Coconut Macaroons #EasyRecipes Yippee!
Singles Day! 11/11 Deals!All Sorts of Great Deals for You, Baby-Cakes!
Here we go! Today I made the Coconut Macaroons with Chocolate Chips, but instead of making individual cookies, which we love, I thought it would save some time to just pour all the 'batter' right onto the Parchment Paper, bake it all at the same time, like Squares - Ah'Yum! They're amazing, and so crazy easy to make : )
I used 2 egg whites, 2 caps of Vanilla, I poured in a whole bag of Coconut, plus a little bit more of the larger flaked coconut, from another bag I used, the laast time I made the Coconut Macaroons, when I had used the Condensed Milk - I forgot all about adding in the sugar, and it seems like, with the Chocolate Chips, the extra sugar isn't even necessary - they're so delicious, all on their ownio! So cute, and so delicious!
And then I never like to waste anything, so I made cheesey scrambled eggs with the leftover egg yolks - deeelish!
Oh My Goodness, these are soo cute! And delicious!
Ghostie Coconut Macaroons
They kinda look like little puppy faces, too - lol!
Halloween Trick or Treats - Mostly Treats! lol! Ghosties for Your Little Goblins!
There are 2 super easy ways to make these delicious and delightful little Coconut Macaroons - so cute, perfect every time! Yippee!
Will take you only a few minutes to make them, plus baking time - and, use Parchment Paper, is ah'mazing, nothing sticks to it - is like magic! : )
Coconut Macaroons
Recipe 1:
1 egg white, whipped with a fork (What did it do to you? lol!) (Save the yolk for later, make some Scrambled Eggs - Yum!)
2 Cups of Coconut
1 tsp Vanilla (I use the cap for the measurement - is easier and faster : )
A little less than a tbsp of Sugar - that one is optional...
Okay, that's everything for the first recipe...
And now for the variation... if you happen to have a can of Condensed Milk in the house...
Recipe 2:
1 egg white, whipped with a fork
5 Cups of Coconut
1 tsp Vanilla
1 can of Condensed Milk (no need for any extra sugar, this will be sweet, enough : )
THEN, Chocolate Chips to make the little faces - 3 chocolate chips per cookie - soo cute!
Are you shocked at how few ingredients? I know, right? And Macaroons are soo expensive, in the stores - and now you know how to make them, too, and they're super-crazy easy to make - yahoo!
Hello, more Trick or Treats!
These are particularly great for holidays, but are fun, any time of year, and the kids love them, too!
The easiest way to separate the White of the Egg from the Yolk is to crack open the egg against the side of the bowl, pour out the whites of the egg, pop the egg yolk into the other side, the shell will do all the work for you : )
Then save that egg yolk for when you're done baking, then add a little milk or water, whisk with a fork, pop in the microwave for 1:20 (or, a little over a minute, depending on your microwave, and how cooked you like your eggs!), covered, then use 2 knives to cut it quickly into Scrambled Eggs - is so good! Ah'Yum!
So, Whisk 1 Egg White with a fork
Add in the Vanilla and Sugar, for the super easy Recipe 1
For Recipe 2, this is the time to add in your can of Condensed Milk
Remember, the Condensed Milk is just an option, and it uses waaay more coconut, so, see how much coconut you have on hand, first, and how sweet you want your Coconut Macaroons - I love them both ways, but, I think I like the first recipe the best - uses fewer ingredients, is a little healthier for you, too - but, you do you, boo! Try them both, see what you and your family like the best, or, go back and forth, depending on what you have in the cupboard - lol!
Now that you've made your Egg White nice and Frothy (the Snowman? haha!), add in less than a tablespoon of sugar, and only for Recipe 1, the one without the Condensed Milk : )
Mix that all together, now - like a choir of deliciousness! Haha!
OR, for Recipe 1...
Now Add your Coconut: (Put the lime in the coconut, and mix it all up... nooo, just the song, don't add any lime - lol!)
Recipe 1:
Recipe 1 - looks pretty different from Recipe 2, at this stage, but will taste virtually the same - for real!
You oven should be on at 350 - I like 350, you can go lower, if you like, 325... 350 is just easy...
Make little forkfuls, or spoonfuls, however you like to do it, and put them on the Parchment Paper
Recipe 2:
Recipe 1:
See, they look slightly different, but, they will all taste great, no worries : )
Take one tray out as another tray goes in : )
Make little faces one one tray, at least - these ones go first - mostly because they're sooo cute!
Just 3 little Chocolate Chips - so cute! And they look so pretty, in the fridge - lol!
The main difference between Recipe 1 and Recipe 2 is how many it makes - just double Recipe 1 if you want lots of Coconut Macaroons - Easy Schmeasy!
Bake until they're Golden Brown - just keep an eye on them - about 15 minutes, I think - I lost track of the time - lol!
Recipe 1:
Recipe 2:
They're just so cute! I love them so much! Yippee!
Yum! They're so crazy-delicious! : )
Enjoy!! Your little cooking pal, Ailsa!! xoxo!!