#wine #Delivery #ValentinesDayGifts #winery 🍷

Happy Valentine's Day Day!!
And I've got some great deals for you, too!
Love Someone, AND Save A Li'l Money! lol!
(I get a wee something from every sale from my blog! Thank you so much!)
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Change Up Your Snack Habits - Frozen Fruit Is Delicious, or Thaw Your Frozen Fruit with a little Sugar, Create a Delightful Little Juice - Yum! Fresh and Delicious!
#Strawberries #ValentinesDay #ValentinesDayDesserts #EasyRecipes
#EatMoreFruit! Yum! : ) #FrozenStrawberries
#Blueberries #FrozenBlueberries Yum!
You know, a little bit of sugar is okay - no worries...the sugar will create a little juice, when you thaw out your Frozen Fruit, and if you toss a little bit of sugar in with your frozen Blueberries, you can eat them like ice cream - you'll love it, it's delicious, and you'll feel like you're giving yourself and your family, a lovely little treat! Clearance Items: Up to 50% off Select Ghirardelli Chocolates.
Yay! Sale on Chocolate! (My favorite part of Valentine's Day? Maybe! haha!)

Get expedited shipping on any order for guaranteed delivery by Valentine's Day! Valid 02.10-02.12, no code required.
Look, me helps you out - get it there by Valentine's Day! lol! : )
30% off Cases of Valentine's Day Chocolates at Ghirardelli.com!
Cases? haha! How many Valentine's do you gots?? haha!
Make Your Frozen Strawberries Ah'Mazing!!
Omg, we are crazy for this new-to-us Strawberry Treat, so, maybe this will be new-to-you, too! lol! I wish I'd thought of this, years ago, but better now than never, right?
This couldn't be any easier, and is a perfect dessert for Valentine's Day, or any time you ever want something soo delicious, that tastes amazing, and smells even better - oh, man, I looove the smell of the strawberries - is a delicious scent! lol!
We get the best deals on Frozen Strawberries at Shopper's Drug Mart, but this is a great way to have your delicious Strawberries when they're not in season - and maybe even when they ARE in season, wait and see how much you looove these beyond-delicious little treats, but, one way or another, you'll be eating waay more strawberries, and that's good for everyone! Yay!!
Shop Special Optimum Offers at .ca! (Remember to sign up for the email or APP for your Shopper's Drug Mart Optimum Points Card - you will make soo much money, just from your regular purchases - I looove mine! It's amazing!)
Shop Beauty Gifts and Sets at .ca! Earn Optimum Points + Get Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!
Shop Fragrance at .ca! Earn Optimum Points + Get Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!
Just open the bag of Frozen Strawberries, pour in some sugar - I never measure anything, sooo, I would say, start with a 1/4 of a cup to a 1/3 of a cup of sugar, just pour it right on top of the strawberries, toss it around a little, seal and pop in the fridge.
Do that for each bag of strawberries,if you've 'accidentally' bought more than one - we just got 4 bags - lol! They're our new fave desert! Yum!
And don't worry about the sugar - sugar gets such a bad rap, these days, but, really, everything in moderation (and some things, 'on accident' - one of my favorite incorrect phrases - haha - some things you DO have in excess.. because they're soo much fun, you canny help yourself, and that's prolly okay, too... YouDoYouBoo, on that one! lol!)
Anyway, leave the strawberries in the fridge for a few hours, take them out of the fridge and give them a good shake, so you mix the sugar right into the strawberries, and try one out for taste... it's way easier to add more sugar, than to take it away, so, err on the side of less sugar, at first, 'til you see how you like them, best...
Do a trial run with a couple of the strawberries - if they don't taste completely delicious, add a little more sugar, wait, check again (until the whole bag is gone - nooo, me joke! haha!)
Your strawberries will be done when they're completely thawed (I thawed so... haha!), and taste incredible... and then they're all set to serve...
You can have them on their own, like I like to do, in a nice little bowl, then keep the empty bowl close to you when you're done, so you can just inhale the perfume - yum!
