Blueberry Bagels with Cream Cheese - Simple and Delicious! Aaaand, Healthy? lol!
These Blueberry Bagels are soo delicious - one of my favorite treats. I have been known to say, 'tastes just like cheesecake' - but in my mind,even better, because, for real, it's mostly just blueberries! hahaha!
See the first picture? That's what they're supposed to look like, and those are great, too, but here's what my plate REALLY looks like - hahahahaha!
I just mound those blueberries on top of the bagel with cream cheese - I love the whipped cream cheese, but I haven't been able to find that in Canada - boo! Come on, Canada, we like light and fluffy things, too! lol! Oooh, now Canada has my favourite Whipped Cream Cheese - thanks, Walmart!!
You can always grow your own fruit - soo much fun!
I have blueberry bushes and strawberries in hanging baskets, on my balcony - you don't need a big space to have fun growing your own fruit, and if you have kids, they will get such a kick out of it - is soo much fun to pick your very own fruits and veggies! : )

Blueberry Bagels with Cream Cheese - Simple and Delicious! Aaaand, Healthy? lol!
These Blueberry Bagels are soo delicious - one of my favorite treats. I have been known to say, 'tastes just like cheesecake' - but in my mind,even better, because, for real, it's mostly just blueberries! hahaha!
See the first picture? That's what they're supposed to look like, and those are great, too, but here's what my plate REALLY looks like - hahahahaha!
I just mound those blueberries on top of the bagel with cream cheese - I love the whipped cream cheese, but I haven't been able to find that in Canada - boo! Come on, Canada, we like light and fluffy things, too! lol! Oooh, now Canada has my favourite Whipped Cream Cheese - thanks, Walmart!!
You can sorta still see the bagels with cream cheese, right? hahaha! Blueberries are really good brain food, so just think how smart you'a gonna be after you eat all of these lovely blueberries! lol!
We just got the 5 pound box of blueberries - looove blueberry season! We're almost out, now, and I think you can see, back to the store for another 5 lb. box of blueberries! Yahoo!
This is such a simple dish, but it's crazy delicious, and really healthy for you, too, and the kids love it!
Oh, see the Rice Krispies in the background? Because I saw Jimmy Kimmel eating them on his show, a while back, and now I need to eat some Rice Krispie Squares, too - hahaha! The power of suggestion is very strong in me! hahaha!
Now, here's my new little trick that I've never done, before, but I really loved... you know how sometimes blueberries can be a little tart (like some girls I know - buh'dum'bum...!) I just spinkle a little bit of sugar right on the cream cheese, once it's spread on the bagel, then a little more sugar sprinkled on the blueberries... yum!! You're gonna love this wee treat!
See how easy? And Blueberry Bagels are soo delicious!
You have to be super careful when you're eating these blueberry bagels, though - you'll be enjoying your blueberry bagel, and whammo, there goes another blueberry offa your plate, right?? haha! Don't worry, you'll quickly figure out how to cup your hand around the blueberry bagel... and I suppose you could go mad and eat it with a knife and fork, but I think it's waaaay more fun to try to keep the blueberries from falling off your bagel with cream cheese... and you can just jam in the extra blueberries with each mouthful - sounds delightful, doesn't it? haha! So ladylike and dainty! lol!
Go enjoy!! Or, please to enjoy yourself... lol! Ailsa : )
I have blueberry bushes and strawberries in hanging baskets, on my balcony - you don't need a big space to have fun growing your own fruit, and if you have kids, they will get such a kick out of it - is soo much fun to pick your very own fruits and veggies! : )