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Showing posts with label good books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label good books. Show all posts
Saturday, January 25, 2014
The Fall of Five - wow, what a great read!! #PittacusLore #TheFallOfFive #SciFi #Aliens! lol!
The Fall of Five, by Pittacus Lore. Wow, what an amazing read! My tummy is rumbling, I haven't eaten all day - have been so busy reading this incredible book - never, ever, let any kind of age-range idiot thing or title rule what you decide to read - if you haven't started reading the whole Pitticus Lore series of I Am Number Four, and all the rest of the series, man-oh-man, are you in for a serious reading treat! lol! You will get totally lost in the scenes and the characters - is a fantastic read!! Okay, I'm off to have some 'well-earned' macaroni and cheese, try to bring myself back down to earth, so-to-speak! lol! You'll laugh when you've read the books, which I highly recommend. Go get you some Pitticus Lore, read yourself silly!! With Much Book Love, Ailsa xox!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010
#Books! : ) #FavoriteBooks - Ailsa's Favorite Books! #BookDeals #lol! #Audiobooks #GoodReads #DaveBarry #Authors #ReadABook : ) #AndyCohen
Yay!! I just added Amazon.ca, for my Canadian Friends!
Ailsa's Favorite Books - and Great Book Deals, too - lol!
The Rainbow Comes and Goes: A Mother and Son On Life, Love, and LossAilsa's Favorite Books - and Great Book Deals, too - lol!
#GreatBookDeals #FavoriteBooks #GoodReads (I wanna say, Real Good Reads? haha!)
And I get a wee something from sales on my blog, so, thank you so much for supporting me, in a nice little way - and, you'll still get all the very best deals, fo' sho'!
Find yourself a comfy-cozy place to read, read, read - ooh, and I hope you have some lovely chocolates, and some nice tea, to go with it, too - or whatever your favorite Reading Treats happen to be! : )
Here's what I'm reading, right now - this is a good week to have a few laughs, wait it out a bit, see what happens (I think, a lot of Good Things, but, you know how I am, better to stay on the Bright Side - seems like a better choice - lol!)
Oooh, I'ma just about to start reading Crazy Rich Asians, by Kevin Kwan - man, why did I think that was written by a woman? Wam excited to start reading Crazy Rich Asians - my lovely daughter brought all three books in the series (so far!) over for me to read - so, if you're looking it up, say, on Amazon (and, again, thank you soo much for buying through me - you' da bestiest reader, ever! lol!), here are the first three books in the series of Crazy Rich Asians, by Kevin Kwan ~
Book 1: Crazy Rich Asians
Book 2: China Rich Girlfriend
Book 3: Rich People Problems
I've got them all in order, and I'ma ready to read, baby! Yippee!! : )
#ReadABookDay Yay!! Ooh, I just remembered - I just read a new-to-me author, soo good! Not for the faint of heart, but, that's what I like, anyway - lol! #GrantGinder @GrantGinder I remember it because I kept saying, Grant Grinder - haha! #Goodreads