Or you can serve the strawberries over ice cream, or cheesecake... or any cake... really, it's up to you, now - haha! Enjoy any way you likes! lol! : )
I forgot to add - we keep a soup spoon right in the bag of strawberries, then you can just stir it around, makes it super easy to serve the berries, any time you want! Yum! A nice, fresh, light, tasty dessert for you!
It does take longer than you might think (hope for - lol!) for your bag o' strawberries to thaw out, so give it overnight, they'll be perfect in the morning, or for dinner, later on, if you are planning to have these delicious little strawberries with your Valentine, later in the evening

AND, I really, REALLY want to grow strawberries in rain gutters! I would love to see classrooms incorporate growing opportunities for all students - inside and outside - every school has some space, somewhere, and kids need to learn how to grow things - is rewarding, fun, and delicious!
#wine #Delivery #ValentinesDayGifts #winery 🍷

(I get a wee something from every sale from my blog! Thank you so much!)
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Change Up Your Snack Habits - Frozen Fruit Is Delicious, or Thaw Your Frozen Fruit with a little Sugar, Create a Delightful Little Juice - Yum! Fresh and Delicious!
#Strawberries #ValentinesDay #ValentinesDayDesserts #EasyRecipes
#EatMoreFruit! Yum! : ) #FrozenStrawberries
#Blueberries #FrozenBlueberries Yum!
You know, a little bit of sugar is okay - no worries...the sugar will create a little juice, when you thaw out your Frozen Fruit, and if you toss a little bit of sugar in with your frozen Blueberries, you can eat them like ice cream - you'll love it, it's delicious, and you'll feel like you're giving yourself and your family, a lovely little treat! Clearance Items: Up to 50% off Select Ghirardelli Chocolates.
Get expedited shipping on any order for guaranteed delivery by Valentine's Day! Valid 02.10-02.12, no code required.
30% off Cases of Valentine's Day Chocolates at Ghirardelli.com!
Yum! Here's my new favorite little Frozen Snack - Frozen Cherries, right from the bag - they're like delicious little popsicles, like pure Cherry Ice Cream, but it's just the Frozen Cherry - is soo good!
I don't even remember seeing Frozen Cherries, before, and I'm super careful to bite into the Frozen Cherry, carefully, make sure there's no pit inside, just to be on the safe side, and each little Frozen Cherry is a few bites, anyway, so it all works out - yum! Another delicious, healthy snack! Yahoo!!
Pink Topaz Necklace With Free Matching Earrings
$19.99 ($99.99 List Price)
Wow, so they waited 'til juuust after Valentine's Day, and now I'm getting all the Clearance Deals - yahoo! Omg, I love it!!
I'll post all the great deals, for you (and me! lol!) as they come in! : )
Make Your Frozen Strawberries Ah'Mazing!!
Omg, we are crazy for this new-to-us Strawberry Treat, so, maybe this will be new-to-you, too! lol! I wish I'd thought of this, years ago, but better now than never, right?
This couldn't be any easier, and is a perfect dessert for Valentine's Day, or any time you ever want something soo delicious, that tastes amazing, and smells even better - oh, man, I looove the smell of the strawberries - is a delicious scent! lol!
We get the best deals on Frozen Strawberries at Shopper's Drug Mart, but this is a great way to have your delicious Strawberries when they're not in season - and maybe even when they ARE in season, wait and see how much you looove these beyond-delicious little treats, but, one way or another, you'll be eating waay more strawberries, and that's good for everyone! Yay!!
Shop Special Optimum Offers at .ca! (Remember to sign up for the email or APP for your Shopper's Drug Mart Optimum Points Card - you will make soo much money, just from your regular purchases - I looove mine! It's amazing!)
Shop Beauty Gifts and Sets at .ca! Earn Optimum Points + Get Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!
Shop Fragrance at .ca! Earn Optimum Points + Get Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!
Just open the bag of Frozen Strawberries, pour in some sugar - I never measure anything, sooo, I would say, start with a 1/4 of a cup to a 1/3 of a cup of sugar, just pour it right on top of the strawberries, toss it around a little, seal and pop in the fridge.
