Yep, I DO send a Big Bear Hug to you, and directly to you!
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#WinnieThePooh, and Piglet, too! Always, always, soo sweet! #LoveLoveLove!
And, for adults, and teens - anyone, any age, really - remember to read, or, re-read, The Tao of Pooh, and The Te of Piglet - beautiful little books, you'll love them! : )
So, I'm a teacher, and I loove to teach music, and I love to add some music into almost any class I teach - if I can figure out a way to sneak in some music, I'm there....Oh, and normally I'm a Special Education Teacher, that's my very favourite thing to do, I love it soo much, I just add music in wherever I can, and I started out as a Kindergarten Teacher, and my students just got older and older and older - all the way up to 92 - no kidding! lol! I love them all! Gimme a student, I'll teach them! and happy to do it! : )
If you are a teacher, and you want another technique for managing your class, especially in the older grades, just use some music - when you are at that stage in your classroom where your students are working quietly (or, are supposed to be working quietly), just turn on some good music - not crap music, that won't work - bah'hahahaha! But, you know, turn on some good music.
I do this quietly, when the class is 'new-to-me', and don't already know that I'm doing this.
Anyway, when everyone's working nicely, just go and turn the music on. The kids will notice. If things get out of hand, or beyond where you want them to be, just go and turn it off. You can explain it, if you want to, but they'll know what's happening with a good look - lol! You must master 'the look'! And it can be a kind look, too, doesn't have to be all stern and mean - sometimes, it does, depending on the class, or what's going down in your classroom, but, generally, when the kids know and respect you, they'll catch on, right away, and get back down to business.
Music is a great reward.
Music Builds Brains! And Humor Builds Brains! Build Bigger Brains - lol!
Oh, so here's what I started out wanting to tell you about - lol!
If you are ever teaching The Three Bears, or teaching your students about Speech Fugues, this is a really fun one, and age doesn't mater, everyone loves it - it's funny, you'll all laugh - and I think Laughter in a Classroom is essential - more laughter, more learning. A happy student is a student who wants to be there, who is more open to learning...in any subject.
So here's the Speech Fugue:
The Three Bears
Use your best low-pitched, Papa Bear voice, then your sweet Mama Bear voice, then you're high-pitched, cute, Baby Bear voice - you'll love it! Is hilarious! lol!
Papa Bear: I'm hun-gry. I'm hun-gry. I'm emp-ty - inside. (Repeat)
Baby Bear: Me, too! (Right at the end of Papa Bear's line, Repeat)
Mama Bear (Right after Baby Bear says, "Me, too!"):
I'm cookin' in the kitchen, I'm cookin' in the kitchen, I'm cookin' in the kitchen for Ba-by Bear,
I'm cookin' in the kitchen, I'm cookin' in the kitchen, I'm cookin' in the kitchen for Pa-pa Bear... (Repeat)
And you'll now be in a full Round!
Just keep going until everyone breaks down in laughter - you'll have so much fun!
Oh, and here's how I even thought of this, today.. my 15 year old son was in the kitchen, saying, "I'm hungry" - so, of course, me breaks into song, with Papa Bear's, "I'm Hun-gry, I'm hun-gry, I'm emp-ty, inside - Me, too!"...and then I did the entire speech fugue - bah'hahahaah!
Luckily, I've raised a couple of very, very, funny children, so Aidan laughed, and I must've made him something yummy for dinner! hahaha! (Of course, Aidan is very adept in the kitchen - it's soo important for parents to teach their children well - did you like that? A little throwback for you, there, a little Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.... Teach Your Children Well... haha! Anyway, and, I digress, as always... lol... but it's so important to teach your children to cook and clean for themselves, to manage money, truly understand everything it takes to be a good and successful, healthy adult, and then they can become good parents, too... see how it all comes around, full circle? All that, from one little funny Speech Fugue! lol! And that all needs to be taught in the schools, too
: )
To Happy Children (and Happy Everyone!!), Ailsa : )

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My Back to School page - full o' all sorts of useful links and info! : )
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And if you have students who are afraid to sing, or, for some reason, think they can't sing, show them this picture, guaranteed they'll know the song, will immediately 'sing' i, done. You're on the way, you've broken the ice, and now you can all have lots of fun - and laughs, I hope! : )
Well, this is perfect - yum, mah' fave - Porridge! (It really is my fave!!)
I love Porridge!!
Ooh, just thought, you can make porridge with your whole class, add milk, or brown sugar and cinnamon, or some fruit - teach the kids how to make porridge and how delicious and healthy oatmeal is : ) #GoodPlan! lol!
I love Porridge!!
Ooh, just thought, you can make porridge with your whole class, add milk, or brown sugar and cinnamon, or some fruit - teach the kids how to make porridge and how delicious and healthy oatmeal is : ) #GoodPlan! lol!

Oh, and as a little aside, I always told my students who the author was, and who was the illustrator - that's valuable information for a child to know : )

The original Goldilocks?? Uh-oh!
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So funny! Loove Jonathon Winters!

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First 1000 Shoppers! Buy 1 Get 1 Free + EXTRA 25% Off Any 1 Vitamin World Brand Item. Includes Free Shipping!^ Code: FIRST25. Ends 8/20 11:59 PM PST.
Here's something else to do with Bears - Gummy Bears! lol! I love the Gummy Vitamins, and I have to get the Gummy Vitamins for Children, because they're the only Gummy Vitamins I could find that have real sugar, since I don't eat any fake sugar - yick! Plus, I'm allergic to it - it makes mah' mouff all funny... so, real sugar it is! Anyway, we were buying the Disney Vitamins - we have the Disney Princess Vitamins, right now - don't think my son is thrilled about that, but I loved them because they have the Sour Gummy Vitamins - yum! Deeelish, right? lol!
But now they don't sell the Disney Gummy Vitamins with that delicious Sour Sugar on the outside (where we live, in BC, Canada, anyway... Lucky Americans, I bet they still get delicious sugary Disney Treats! lol!), so here's my oh-so-clever fix... I just add in a handful of our regular Sour Gummy Bears, in with the Gummy Vitamins, give it a good shake, and then just make sure you get one regular Sour Gummy Bear with your one or two Gummy Vitamins - There, no more icky taste! Yahoo! Problem solved!