@AilsaForshaw (That's me, baby! Follow Me on da Twitter! lol!)
Right now I am completely obsessed with the Andy Cohen Diaries - all of them - lol! They're great - What a LIFE, in giant capital letters - lol!
Superficial: More Adventures from the Andy Cohen Diaries
The Andy Cohen Diaries: A Deep Look at a Shallow Year
Most Talkative: Stories from the Front Lines of Pop Culture
I just finished Alan Alda's new book, If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look On My Face? I love it! It's so smart, and I'm getting so much out of it - soo many great ideas, so many great lines - my fave, right now, is this question:
What do YOU think is causing the problem?
That's brilliant, right? You could pose that question in any situation, medically, personally, work-wise, in a couple, between a parent and a child - or a child and their parent - you get the idea - but what a great way to really see the other person's perspective....
I'm loving this book! I'll write more about it as I read more - and I'm practicing the Improv line, Yes And, all the time, now - whenever I think of it! Even in our driving lessons, if there's room for improvement, I say to my son, Okay, Yes And... what can you do to drive smoothly, or relax more behind the wheel... so, we're using these little tools, as we go! Yahoo, New Tools! : ) Thanks, Alan Alda! lol!
Oooh, I'ma just about to start reading Crazy Rich Asians, by Kevin Kwan - man, why did I think that was written by a woman? Wam excited to start reading Crazy Rich Asians - my lovely daughter brought all three books in the series (so far!) over for me to read - so, if you're looking it up, say, on Amazon (and, again, thank you soo much for buying through me - you' da bestiest reader, ever! lol!), here are the first three books in the series of Crazy Rich Asians, by Kevin Kwan ~
Book 1: Crazy Rich Asians
Book 2: China Rich Girlfriend
Book 3: Rich People Problems
I've got them all in order, and I'ma ready to read, baby! Yippee!! : )
#QuarantineLife It's a great time for reading! Books-A-Million
And Games, too - and, err, Relyf CBD Products - just sayin' - lol!
Boxed Book Sets: Up to 40% Off! https://track.flexlinkspro.com/a.ashx?foid=1067332.138964823.C3894471&foc=1&fot=9999&fos=1 #ads
Shop our Educational Resources at Booksamillion! https://track.flexlinkspro.com/a.ashx?foid=1067332.143287737.C6075724&foc=1&fot=9999&fos=1
Errrr... lol!
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#ReadABookDay Yay!! Ooh, I just remembered - I just read a new-to-me author, soo good! Not for the faint of heart, but, that's what I like, anyway - lol! #GrantGinder @GrantGinder I remember it because I kept saying, Grant Grinder - haha! #Goodreads

@AilsaForshaw (That's me, baby! Follow Me on da Twitter! lol!)
Right now I am completely obsessed with the Andy Cohen Diaries - all of them - lol! They're great - What a LIFE, in giant capital letters - lol!
Superficial: More Adventures from the Andy Cohen Diaries
The Andy Cohen Diaries: A Deep Look at a Shallow Year
Andy Cohen - such a cheery guy! Always so funny - m'fave! lol!
I just finished Alan Alda's new book, If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look On My Face? I love it! It's so smart, and I'm getting so much out of it - soo many great ideas, so many great lines - my fave, right now, is this question:
What do YOU think is causing the problem?
That's brilliant, right? You could pose that question in any situation, medically, personally, work-wise, in a couple, between a parent and a child - or a child and their parent - you get the idea - but what a great way to really see the other person's perspective....
I'm loving this book! I'll write more about it as I read more - and I'm practicing the Improv line, Yes And, all the time, now - whenever I think of it! Even in our driving lessons, if there's room for improvement, I say to my son, Okay, Yes And... what can you do to drive smoothly, or relax more behind the wheel... so, we're using these little tools, as we go! Yahoo, New Tools! : ) Thanks, Alan Alda! lol!
Anyway, I'm half-reading/mostly laughing, at Dave Barry's Dave Barry Hits Below the Beltway... omg, Dave Barry is endlessly funny, every single book, laugh out loud funny (before lol even existed, that kind of funny - haha, or, lol!)
Dave Barry wrote this book, Dave Barry Hits Below The Beltway, in 2002, and you'd swear (because you've got a point to make, dammit! lol!) he'd just written it, yesterday... Dave Barry is like The Simpsons - timeless, endlessly funny, uh, snortable humor, maybe? haha!
I love ALL the Dave Barry books - scroll down, you'll find a ton more, a little further down the page - so many books, so many laughs! : )
So, I just finished The Testing - a very good, fast, read - if you like Scifi, Dystopian Society, Hunger Games sort of book, you'll really enjoy The Testing, by Joelle Charbonneau - man, that would make a great movie, so now I'm racking mah' brain, thinking of who would be great in the lead role of Cia? And what about her love interest (one of them! Oooh... lol!), Tomas, or Will? Hmmm, must tinks about that! lol!
Omg, now I've just finished the second book in the Trilogy, #IndependentStudy - A'holy schmokes, is that ever a crazy-great read! You are a'gonna looove it! Clear your schedule, baby, get down to some really fun reading!
And here are the rest of the books in the Trilogy, since, once you've read one, you gots'ta read them all, am I right? haha! they're like Pringles, you can't just stop at one : )
Omg, holy a'schmoly, I cannot put this book down - Judy Blume's, In the Unlikely Event
Oh, man, I can only write for a minute, because I want to get riight back to Judy Blume's new book, In The Unlikely Event. It's written in one of my favorite styles, where there character's name is at the top, and then you go on into their lives... ooh, I loove that style! Is the BEST! You get to know the characters so well, you really care about all the characters - and it's very deep into each person's life, and I love that... no playin' around with Judy Blume - you're in deep, right from the start - yaaaassss!! The Best! I loove when you find a new book you just can't put down! : )
Wait, how cool is this? Did you know you could buy from Cal State online? Who knew? (Everyone but me? hahaha!) Shop the Cal State Fullerton bookstore today!
There's nothing nicer than getting yourself a nice hot cup of tea, maybe some chocolates, or a glass of a'sumthin' 'special', and currying in for a great read - is so much fun! And when you find a book that really speaks to your soul, or makes you laugh out loud, or makes you feel like you're living THEIR life...wow, is like a little miracle!
I really like these Adult Coloring Books, too - a little Art therapy is a wonderful thing - I am always working on a new Art Project, and looove creating something lovely (I just made some gorgeous little Butterfly Ornaments for the Christmas Tree - they're soo pretty! I'll go take a quick pic... lol!)