Do that for each bag of strawberries,if you've 'accidentally' bought more than one - we just got 4 bags - lol! They're our new fave desert! Yum!
Yum! So delicious! and if this is your new treat, how great is that?? So Great! Yay!!
And don't worry about the sugar - sugar gets such a bad rap, these days, but, really, everything in moderation (and some things, 'on accident' - one of my favorite incorrect phrases - haha - some things you DO have in excess.. because they're soo much fun, you canny help yourself, and that's prolly okay, too... YouDoYouBoo, on that one! lol!)
Anyway, leave the strawberries in the fridge for a few hours, take them out of the fridge and give them a good shake, so you mix the sugar right into the strawberries, and try one out for taste... it's way easier to add more sugar, than to take it away, so, err on the side of less sugar, at first, 'til you see how you like them, best...
Do a trial run with a couple of the strawberries - if they don't taste completely delicious, add a little more sugar, wait, check again (until the whole bag is gone - nooo, me joke! haha!)
Your strawberries will be done when they're completely thawed (I thawed so... haha!), and taste incredible... and then they're all set to serve...
You can have them on their own, like I like to do, in a nice little bowl, then keep the empty bowl close to you when you're done, so you can just inhale the perfume - yum!
Or you can serve the strawberries over ice cream, or cheesecake... or any cake... really, it's up to you, now - haha! Enjoy any way you likes! lol! : )
I forgot to add - we keep a soup spoon right in the bag of strawberries, then you can just stir it around, makes it super easy to serve the berries, any time you want! Yum! A nice, fresh, light, tasty dessert for you!
Ooh, and I'm jus' sayin', maybe add a wee bit o' da Champagne or Sparkling Drink, too, right?
Hello, Romance!
It does take longer than you might think (hope for - lol!) for your bag o' strawberries to thaw out, so give it overnight, they'll be perfect in the morning, or for dinner, later on, if you are planning to have these delicious little strawberries with your Valentine, later in the evening
: )
Squish them around in the bag, every so often, and then remember to have a trail strawberry, or two (three!), at some point before serving the strawberries, so you can make sure they're as delicious as you want them to be! Yum!
And I always like to think, if you're having any form of a fruit or veggie, maybe instead of another of your favorite snacks, that's clearly healthier, one way or another, right? That's GOTTA count for sum'thin' - haha!
Yes, it does! Fruit and veggies are always good to add to your diet - more fiber (which, really, is the key to weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight... or whatever weight you feel like being - lol!)
We are so excited at this new-to-us discovery - and if you're making fresh Strawberry Jam, in the summer, I just take about 6 containers - maybe 8? Canny remember, now - whatever large amount of strawberries I can find, when they're a good price, wash and hull them, put them in a giant pan, electric pan, or big pot, bring them to a boil, sprinkle on a couple of large boxes of Strawberry Jello, stir well, pour into jars, pop in the fridge - yum! Fresh Strawberry Jam!
I don't think I add any extra sugar to the Strawberry Jam - man, I really must just cook by rote memory - hahaha! But the Jello is sweet, so, that should be enough, but always cook to your own tastes, then you'll love it, and if you love it, you'll eat it, right? No more waste! Yippee! Yahoo!
And the Jelly (what I really call Jello!), will set the jam for you, no need to add anything else - super easy! Think I have a Throwback pic of me making jam - will go get it - lol! BRB! haha!
There I am! Here me iz! lol! I had jet black hair until I had a dream with me with Blonde Hair, when I was 26 (and had just left a horrible marriage, and couldn't look at myself in the mirror, any more, but, there's more to that story... anyway, that's when I became a blonde, and never looked back - lol!)
AND, I made that dress I'm wearing - pretty crafty girl, right? haha! I think I'm 21 in this pic - lol! : )
Ooh, and today I just made up a quickie batch of Blueberry Jam - super easy!
Shop Valentine's Day Gifts at Ghirardelli.com!

30% off Cases of Valentine's Day Chocolates at Ghirardelli.com!
