Accordian File Folder
All these years, I've called it 'My File Folder', and now, File Folder, Expanding
(online - man, you have to be so specific, to find some things! lol!)
Yep, this very simple, very easy little filing system completely changed my life, and if you haven't started filing your monthly paperwork, this can change your life, too : ) Yippee!! It's good to be organized. It's amazing how many times you can be asked to produce a paper from last July, and without a simple filing system, what a pain in the shirt that is, desperately searching through all the drawers and piles of papers you might have sitting around.
This simple filing system lets you quickly put all your papers in their own little spot, each month, as the paperwork comes in. At the end of each year, I just take the previous year out of the very last slot, put those somewhere safe (another file! lol!), and pop all of the papers from the year that has just finished into the back of the file, so those papers from the previous year are close and handy.
Okay, that's it! See how easy?? lol! Sometimes it's THE easiest thing that makes your life sooo much better! You can pick these file folders up at Staples, Office Depot, Walmart, you name it, it should be easy to find, but I'll put some links to make it even easier, just in case you want to get started right away, and January is the perfect month to get a new start on your paperwork - and it'll make doing your taxes so much easier, too, since everything you need will be right at your fingertips, whenever you need to access it!
Staples Back to School Center - our lowest prices on essentials all season long!

Staples Deals Okay, this link will take you straight to the Expanding File Folder page on Staples
: )
Staples is in the US and Canada... but I'm sure you know that! lol!

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