Darn it - I keep removing, deleting, old boards, to make room for my new Big Brother 19 Season, right, and Pinterest keeps telling me I've reached my limit - why limit us so much, Pinterest? Is too annoying for me to use, now - I still like it, is useful, but, man, too annoying... anyone else frustrated by the new changes to Pinterest? It was great, before, and now I find it barely usable...
Any ideas on how I can create new boards? Yikes! lol!
Why did Pinterest change their format, and now you can't leave comments? That was the best part! Booo!!
Just a pretty little flower picture I had in my phone - lol! It's a lovely yellow Dahlia, from Butchart Gardens, in Victoria, BC, that I took, last summer - I looove Butchart Gardens, is crazy-gorgeous in there, year round - always amazingly beautiful and a great walk through nature...but, for now, I needed it so I can post this to Pinterest, since you need a large photo to post something to Pinterest - in case you were wondering how to post from your blog or site (or anywhere else - lol!) to Pinterest.
Now, to be super-clear, I love Pinterest, is so much fun - I love all the laughs, I love the pictures, I love the recipes I'll probably never make, but love to look at, imagine mah'self making - like all the millions of great craft ideas on Pinterest - lol!
But here's my main concern - Pinterest changed it's format on March 5th, I'm pretty sure, and now you can't leave a comment, and that was the funniest bit, quite often.... now, you can only post directly, I don't see a button to say, 'Post to Facebook?', like you always want to post to fb, so, I assume it might go ahead and post to all of your social media platforms? With or without your consent, since I didn't get an email to ask me if I wanted the new format... is annoying. Why do they keep changing all the formats?
Really, I've hardly been on Facebook, at all, since the New Year - I don't like the changes, I was really offended byy the whole new 'now we own all your photos' thing - whaaat?? You post something to fb, and now they own it? was that the right understanding of that? How can that be? I must have misread it, that seems so crazy, but it really turned me off, so I only go on Facebook sporadically, now, as opposed to probably hours a day, before - I liked to be on fb during The National News - that's on, right now, too - ironically enough - lol!
So, what can we do to get Pinterest to go back to their old format, where it feels like you have more control over what you're posting, and to which platforms, and to leave a little funny comment? Was there a problem with the comments being mean, or something? Are there really a lot of meannies on Pinterest? It's such a sweet platform, doesn't seem like a social media hangout for all da baddies of the world, right? haha! But, who knows, there must have been a reason for Pinterest to change their format, which I thought was fantastic, before, and now I think, well, should I still bother with it? (I will, no worries - me luv'a da Pinterest! lol!)
Okay, so, if you have any idea on how we can get our old Pinterest format back, let me know - I miss being able to post little funny comments, or add something interesting - is just not the same with virtually no interaction with the posts, right?
Think I'll go look at some puppy pictures - hahahaaha! Ailsa : )
Did I already say that I always Follow Back on Pinterest (and Twitter - fb I can't really be bothered with, any more - I like it for the people I know, for sure, but is waaay too risky to add anyone I don't know, because they can post some crazy shiz on your page, without your knowledge or permission - happened to me, was horrible, and so, Twitter is safe, and Pinterest is okay - very annoyed with Pinterest letting all that gross crap get on Pinterest, then sometimes when you open it up to Follow someone back, and have a wee look at their Pins, which USED to be all sweet and innocent, yummy recipes, beautiful places, funny pet pics... you know, all very sweet, and then, suddenly, it's all gross and pornographic, and that's not okay - not on Pinterest. It's too innocent a site for that, and I should NEVER have to be exposed to something I never want to see, because I am being nice, and Following Back, right? Come on Pinterest, get it together, get rid of the creep factor.... Otay, dat mah' li'l rant for the day! lol!
My favourite books to start with, with Louise Hay - You Can Heal Your Life - brilliant, and it really WILL change your life... and Meditations for Daily Living - think that's the right title - is so lovely, you'll love it - all very heartwarming, very clarifying... and Louise Hay has a tiny little book, I Can Do It - looove it, you'll love it, too... I love all of Louise's books... so lovely and life-changing : ) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2014/11/you-can-heal-your-life-by-louise-l-hay.html

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I am just blown away by how many courses Udemy has - you'll have fun just looking through their lists of courses.. so much fun! I wonder if you could give them as a gift? That would be so cool - the gift of learning? haha! (I hope there's a box o' chocolates at the end of the course! lol!)
Anyway, have a wee look, see what will work for you, and let your friends know about it, too - share the wealth (of information?) - lol! Oooh, there's soo much to learn! Yippee!!

Haha - I just figured out how to keep these great ads that I loove,because I looove learning, and I couldn't decide which ones to take out, in case they took up so much space, but now I can keep them all, and you can quickly see the vast amount of courses that Udemy has - amazing!!