Free Shipping at Ghirardelli.com with $60 purchase for a limited time.
I'll link this to the right page, later, but you can just buy little Puff Pastry Shells in the Freezer Section of your local Grocery Store - look over by the other pie shells - Puff Pastry is so amazing, you'll love it, if you haven't worked with it, yet... I've written about the Puff Pastry, too, so I'll link that, too! : )
Happy Eating! Bon appetit! Ailsa!! : )
We just went to a Wholesale store, that we've just discovered - is like Costco, but without the fee... and I loove Costco, it's just a little too far away for me to easily drive there, soo.... you know... but if I could, I would - haha! I yuv'a da Costco! lol!
Anyway, they had massive bags of Frozen Fruit, and right now, (and last summer, now that I think of it) Fresh fruit is hard to come by, and very, very expensive, so sometimes the Frozen Fruit is a better option, price-wise, and it's important to be price conscious, right?
We got this gigantor bag of Frozen Blueberries for $9.99, which is a very good price on the Island - you tend to pay more when you live on an island - is okay! Good trade-off, for the great weather - lol! 2 kg, however may pounds that is (a zillion? Nooo, me joke - will go look up a conversion table - lol!)
And you can always grow your own fruit - soo much fun!
I have blueberry bushes and strawberries in hanging baskets, on my balcony - you don't need a big space to have fun growing your own fruit, and if you have kids, they will get such a kick out of it - is soo much fun to pick your very own fruits and veggies! : )
And who doesn't want a little wine - we'll all age gracefully! lol! ; )
Squish them around in the bag, every so often, and then remember to have a trail strawberry, or two (three!), at some point before serving the strawberries, so you can make sure they're as delicious as you want them to be! Yum!
Here's what the sugar does - one, it makes your Strawberries delicious, but, two, and this is the coolest part, the sugar creates its own sauce, or syrup depending on whatever word you like the best - is heavenly - you are a'gonna looove it!
And I always like to think, if you're having any form of a fruit or veggie, maybe instead of another of your favorite snacks, that's clearly healthier, one way or another, right? That's GOTTA count for sum'thin' - haha!
Yes, it does! Fruit and veggies are always good to add to your diet - more fiber (which, really, is the key to weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight... or whatever weight you feel like being - lol!)
We are so excited at this new-to-us discovery - and if you're making fresh Strawberry Jam, in the summer, I just take about 6 containers - maybe 8? Canny remember, now - whatever large amount of strawberries I can find, when they're a good price, wash and hull them, put them in a giant pan, electric pan, or big pot, bring them to a boil, sprinkle on a couple of large boxes of Strawberry Jello, stir well, pour into jars, pop in the fridge - yum! Fresh Strawberry Jam!
I don't think I add any extra sugar to the Strawberry Jam - man, I really must just cook by rote memory - hahaha! But the Jello is sweet, so, that should be enough, but always cook to your own tastes, then you'll love it, and if you love it, you'll eat it, right? No more waste! Yippee! Yahoo!
And the Jelly (what I really call Jello!), will set the jam for you, no need to add anything else - super easy! Think I have a Throwback pic of me making jam - will go get it - lol! BRB! haha!
There I am! Here me iz! lol! I had jet black hair until I had a dream with me with Blonde Hair, when I was 26 (and had just left a horrible marriage, and couldn't look at myself in the mirror, any more, but, there's more to that story... anyway, that's when I became a blonde, and never looked back - lol!)
AND, I made that dress I'm wearing - pretty crafty girl, right? haha! I think I'm 21 in this pic - lol! : )
Ooh, and today I just made up a quickie batch of Blueberry Jam - super easy!
So I've been making my own jam for YEARS - lol! That me with a giant batch o' Strawberry Jam, back in the day, and today I had a bag of Frozen Blueberries, I woke up thinking about making them into Blueberry Jam - so easy, I hope you try it, too!
