Easy (ludicrously easy) Oatmeal Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies
Soo, I just made these cookies - my lovely son came in and called them, "Cookies??" Hahahaha, mah' son is so funny! Jus' like his Ma! lol! (Dat me!) So we laughed and laughed... is pretty funny....
These are not your typical 'cookies', but they are surprisingly good (way to sell it, right?? haha!), but I heard this recipe when we were driving in the States, a long time ago, was the John Tesh radio show, and he would chat in between the music, put little tidbits of information on - was fun to listen to as we drove happily along - we looove a road trip!
Anyway, so John Tesh was saying about these healthy 'cookies' that he and his wife really like - I think they must really be into health food, and healthy living, so, that's good... we're into chocolate chips, sooo, maybe this could work for us, too - haha!
So John Tesh's recipe was 2 bananas, 1 cup of Oatmeal, and some raisins (in my mind, I automatically substituted chocolate chips - you gotta think on yer feet, right? lol!).
I happened to have 4 very ripe bananas, and couldn't really be bothered making my favourite Banana Bread - mostly because we still have two pies from Thanksgiving, and not may takers to eat them, soo, it seemed like not a good idea to put even more stuff in the fridge, right now...but cookies fall under a different category and I really, really didn't want to waste the bananas, and, thus, this "Cookie" arrived - finally! I have been meaning to try this for a long time, now...
My Recipe: A clever adaptation on John Tesh's recipe:
4 Bananas (or whatever is leftover, and you don't want to throw out your bananas...)(Mashed)
2 cups of Oatmeal (really, I think I could've added a bit more Oatmeal)
1 cup of Chocolate Chips (okay, you got me, I just threw in da whole bag - or whatever was left in the bag - lol!) (I feel like the 'saving grace, as it were, to these 'cookies', is the chocolate chippies! lol!)
That's it. Three little ingredients, and I just popped them in the oven, in spoonfuls, on Parchment Paper, at 350 Degrees for about 20 - 30 minutes. I would just check them, see how they're doing, maybe leave them in a little longer, if you felt like it... I liked the ones on the bottom shelf, better... had to put the ones on the middle shelf of the oven back in, make them kind of 'toasty' on the bottom, not lightly cooked - the key to to bake them thoroughly, I think : )
See how ludicrously easy this recipe is? Mash the bananas, add the Oatmeal, stir well, add in the Chocolate Chips (or nuts, raisins, all of the above... whatever you happen to enjoy), and voila, some pretty tasty little 'cookies'. and surprisingly sweet, too, and not a drop of sugar, flour or eggs... is a funny little recipe, but it might totally work out for you, too - is definitely worth a try, and you won't waste your bananas!! Yahoo, Save the Bananas!
Oh, and I happened to put the 'Cookies?' in front of my lovely wee Trees that I love to make - fancy up the picture for your viewing pleasure - hahaha! Ooh, and I think these little cookies would've cost about $1.50 to make - the bananas that you might have tossed out, anyway, and the chocolate chips, and oatmeal, which I loove, costs next to nothing, and Oatmeal is a Super-Food (so are bananas, in my opinion...and also, the chocolate??? hahaha! Okay, that's a bit of a streeetch, but if that's what makes them tasty, so be it, right? lol!
Wee tidbit: I actually eat a fair bit of Oatmeal - I loove my Scottish Porridge! Excellent for weight loss or weight maintenance, and general, overall good health - lowers your cholesterol, is truly a little miracle food, for sures! If you've never made your own porridge, you can try my recipe - I think I might put a wee bit more salt in than is the norm, but pretty common in Scotland - or, at least, at our house (oor wee housie!). : ) Oh, and I love my porridge with milk - poor old milk, it's gotten such a bad rap, lately, but milk is very, very good for your body - great for your bones, and whatnot, and I work out a lot, so I need that, for sures - plus, I totally plan to live well into my 90's or beyond, sooo, I've gotta keep my body strong and healthy, right? Dat my goal: old! Jus' like Steve Harvey says, "Old is the goal!" (Love me some Steve Harvey! lol!)
Yours in Healthy Eating! Ailsa : )