Can you see the little Butterflies? So cute, right? I calls it, Dollar Store Art - lol! You can get these cute little butterflies at the Dollar Store, or any craft store, and I just glued them onto these very fancy little curly-cue Ornament Hooks - who knew? I was just looking at the new little package of Ornament Hooks, they were so pretty, and I happened to already have some little butterflies, since I'm working on a new Art Project with little butterflies... that'll be pretty, to, but now I loove the little Butterfly Ornaments - so cute! I just made them, tonight, put them on the Tree : )

Art Therapy is wonderful for everyone - if you want someone to gently open up about what is on their mind, Art Therapy is very nice for that, and people are more likely to chat, or say something significant, if they are working quietly on something, feel relaxed and comfortable, and know they are in a safe space... this type of coloring will really work for that - would be a great thing to just have these Adult Coloring Books in the break rooms at work, let people really just relax, enjoy themselves.
I'm right in the middle (almost at the end - right after I post this, I'm going right back to my fave new Whoopi Goldberg book, If Someone Says "You Complete Me", RUN - lol! Love it, lots of very good and very frank talk aobut you and relationships, and all sorts of things you'll really enjoy - I started, AFTER I turned the TV off, last night, (so, 1:30am) thinking, well, I'll just have a quick look at the list of chapters, then I thought, oooh, I'll just have a quick look at Chapter 8, Red Flags - you know THAT appealed to me - hahaha! Anyway, I had to force myself to stop reading before I finished the whole bed, so I could 'save some' for tonight - lol!
That's the sign of a really great book, when you intentionally make yourself put the book down, so you can save it for later, so you can divide up all the fun of a great book - lol! : )
Aaawww, I juust finished reading Carl Reiner's Enter Laughing - so sweet, so wonderful... it's like a trip down memory lane, and right to the theatre... the whole story of Carl Reiner's foray into the whole world of Acting - amazing, what a great book! And of course I love Carl Reiner and Mel Brook's, The 2,000 Year Old Man - hi-larious! I am crazy-in-love with the 2,000 Year Old Man's Diet - hahaha! Is so funny! Napkin Rings Optional - hahaha! You'll love it - sweet, funny, fantastic!

