And I personally think that there's far too much onus put on high school students, especially in the States, to master Algebra, and too much time is focused on that, when that valuable time could be put to much better use, teaching our students real world math, and all about money. Come on, you know it's just a political thing to teach that much algebra. Too many kids can't grasp the concepts, and complex mathematical problems are introduced far too early, is many schools, now, for political reasons, not because they're ready... the new thinking, is, if we just keep putting this in front of the kids' faces, they'll get used to seeing it by High School. what it does, is turn the kids off, and scare them into thinking they'll never learn the concepts. so, whoever came up with this 'brilliant' idea, has probably never taught any actual students, and is probably making some serious bank off of it... same thing with standardized Testing - that's a money-run, right there, not particularly effective at monitoring how much the student has learned. That money for standardized Testing could be better used to actually teach the kids. There.
That's my little two cents worth, right there! lol!
Men, Women and Money, by Kevin O'Leary...Ooh, you're gonna learn soo much, and laugh all the way through, too!
I would like to see books like this one, Cold Hard Truth on Men, Women and Money, in every high school, college and university curriculum - there have to be real courses for everyone on how to manage their money, how money really works, how to get money, and how to keep money.
Money is Freedom, and when that can be learned and truly understood, we'll make some serious headway to a much better existence, personally, and collectively.
Oh, man, I just love Kevin O'Leary - you might know him as Mr. Wonderful on Shark Tank, a great show, or from the Canadian version of Shark Tank, The Dragon's Den. Kevin O'Leary calls it like it is, and we need more of that - straight up answers, and he's super-funny, too, soo, you know I love that, right? lol! Make me laugh, you've got me! lol!
So if you're looking for a quick way to gain a thorough understanding of money, and how it matters to you, and all your loved ones, this is the book for you - you'll love it, then you'll want everyone you know to read it - it's just that good! : )
I love all of Kevin O'Leary's stories, so straight-up, tell-it-like-it-is...plus, it's fun for me to read about places I've been, too... and I have a new product that I want to launch, sooo, ooooh, will see what happens, there... is all fantastic advice if you have ever dreamt of starting your own business, or you are actively thinking about getting out there on your own, right now, or developing your own new ideas or products - this is the book for you, too - just brilliant. So smart, down to earth, practical ideas and excellent advice. If you have an Entrepreneurial Spirit, and doesn't everyone have an Entrepreneurial Spirit, even if it's tucked away, somewhere, you'll just love these books.
And just in case you're also a big fan of Shark Tank and The Dragon's Den, here are a few other books you might like : )
Oooh, interesting, right??