Our Hotel in Myrtle Beach -- gorgeous reflection in the sand, right?? |
Don't Overpay - Car Rentals from $6.95/Day!
Yahoo, Can-Am Days are back in Myrtle Beach - Yahoo! That's GREAT News for Canadians - our Canadian Dollar is soo low, right now (hint, hint - for all my lovely American Friends, this is a great time to travel to Canada - we're 30% off, right now! And hopefully not for very long - I like when our Canadian Dollar is on par with the American Dollar - that's what works best for me - lol!)
But during the Can-Am Days, our Canadian Dollar is taken on par with the US Dollar, so, is soo much easier to travel - Thanks, Myrtle Beach!
Oh, hey, maybe other places will have Can-Am Days, for all the little happy Canadian Travelers! We would love that! : )
My morning coffee view -- beautiful! |
Don’t Miss Out! Save up to 60% Off Hotels!
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is a great vacation spot for people on the East Coast -- just jump in the car and the next thing you know, you're there! and the hotels are a great price, right now -- we got a great deal at the Caravelle Resort... we chose it because my daughter's name is Cara, sooo.... you can see why we clicked on the Caravelle Resort in Myrtle Beach! lol! But it was fantastic -- the first time I've stayed in a hotel with a kitchen and little dining room table, and a separate room... was great! We got the Breakfast included in our package -- what a great deal, but if I were doing it, again, I would skip the breakfast and have cereal for breakfast, instead (mostly because there's a Target in Myrtle Beach, and Target carries my favorite, favorite cereal that I love ... Archer's Farms Chocolate Chunk Hazelnut Biscotti granola -- deeelicious and fresh with a sliced banana -- yum! But when we were looking at hotels in Myrtle Beach, there were soo many great deals... easily you could find a great place for a family vacation (or a couple, or friends... whoever you want to go with! lol Or on your own for a total break! haha!) for around $500-1,000/week (maybe even less...!)...look around, you'll be happy with what you find : )

Ocean View from our hotel room -- gorgeous to wake up to : ) |
Don't Overpay! Save Up to 50% Off Your Next Flight!
Ghirardelli Chocolate Super Sweet Sale!
Okay, so here's the Lazy River -- was soo much fun and soo many laughs! Is not the most glamorous thing, and you need to be super-careful when you try to wedge yourself back out of the rubber tube thing when you're finally ready to come out... is so hard to want to come out of the Lazy River, because every time you go around the front edge, the speed picks up and whips you around the loop, again -- is sooo much fun! Watch out for your bathing suit on your way out the Lazy River, though!! lol!
On our way back from the pool and the Lazy River, my new favorite thing, ever! Hillllarious, and the sort of thing I think would be even more fun with a couple o' drinks! lol!
A quick stroll on the beach after breakfast each day -- great way to start the day! Will remember not to take pictures with that little handbag under my arm -- great little handbag, but not overly flattering in photos! lol!
Oh, man, I loove Myrtle Beach - their Pralines, alone, are worth the trip - lol! But is always so gorgeous, and lots of great memories, from all the trips we made to Myrtle Beach when I was a teenager... so much fun! And now Myrtle Beach has their Can-Am Days, again - where they take the Canadian Dollar on par with the US Dollar - yippee!! It would finally be affordable for Canadians to travel to the US, again! Thanks, Myrtle Beach - oh, and check out the great restaurants - Benjamin's is our favourite! Yum! I lvoe a Seafood Buffet (You see the food and eat it - nooo, me joke, but is an amazing buffet!) Leave room for their delicious little Lime Desserts - so light and lovely!