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Hot Toddy : ) |
So, I started putting this list of some of my favourite Books to Read (or thumb through, if you're not reading them?? haha! Silly! lol!), and my page looked soo nice, then amazon made a change in their policy, or something, and only left the Text Links (where you can pop into Amazon to buy the books) live, but took out the 'banner ads', my favourite ads with the pictures of the books.. and I really liked the pictures - made it soo easy to just scroll through, see something that appeals to you, go in and get it, or have a wee look, order it from your local library (I'm hoping all your libraries have effective and useful sites, so you can just login with your library card, order any book that appeals to you : )
Anyway, so those ads went down, and it took me ages to remove them, because the html code for the ads was embedded in the html code for the whole page - was a whole thing... annoying, and far too time-consuming, and I have no idea what real purpose that served for Amazon...
So now I will have to go back into Amazon to get the new banner ads, the picture ads, but that is soo time-consuming... so I switched over to Barnes and Noble, and put they're ads in, too... at least you can compare prices... that's what everyone does, now - is the only logical thing to do, right? lol!
Okay, well, here you go... I'll ad new things in as I go! I'm a Reader, so I'm constantly reading new books, finding great new books, and always on the lookout for a great new read! Let me know if you have any suggestions, too! Tell us all your fave books - we want to know! lol!
First, Learn to Read... hahaha! Get your kids reading, early... they'll love it, you'll love it, and then you can cuddle up on the couch together, with some good books!
About Reading Eggs: The Reading Eggs program has been developed by a highly experienced team of teachers, educational writers, animators and web developers. Reading Eggs focuses on a core reading curriculum of skills and strategies essential for sustained reading success and is suitable for children aged 3 through 13. (I would see if it is useful in my Special Education Classroom, too, as long as it is age-appropriate, as the child/student, gets older... age-appropriateness is essential to learning any new skill or idea : ) Since launching in the United States and Canada in 2010, Reading Eggs has signed on more than 3.4 million users. That's a lot of New Readers - lol!
I OTTER be Reading! hahaha!
I am a little unsure how I feel about the new Harper Lee, Go Set A Watchman, because I love Atticus Finch, the way he was, and the way he lives in my memory, but, I think it will be a very interesting read, and, at the very least, will spark a lot of conversation.
So, I finally got around to reading Harper Lee's 'new' book, Go Set a Watchman - couldn't do it - one, turned off on the first page, thought, okay, it's time-framed, tried to keep reading - seemed overly pretentious, or something - and annoying, maybe? I don't know - I didn't like it, and now I don't feel compelled to finish a book, just because I started it, like I would've done when I was younger.. I dunno - I think, I didn't want it to sully how I felt about Atticus Finch, you know? So, read it if you are curious, too, and let me know if it got better... admittedly, I didn't get very far before I put it down... hmmm. I can't risk that level of disappointment...

Buy 2, Get a 3rd Free Select Paperbacks! Shop BN.com

The Rosie Effect, by Graeme Simsion - the Sequel to The Rosie Effect... you're gonna fall in love with these wonderful books - and Don! And Rosie : )
Oh, you know what? The prices are better at Barnes and Noble... Make sure you take advantage of the Discount Codes, and the Buy 2, Get 1 Free deals.. I love a great book, and I love a great deal - can there be some chocolates, too?? hahaha!
I love Louise Hay, she is soo brilliant! Amazing! All so lovely,

you'll smile all day - and night, before, during and after reading her wonderful books : )

