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I just took my Zinc Combo for the morning, take my Niacin Combo, at night, have completely transformed my hair and skin, and I've lost at least 10 pounds, in 6 weeks - combined with exercise & good food, o' course! lol! See my rowing machine?
I hope you try my fancy wee Niacin and Zinc Combo - is life changing!
If you just generally want to feel better, for your overall health, too - works wonders!
Baking Soda
Oh, and I am taking 1/4 Tsp of Baking Soda, every morning, now, right after I take my Zinc/Vitamin D/Vitamin C Combo - take the Baking Soda dry, on a spoon, then have a whole glass of water - I like a little Cranberry Juice, as well, that takes the flavor away - and then some tea, as always - lol!
The Baking Soda restores your best possible pH Balance, and that's wonderful for your health!
Also, if you, or anyone you know, is going through any Cancer Treatment, the Baking Soda will enhance the medications, and I think up to 1Tsp of Baking Soda - depends on what you're trying to heal : )
The Many Wonders Of Niacin, Melatonin, and Zinc, Oh, My!
Yay!!! Finally, something that actually works! Yippee!
And I have a theory that the Niacin Flush will jumpstart your metabolism, might 'melt' the fat, let your body eliminate any excess fat - just a working theory, we'll see if I'm right - might even melt cellulite! Yahoo!!
At night, I dissolve on a spoon,
Niacin 500mg (I have increased this to 1g Niacin, or two 500mg Niacin Tablets)
Vitamin C 500mg
Makes it taste like orange juice...
Take the Niacin and Vitamin C with
Melatonin 10mg to 20mg (I like the Melatonin Gummies!)
In the morning I take, also dissolved on a spoon,
Zinc 50mg
Vitamin C 500mg
Vitamin D 3 Tablets
Folic Acid 2 Tablets
So far, so good, is amazing, who knows what all it'll help to heal! xoxo
ED - Erectile Dysfunction
Since the Niacin is so effective at increasing and improving Blood Circulation, I wonder if it might really help to heal ED, Erectile Dysfunction? At the VERY least, you'll have better health, a stronger heart, and better circulation, so it only stands to reason (pardon the pun - lol!) that the Niacin might play a significant role in improving Erectile Dysfunction - and you'll have great hair and skin, too! Win-Win-Win, Baby! Yay! Every Body Wins! LOL!
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#warts #SkinIssues #rashes #bumps #lumps #HPV
Try it, see if it helps!
So, here's what I want you to know, before you try the Niacin - the Niacin Flush is real, baby, and I mean, super real - lol!
The Niacin Flush
The Niacin Flush will happen almost immediately, after you take the Niacin (I take a 500mg Niacin tablet, dissolved in a spoon of water, along with a 500mg Vitamin C tablet - makes it taste like orange juice, and then I take 10mg of Melatonin Gummies)...
So the first thing you'll feel with the Niacin Flush, is a tingling on your face, your whole body will feel tingly, then you'll feel the heat flush - no worries, it's safe, but you might like to do what I do, and get yourself into bed as quickly as you can, get yourself to fall asleep - lol! You can sleep right through the Niacin Flush...
Heat Up Your Sex Life - Like, Literally, Heat It Up! Haha!
Niacin Flush For Your Love Life, Baby! LOL!
You might really, really LIKE the Niacin Flush, and, you might want to see if it 'heats up' your sex life, too - alone, or, go mad, add in someone you love - lol!
You'll see what I mean, when you start to take the Niacin - remember to take your Niacin along with some Melatonin - I've only had the Melatonin Gummies - but it balances out the Niacin, from what I have figured out, so far...
And the Melatonin will heal your body while you're sleeping, too!
The Niacin Works While You're Sleeping! Yay!
In fact, I think the Niacin WANTS you to be asleep, after you take it, so the Niacin can get to work on your whole body and mind, just work its' way around your whole body and brain, fixing things up - is a good visual for you, too! lol!
