Have you broken your New Years Resolutions, yet? Me, too! lol! Whatever... I'm not a big fan of New Years Resolutions... just occurred to me, this New Years Day, I happened to mention to my son, who is 15, now, "Oh, hey, did you write out your New Years Resolutions?" Then, instantly, in a revolution, it dawned on me that we had to write out our New Years Resolutions, painfully, at the dining room table, for what seemed like hours, because my parents probably needed us to just be super quiet for a while on New Years Day - maybe that's where all the New Years Revolutions started, from parents who just needed a quiet house to recover from the New Years Eve festivities, the night before - hahaha! Who knew? And to think how much we used to agonize over what to write down, since we had to write down TEN New Years Resolutions, and show them to my Dad. Pretty funny, now that I think of it, as an adult.
So, of course, I said to mah' boy, don't worry about it, you're all good, no need to change... is an interesting concept, this incredible need we have to make ourselves change, when, clearly, we're already doing what we really want to do, or there wouldn't be all this need for change, right? Hmmm... (Did you catch that little 'Chandler Bing' be, in there.. that's a Canadian thing, me thinks - lol!)
So, that said, me no haz gone to the gym for ages, now - one, I didn't go for the entire 'Christmas Break' - I easily used the school holiday as also my gym holiday - haha! Whatevs. Annoying, since I've already paid for their stooopid extra fee in December, the $60 extra payment they didn't bother to mention when I started the hour and a half long signing up process (clearly designed so the new gym member will feel like they don't want to have just wasted an entire hour and a half with idiotic paperwork, so they just go ahead and agree to the the 'surprise' extra $60... annoying - I hate anyone who is not upfront with the costs of anything.... but that's a whole other story... )
Now it's Day 2 of potential 'good days' to go to the stooopid gym - and, technically, I did go to the gym, one day, during the holidays (I had coined our name, 'Holiday Hermits', because it's soo much fun to stay home and read, play games, watch our fave TV shows, schnooooze... you know, fun stuff, relaxing stuff), whenever we were lucky enough for a rainy day - yahoo for Rainy Days! We call them Reading Days - our fave days! lol!
So, the reason me no went to the gym, yesterday, Day One, is that when I went for a quick visit into the 'new gym' - they just moved to a very nice location, a huuge new space, and guess what these morons did? They squished ALL the machines that actually work to change your body, and they squished everything useful into one tiny corner, and the rest of the space is open, and only for people who are using a trainer, and I am not happy with the trainers at the gym, because they keep showing everyone the exact same useless exercises, is very annoying for me to watch (I'm a Personal Trainer, too, in that I have that qualification, and only for myself, and anyone who happens to ever ask me a question, or ask for help, then I'm more than thrilled to help them out, but I don't offer help unless it's asked for, since I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings (except for that aassssss at the gym, the one I hate, but that's another story, too... lol! Me gots lots o' da stories! lol!)
But I digress (first time... lol!)... so I am super annoyed with this 'decision' at the new gym, to not only squish all the useful machines into one tiny space, and leave the rest open only for those people using the personal trainers, but I had asked waaay in advance of this new gym opening, will there be good equipment for women, meaning, there needs to be good equipment for inner thighs, waist, back and arms... and legs - is that everything?? haha! No, but for real, all gyms have to have a good balance of machines, to target every body part, every major area people like to sculpt, right? And the manager was such a dismissive jerk to me, when I asked anything at all about the new gym, and what would be in it, when would it be open, the basics... booo, I cannot stand people who are not straight-up, answer your legitimate questions clearly and truthfully.
Now I don't even want to go to the gym, and that makes me so mad, since I love the gym, and I am super pisssed that these people have made me hate the gym - I'll still go, maybe tomorrow, since I've already paid for the stooopid gym - but if ONE person asks me if I have met my weight loss goals, yet, this year, or how much weight do I want to lose, or what are my gym goals.... me no wants to be mean to these people, but I do need them to not speak to me, or anyone else, like that - it's offensive to most women - don't ask us how much weight we want to lose - stop making assumptions about why we're at the gym. We're there for our own selves. Let the gym members lead the discussion, if there is one, and don't make the gym only for men. That's gross and stoooopid.
So, you can see I'm in a great place with my 'New Years Resolutions', right?? hahaha! and I just heard, sometime in the last couple of days, maybe on Jimmy Kimmel (love the new beard, by the way - lol!), that most people give up their New Years Resolutions by January 8th - hahahaha! I got that beat, by 3 days! lol!
Well, I hope you do whatever it is you would really love to do, in 2015, and forever more, so-to-speak, and that if finding a good gym is in your near future, you might like to read this wee article I wrote a while back, before this new, current, 'new gym' situation...
Oh, and you know what I think will make the most positive change in your life? I started reading all the books by Louise L. Hay, back in mid-October, and, no joke, I feel like my whole life has changed, and I feel like Louise's ideas are far more useful in any kind of a weight loss plan, even more than going to the gym, and cutting back on everything you happen to love... you will find yourself loving yourself, completely, ever bit of yourself, not just the 'perfect bits', since all of you is perfect, right? Right! You are already perfect, is just a matter of seeing that for yourself, and really knowing that...and you will naturally gravitate to taking good care of your body, because you love it so much, not to hurt yourself, or not nurture yourself nicely... be your own best friend, be your own Personal Trainer (not the mean kind, the nice kind - lol!) - now, that's what's gonna make a big change in how you feel, and how you look, since you'll love how you look, and isn't that the key to happiness?
Oh, and I started with Louise L. Hay's You Can Heal Your Life, loved it, then I just started reading everything I could get mah' hands on, from Louise Hay - she's brilliant, so endlessly kind - wow, what a human being! Love Louise Hay!
Here's a wee page I've written about Louise Hay, my favourite new-to-me, change your life person on the planet - http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2014/11/you-can-heal-your-life-by-louise-l-hay.html