This year, I have so many great books that I am soo loving - Louise L. Hay books - every one of them - incredible, I feel so blessed just to have found Louise Hay - who knew? Louise Hay has been writing these beautiful little books since 1984, and I've just discovered Louise, now, but any time you discover Louise Hay is a GOOD time to discover Louise Hay, right? lol! Beautiful books, wonderful message, this is change-your-life stuff, which, I, of course, looove!
I love giving Books as a gift (not only to myself, but sometimes I give gifts to others, too! lol!) -- right up there with a Box of Chocolates! In fact, I love to give my female friends, in particular, a Great Novel and a big Box of Chocolates My most recent favorite reads!
Lena Dunham's 'new' book - so good, I really like the way she writes.. very true-to-herself, you know? Lena Dunham's NOT THAT KIND OF GIRL.
Beyond the Secret - a gentler, perhaps kinder, version of The Secret - I loved it, adn use the 'Genie is here and he wants to grant you 5 Wishes - quick, what are they?' and then you say, out loud or in your head, the 5 things you most wish for... is a very, very, interesting exercise, and might just change your life! Good, right?? lol!http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2013/03/beyond-secret-very-interesting-and.html
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry This was such a beautiful book - I highly recommend it. So lovely, so kind : ) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2013/03/the-unlikely-pigrimage-of-harold-fry.html
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society This was such a surprise, and a really wonderful surprise... I found it on the 'Staff Choice' section at the library, and just loved this beautiful book. You'll enjoy how the name 'The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society' came to be - lots of twists you wouldn't expect, lots of love, so lovely! A wonderful read : ) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2012/11/the-guernsey-literary-and-potato-peel.html
I love everything written by Wally Lamb - he can do no wrong... Wally Lamb is a brilliant writer, you're swept up in his stories from beginning to end, and you know when you're reading a really good book, and you try to read the last wee bit a little bit slower, so it doesn't have to end, you can't bear to let go of the characters, yet? That's Wally Lamb. You'll read it at the beach, at home, anywhere you think you might have a few minutes..that might turn into hours! lol! Happy Reading!

My favorite new Book Series is the Pitticus Lore, I Am Number Four, The Power of Six, and The Rise of Nine Series. Want some reading time where you just disappear into another world?? haha! Well, this is it, and it's ageless... my 13 year old son, Aidan, loves these books, my 24 year old daughter, Cara, she loves the I Am Number Four Book series..., and 49 year old ME, I love these books!! lol! See, they're for everyone!!
Take $10 Off on Your Purchase! Shop BN.com!
I canny be bothered with this business of 'Age-Labeling' any books... read whatever you want to read, right? Yep! Dat right! lol!
Well, I was trying to find the direct ad for Pitticus Lore, I Am Number Four, The Power of Six, and The Rise of Nine Series, because I have to go in and replace all the older Amazon ads - soo much work! Booo!! What was the real point in that? Massive waste of my time... boooo! There's no good reason for the ads to go dead.. for what purpose?? Annoying. And sooo much work! Booooo!!
Anyway, lookie what me found for you, when I was a'tryin' to switch over to Barnes and Noble... lol! Yay, Star Wars! : )

