How to Make Peeling the Shells off of Eggs Super-Easy.....Add Baking Soda to Your Boiling Water - is sooo cool!
Add 1 heaping Tablespoon of Baking soda to your big pot of Boiling water, let it foam, then gently place the eggs in, one at a time, with a large metal spoon. ( A soup spoon, nothing fancy - lol!)
AND, give your Boiled Egg a good shake in a glass or jar of water (cover the top - lol!), the peels should come right off, and start from the bottom (now we're here - Thanks, Drake! Haha!) of the egg, where the little dint in the egg is... the egg shell will peel off - and, of course, tap the boiled egg all around, too!
How To Tell If It's A Good Egg, or if your eggs have gone bad - When you place the eggs, one by one, on a big spoon, into the boiling water, if the egg floats to the top - Bad Egg - if it just stays in the bottom, that's a Good Egg!
(Take a little Fun Break with Ailsa! : )
Why not try a little something to make it sooo much easier to peel your boiled eggs? and it is super-exciting when you first add the baking soda - it'll foam right up, momentarily, then literally, simmer down (do you hate that phrase from all the teachers having said that in your classes, all your life?? lol!) to a normal boil.....
Then, carefully set each egg in the boiling water, with a large spoon...
I thought it might be helpful to see the Boiled Eggs at various stages... we're at Sea Level (we are, for sure, right by the Sea, on the ocean, and, well, errrr, aaahhh, at Sea Level, but we used to live in Calgary, so the timing is different at different elevations - so is a good idea to take your eggs out earlier, if your eggs cook faster at a different elevation... same thing goes for baking, and whatnot... lol!)
Anyhoooo, the Boiled Eggs at the top are 7 minute Eggs, then 8 minutes Eggs, then the 10 minute Eggs. So, really, it's however you happen to love your eggs, or whenever you remember you were making some boiled eggs! lol!
Yumm, this makes me hungry! And Eggs are soo good for you... I know there's a whole debate about whether it's okay to eat the yolks, and it's totally okay, very good for you. And, tastier, for sures.
Adding Baking Soda to the boiling water for your Boiled Eggs, though, is great for Easter, when you might be rolling your Easter Eggs with the family.. sometimes it's soo hard to get the egg shell to break, and it can be frustrating for little ones (and the big ones, too - hahaha! - Not sure how many times we've ended up throwing our Easter Eggs up against a tree, try to get the shell to break - naturally - lol!
And here's how we like to have our little boiled egg sandwiches - yum! I like a slice of Havarti on the sandwich, sometimes, too - all very healthy... and sometimes we just like to have the boiled eggs on their own, and I add a wee bit of butter and salt - yum! A nice little treat : )
How to Make Peeling the Shells off of Eggs Super-Easy.....Add Baking Soda to Your Boiling Water - is sooo cool!
Add 1 heaping Tablespoon of Baking soda to your big pot of Boiling water, let it foam, then gently place the eggs in, one at a time, with a large metal spoon. ( A soup spoon, nothing fancy - lol!)
Rolling your Eggs at Easter : )
Easter - we looove Easter - so lovely!
Easter Sunrise Services can be so lovely : )
We love to Roll Our Eggs on Easter - a fun tradition for the whole family : )
If you want your beautifully decorated Eggs to last forever, just learn to blow them... you need to make a little hole at the top and the bottom, poke a toothpick through the yolk, and you're well on your way... rinse and decorate : )
Make cute little Marshmallow Bunnies with the kids : )
My favourite books to start with, with Louise Hay - You Can Heal Your Life - brilliant, and it really WILL change your life... and Meditations for Daily Living - think that's the right title - is so lovely, you'll love it - all very heartwarming, very clarifying... and Louise Hay has a tiny little book, I Can Do It - looove it, you'll love it, too... I love all of Louise's books... so lovely and life-changing : ) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2014/11/you-can-heal-your-life-by-louise-l-hay.html