beautiful legs, though, so it's all worth it! ha,ha,ha!
Fantastic Deals and Amazing Selection of Gowns and Lovely Dresses for every Occasion - oooh, soo pretty! Just fun to look at, see which ones you like the best!
Dis make you a'laugh?? hahaha! The perfect ad for a diet page, right? bah'hahahahaha!

Go have yourself all sorts o' fun!! 'til next time! Ailsa : )

Omg, make your money, go on a great trip!! Or how about investing in your favorite Travel Company, or airline Stock? Who knows where your money will come from, right? There are so many great things to invest in, these days... the skies the limit - sooo, no limits?? lol! Thanks, Universe!! $299 Cabo All Inclusive - BookVIP.com€Ž 6 Days In A Luxury Cabo Resort With Unlimited Meals & Drinks For $299!

Holy a'schmoly, I love a great deal! haha! Wow, these are amazing deals, am I right?? Holy schmokes, Batman, what a deal! : )
Beach Lovers, Stay 6 Days In A Cancun Resort With Unlimited Meals & Drinks For $249!