And now I love to give a Set of Magazine Subscriptions to both my Male and Female Friends, because you can 'cover a lot of territory' with Magazines. It's fun to get stuff in the Mail, and when one of your Favorite Magazines arrive, you can go get yourself a nice drink and sit down for a relaxing wee read.
(Same thing as above, I'm working on replacing the old amazon ads... hmmm... but here's some lovely Fruit Bouquets for you to look at! lol!) Enjoy 15% off select fresh fruit arrangements from FruitBouquets.com! Use code: TASTE15
Tea is my choice of 'Tasty Drink', but who am I to stop you from imbibing in something a wee bit stronger?? haha!
I just finished reading The Memory of Running, by Ron McLarty
Hey, check it out... Ron McLarty has another book, Traveler
Handsome, right?? And sooo smart! My favorite characteristics in a good man! lol!
I am a huuge John Irving
THIS Beach?? lol! San Diego - so pretty! : )
Season One, Season Two, and Season Three, Season 4
OMG, we have just recently discovered Mad Men
It's funny, I've really never heard anyone say anything about it, but we were watching the Emmy's, because we looove Jimmy Fallon, and there was Jon Hamm right there doing the opening number with him, the Mad Men wins, AGAIN, so when Cara saw it for sale, she picked it up, we thought we'd give it a try, and now we are full-on Mad Men addicts! And not ashamed to admit it! haha! We just can't wait to see what happens, next! We have the new Season 4 episodes recodred on our DVR, but we want to watch all the episodes, first, so we don't spoil the stories for ourselves....
I'm just so shocked that I haven't hear ANYONE say to me to watch it. So maybe I can get the word out there... it's an amazing show, phenomenally well written, sensitive, insensitive, irreverent, reverent, sexy, outrageous, craaazy, shocking, funny... need I say more?? You're gonna looove it! There's stuff in there that you think, OMG, did they just do that??? Craazy! And you're going on a little bizarre trip through the 60's, and I grew up in the sixties, so to watch history unfold with a deeply personal edge to it -- brings history alive... and will make kids appreciate modern parenting! Oh, and Madmen is only for adults, or those people able to handle all aspects of life... and just so you know, we sit on opposite sides of the room, with a plant in between us -- easier for the more 'intense' scenes in the show! lol! Enjoy!! :)
I loved Shoot the Moon, by Billie Letts
I can't tell you how much I loved reading, I Know This Much Is True, by Wally Lamb
I got a copy of Wally Lamb's other Best Seller, She's Come Undone
I love The Four Agreements, by don Miguel Ruiz. Beautiful read. I picked up the Companion Book to The Four Agreements, and it's every bit as good (wonderful, if you will...) as the First Book of Agreements. Can't wait to get back up to my Sunroom (where I love to read!) to finish this next Book.Update: Now I've read every don Miguel Ruiz book I could get my hands on, and I loved them all. Especially The Mastery of Love -- wonnerful, wonnerful books! (As Ed Sullivan would say it! lol!)
Deepak Chopra's Peace is the Way
This little collection of my favorite Books are all squished together because I have sooo many Books that I love, so it's tricky to get them all in here. It would be a very, very long Page, so here's a nice selection of many of my Best Reads over the Years. Illusions, by Richard Bach
I've been a John Updike
I've just discovered John Updike's Licks of Love

If you're a big fan of Ellen Degeneres
My Point...and I Do Have One:
Dave Barry is another Writer that I just adore. His stuff is hysterical. I love it all. I am particularly fond of his stories that include his Two Dogs -- Dave Barry's main dog and the auxiliary dog... laugh out loud funny!
There you go! That'll keep you laughing, for years to come! lol! Thanks, #DaveBarry, for all da laughs!
Breastfeeding (or Nursing)
Best Guide I found. Very Practical Advice about all sorts of Parenting Issues
Shop Now for Nursing Bras at ThymeMaternity.com!

