So I'm glad Ready for Love is still on the air - is fun to watch - I had to laugh when I saw Bill Rancic's suit - was hilarious! Like maybe someone's getting a little hippy, right before the show, too late for another suit... but I guess now we know who's been eating Guiliana's extra-helpings at dinner! buh-dum-bump! hahaha! Nooo, I kidding! They booth look good, but that suit really did break me up : )
Ben, Ernesto and Tim are having a great time - lots o' girls, little bits o' action... couldn't stand that the old girlfriend of Ben's was still on the show - she's annoying - clearly a manipulator... they need to punt her out, so Ben can find a new girl - really he's been right in the same town for a year, and she doesn't bother to talk to him until Ben's on TV? Hmmmm... that doesn't seem manipulative, at all... so she needs to go... but I loved that the 'Single Mom', the one who views herslf, and then portrays herself, as disadvantaged, because she's a single Mother... I never liked that term - I'm single, and I'm a mother (I have some jokes, here, but dey all inappropriate! hahahaha!), but I have never once referred to myself as a 'single mother'... it has connotations I canny be bothered with .... but this is the same girl who had to tell Ben that she wasn't his mother - I looooved that!! hahaha! Who has Mommy Issues?? hahaha! Oh, and I really loved when the one girl says Ben can't dance - ruh-roh! Dat not a Good Sign - but it's not the worst sign, just in case any of the ladies out there are wondering about this - a great personality and lots more can make up for that : ) , so don't discount a good guy for his lack of dancing skills! lol!
I like Ernesto. He's the only one I find attractive... surprising that he kept the girl who was so rude to his sister - yuck. Too rude, and I loved when she takes Ernesto aside, not his sister, the one she actually offended, to explain that she's not like the, not really.... hahahaah! Not really. Yep, really. really horrible. But there you go, Ernesto chose her, so you can never tell what a man likes... so many men love a mean girl. Yuck. Wonder what the appeal is? Ah, well. You don't want to be mean for a guy - a guy would have to be pretty screwed up to want someone like that, so you're better off with a guy who is not attracted to meanness. Yick. But when it's another one of those situations where it's so contrived, and the guy has to choose one to stay, one to go, I guess that lets the wrong ones stay a little while longer - unless he really does like that ...
Tim is too dull for me, all-round. They should have led with Ernesto, and they should have started Ready for Love with all three of the Bachelors, not spend sooo much time on Tim. Nice enough guy, strikes me as a player, not really 'Ready for Love'... chances are really high I'm wrong on that - who knows? Maybe this is good for his career... it's weird for me when I see some of the girls get sooo emotional after rudely interrupting another girl's nice little story, then shockingly, it doesn't work out... no sense of timing... might explain the difficulty in dating... but when Tim came in and started jumping on the girls' beds in the morning - what a crazy thing to do - that would annoy me to no end - too stupi for me... and if the producers told him to do something that annoying, that's gotta stop. That just tells me someone has poor judgement on what is crazy, and what is normal...
I love all the advice from the Matchmakers - have you noticed I haven't really learned all their names, yet? What's the point? have no idea if Ready for Love will stay on the air, plus, they need to put their names on the screen when they are on - there are too many people to keep track of, and sooo many of them are personality-free....oh, and that teacher who keeps saying massively inappropriate things - not funny- inappropriate, gross-inappropriate... hahahaaha! And to have to be told not to do that, over and over and over and over... that matchmaker must be losing her mind! hahaha! Pretty sure most adults know that little tidbit of what to say and what not to say, on a date, but also to other humans... funny...
Well, i hope NBC keeps Ready for Love on the air. why not?? they've already paid to make it, why not just air it? and if they want to put some idiotic repeat on in it's time slot, which prolly won't get very many views, anyway, why not just put Ready for Love in some obscure time slot, and we can all just DVR it? Come on, NBC, quit taking the good stuff off the air, and leave Jay Leno on the air, too... there, I said it! lol!
Happy Love Adventures! (I was gonna write, 'Happy Dating', but 'dating' is kind of an odd thing, anyway - better to develop a nice friendship, get to know each other, go have dinner, go hang about with each other... I don't know why I don't really like the word 'dating' - seems contrived, I guess! hahaha!) Ailsa xox!
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