Big Pan or pot to heat up your Berries, let the juice come through : )
Add 1/3 Cup Lemon Jello (or whatever you have!) for the Blueberries, 2 packages of Strawberry Jello for a big batch of Strawberry Jam
Stir in and cook a little, then pour into clean jars (Oh clean, you say - haha!)
TaaDaa! You've just made your own Fresh & Fruity Jam! Yay!!
Oh, and if you happen to be in Victoria, BC, or Nanaimo, BC - or, anywhere you can find a Country Grocer, they have THE best bakery, and their Strawberry Tarts are beyond delicious - and pick up some of their incredible Nanaimo Bars, too - ah'yum! You're Welcome! #FoodieTip #haha!
Shop Valentine's Day Gifts at Ghirardelli.com!
30% off Cases of Valentine's Day Chocolates at Ghirardelli.com!
Free Shipping at Ghirardelli.com with $60 purchase for a limited time.
You can do the same thing with any berries, or mixed berries - just do the taste test, and give the berries plenty of time to really get the sugar mixed in there - the sugar brings out the flavor of the berries - yum! You can, of course, have them without sugar, but, this is crazy-delicious, soooo.... you decide fo' you'self, right? Will be delicious, one way or another! : )
I'll link this to the right page, later, but you can just buy little Puff Pastry Shells in the Freezer Section of your local Grocery Store - look over by the other pie shells - Puff Pastry is so amazing, you'll love it, if you haven't worked with it, yet... I've written about the Puff Pastry, too, so I'll link that, too! : )
Happy Eating! Bon appetit! Ailsa!! : )
We just went to a Wholesale store, that we've just discovered - is like Costco, but without the fee... and I loove Costco, it's just a little too far away for me to easily drive there, soo.... you know... but if I could, I would - haha! I yuv'a da Costco! lol!
Anyway, they had massive bags of Frozen Fruit, and right now, (and last summer, now that I think of it) Fresh fruit is hard to come by, and very, very expensive, so sometimes the Frozen Fruit is a better option, price-wise, and it's important to be price conscious, right?
We got this gigantor bag of Frozen Blueberries for $9.99, which is a very good price on the Island - you tend to pay more when you live on an island - is okay! Good trade-off, for the great weather - lol! 2 kg, however may pounds that is (a zillion? Nooo, me joke - will go look up a conversion table - lol!)
Look how many bags of Blueberries! Yum! The perfect little schnack!
Just a tiny little sprinkle of sugar, toss it around with a large spoon, some in a bowl to thaw in the fridge, for later, and the baggies full of blueberries to pop back in the freezer...
Tastes like the BEST Blueberry Ice Cream, and only 70 calories for a whole cup, and you'll maybe have a little bowl, so, a great snack, right?
(Also, I never count calories - well, except that one time when I made an attempt at removing 100 calories from my diet, per day, then I tried the whole 'Remove 400 Calories' per day, too... then I just decided to do my own thing, eat as healthy and be as happy as I can be, and hit the gym when I have a minute... so, a few times a week, sometimes more, depending on how crazy the week is... and then I love a Gym 'n Swim, that's always lots of fun! And a whole lotta walks in my favorite parks! lol!)
Here's a little something else you can try, usually with Fresh Berries, Blueberries or Strawberries, both amazingly delicious on a bagel, not even toasted, with Whipped Cream Cheese, covered in fruit - omg, fresh and delicious (see why I don't count calories? I don't want to ruin my vast enjoyment of delicious food, I don't really think that helps anyone... Healthy and Happy is where it's at, man! lol!
I'm all about Moderation - bah'hahahaha!
What they're supposed to look like, though... lol!
So this is what moderation looks like?
Good to know, will keep that in mind, when I pile on da fruit! haha!
And you can always grow your own fruit - soo much fun!
I have blueberry bushes and strawberries in hanging baskets, on my balcony - you don't need a big space to have fun growing your own fruit, and if you have kids, they will get such a kick out of it - is soo much fun to pick your very own fruits and veggies! : )
And who doesn't want a little wine - we'll all age gracefully! lol! ; )
#wine #Delivery #ValentinesDayGifts #winery 🍷