The rest are all great 'Reads' in their own right -- and in case you're wondering what makes for a 'great read' for me, if I can't put it down, forget all time and can't wait to find the time to get back to the book, that's a 'Great Read'! Also, if I took some incredible new Life-Changing Ideas from the Book, that makes it qualify, too.
Just click right on the books you like, and you'll go straight to the page where you can buy them online. It's a very easy process, and before you know it, you'll have a lovely new book to love!
Amazon has great prices, and often you can buy a used copy of whatever book you're after... especially if you're looking for a good 'Beach Read' or Summer Read, this is a great way to go. Of course, New is always nice...!
Here's a Great Book to Quit Smoking
Hey, Craig Ferguson's New Book is now on the Best Seller List -- WooHoo! You know I loves me some Craig! He's sooo funny on The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson (makes sense!) -- it's Must-See TV for me! Craig Ferguson is always open and honest about his own life, addictions 'n all, so maybe there's a wee bit about that in the book .. and some spicy stuff, too!!(Ooooh!)
I bought his book at the largest Barnes and Noble Book Store on the West Coast, in The Farmer's Market in L.A. -- fantastic! The book and the Farmer's Market... both come highly recommended (from me!).
So I've been reading away at these letters in 'Letters from a Nut'
Jerry Seinfeld 'discovered' these Letters from a Nut
I read Wanda Sykes' book, "Yeah, I Said It"
take on everything, and she's right on target with it all -- hysterical!
He's Just Not That into You:
They have a CD Version
Need a Sex and the City
Okay, so now I'm finished all the Candace Bushnell Books, and they were great! I love her style of writing. They are all a fun read, but it's definitely 'Adult Content', much like the Sex and the City Series, so keep the kids away when you're reading! ha,ha!
I hear it's a fun read, though, so check it out!
And here's another hilarious book that makes a great gift! If you love The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and his 'gang'/'posse', you'll love this!
And this is hilarious, too! I loved Jon Stewart's take on The Last Supper -- very funny. One great laugh after another, so if you love The Daily Show, you're definitely gonna love this!
When I read The Da Vinci Code, it was all I could do to put it down to do some work on my Site, it's that good! If there's a chance you haven't read it, yet, this is a really good read.
And I like the Donald Trump Books -- I got this new one for Christmas a while back, but good information is good information, right?? (Technically was from Dwight! ha,ha!), and I got the last one for Dwight for Father's Day! Great for fans of The Apprentice! #DonaldTrump
Well, I think everyone who knows me, knows that I loove money! I love to know new ways to make more money, too... let's all be wealthy! Yippee!! The Weekend Millionaire's Secrets to Investing in Real Estate: How to Become Wealthy in Your Spare Time ...
I just love this old book -- it's a riot to read, and I think there's a fair bit of truth in there,too! Check it out! Pop in here to check out your own Horoscope... this is one of those books you love to read out loud to your friends, and you'll all laugh and laugh... there's a whole lot of, "Oh, yeah, that is exactly what I'm like", or, from them, "Yeah, man, that's exactly what I'm like!!"... only at the good parts of the horoscope, though! No one ever wants to admit to their 'bad side'! lol!
East of Eden (Oprah's Book Club) I loved East of Eden! Man, what a great book! If you haven't had the pleasure of reading this, yet, or you're looking for a great book to give to someone, this is it. I never have very much time to read, but I found myself stealing as much time as I could to 'get back to the book'! Now I really miss all the Characters, so I must go out and read all the rest of Steinbeck's Work! Some of it I've read already, but I think I got a lot more out of his work, now.
And here's Oprah's Book Club Selection from a while ago -- can't wait to read that!! It's sooo funny how exciting it is to see Oprah open up 'The Box' to Reveal her new Book Club Choice! I think Oprah is a miracle all on her own, since she's brought Reading back into the Regular Lives of Millions of People... not to mention all the other incredible feats of Help she has done over the years. Oprah is an English Teacher's Dream Come True! ha,ha! (Yes, that's me!!)
Cara played Glinda, The Good Witch when she was in Grade Six (and a fantastic Glinda she was, too!)...so we are always on the Look-out for Wizard of Oz
Have you ever thought of Writing a Romance Novel? They're fun to write and can be very Lucrative -- and fun to write... and read!
In Honor of Black History Month (and to honor Black History, in general!), here's a great Link where you can find all your favorite (and some 'new-to-you' Writers that will soon become your favorites!) African-American Writers. You can see from the group of Book above that I have many, many favorite African-American Authors -- Richard Wright, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, James Baldwin... the list goes on and on.
There's no end to the great books out there... Happy Reading!! Ailsa xox

Hey, maybe you spend a lot of time in the car, let's say, on your commute... lol! Or, maybe you would just like to hear your books read to you - Audiobooks - so much fun! lol!
50% Off your first digital audiobook. Oh, and I went in to see what they had, and they have a huuge selection of John Updike, soo, on the off-chance you haven't read John Updike's Rabbit Series... you're in for a treat! (Don't have this on with the kids in the car - or anyone overly Conservative - lol!) But poke around, I'm sure you'll find all sorts of great books to 'listen to' : ) Yet ANOTHER Good Reason for a Road Trip!!

Find yourself a comfy-cozy place to read, read, read - ooh, and I hope you have some lovely chocolates, and some nice tea, to go with it, too - or whatever your favorite Reading Treats happen to be! : )
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