So far, I have seen massive improvements in my skin, things that I have been begging the dermatologists and doctors for help with, over the years, and they all said, there's nothing we can do - well, there IS something you can do - so, you know, is a little sus, in that, do they really not know, or do they know and not tell you?
I feel like, maybe they DON'T know? Hmmm...
Well, whatever, now I know about Niacin and Zinc, in high doses, and now YOU know about Niacin and Zinc, in high doses - remember, 500mg Niacin, 50mg Zinc, for optimal health, fantastic clear skin, and who knows what else! Yahoo!! Clear Skin! Finally! After all these years!
Roll the Clock Back 20 Years!
I feel like the Niacin and Zinc have rolled the clock back TWENTY Years - at least! Haha! Yippee!
The Niacin does cross the blood brain barrier, so, I would love for Nursing Homes, Care Homes, anywhere people are concerned about their brains, brain functioning, and for anyone to just take good care of their brains, to give this a try - you would have to tell the residents, the clients, that they will feel the Niacin Flush, and give it to them right before they are going to sleep, then monitor for the results - is definitely worth trying, anything that helps restore mental faculties, is worth a try!
the Niacin and Zinc won't harm you, First Do No Harm... and might give you phenomenal results you didn't even know were possible, but, keep an eye on yourself, watch for changes in your skin, especially - you will be amazed at your beautiful new skin, and you might see beautiful hair, too! It seems to be making my hair super silky and smooth - Bonus!! Great Hair, too! lol!
Good Luck, li'l Honey Bunny!
Let me know what all the Niacin/Melatonin/Zinc Combo does for you - I really want to know!
Your Little Healthy Friend, Ailsa!! xoxo!!
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Niacin and Zinc For Amazing Health - You'll Love The Results!
Get rid of skintags for good #yay

I wanna know if this heals #acne and #coldsores, too, since it seems to want to heal everything on your skin #yahoo!
Try it, won't hurt, might really change your life!
Oh, and you know my theory that the Niacin Flush heats up your body, heats up the fat cells, lets your body release any excess fat it doesn't need to store, any more - store no more - lol!
AND, it seems to have doubled my workout time - it's like there's an extra burst of energy, you just want to keep going, with your exercise - Win-Win, Baby! Yay!! #EasyDiet, fo' sho'!
Every day, you will wake up with better skin, is a total miracle! Yahoo!! All my research has solved my own problems, and I hope it helps to heal millions of people, around the world, including YOU! Yay for YOU!!
!This is me at the beginning - and I LOVE this little soft pink Candy Striper Dress - is by
Caution To The Wind - I need to find this clothing company, and buy this dress in every color - lol!
So my theory that the Niacin Flush heats up your body, and, literally, melts the fat in the fat cells, thus releasing the fat from your body - I mean, that's amazing, right?
Shockingly simple, wish I had figured this out, years ago - lol!
And my hair and skin are AMAZING, now, too - really, this is the most remarkable thing I have discovered, yet - Yahoo! Thanks, Big Brain! And lots of research!
As with anything, try at your own risk, just as a little CYA - lol!
I do hope you try it, though, and tell everyone you know, together we can heal the world! Yay!!
To Your Health! And To Your Wealth! And To Your Happiness, too!
I'm Happy, I'm Healthy, I'm Independently wealthy! Yahoo! (Sing it, Baby!)
Here I am getting ready to be on TMZ, Baby! So exciting! @TMZ
And here I am out on the balcony - the flowers have gone MAD, this year! Yay! And I love this beautiful Blue Dress, too!
I do love to research, is so great to figure out how to solve real life problems, and, far too many of us can't depend on the healthcare system, any more - makes me have serious doubts, now, from 40 years ago - like, what all could they have treated with Niacin and Zinc?
Probably a lot of things, that people have really struggled with...
I feel like, part of my goal on Planet Earth, is to help as many people as I possibly can, and I'm super lucky to have such a wide reach, meaning, lots of people read my Tweets, my blog, and my website, see my posts to Social Media, and then, hopefully, share them, and the information I'm sharing with you, with their own Circle, so we can all help as many people as possible - Win-Win, Baby!
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