But, don't worry about weight lifting making you look like Arnold - a lot of women are afraid they might bulk up, when weightlifting, especially with machines, will just tone you do - or, tone up up? haha! Whatevs... you'll look long and lean, is fantastic for stretching your muscles, and that's great for your body - and great for your mind, too! Throw in some balancing exercises, and you'll keep your mind extra-sharp - yahoo! Good Balance! : )
I rarely use the equipment the way you're 'supposed to' - whatever, that's not functional for me, and it depends on the machine - for a Universal Machine, I just sit on the seat backwards (grab the bar about a foot on either side, then lower yourself to a seated position), do a bunch of reps at a low weight, switch around, sit forward on the chair, but I bring the bar behind my head...
Always, I would say to start with the lowest amount of weight, no matter what the person in the gym says - forget what they tell you - I've seen waay too many 'trainers' who were soo full of themselves, and not familiar enough with women's bodies, that they give terrible advice...
But always start with the lowest weight - if it's crazy-easy, move up 10 pounds, or one weight plate... move the pin, one down, see how that feels. If you can easily do 10 reps, that's fine, maybe use that amount of weight as a warm up and cool down, or for a light stretch...
Then, gradually, increase the weight, but you don't need to go too high.. I typically start with 20 pounds, use that for a nice stretch and warm up, so, 50 reps, usually, then flip around and do 30 reps...
I get up from the machine and do a lot of arm stretches - you know, the arms above your head, that sort of thing - whatever you like, but I do stretch a lot, between reps...

I usually do sets of 20 or 25 reps, get up and stretch between each set of reps - a set of reps is just how many of each weight lifting thing I'm doing... and I love to have good music on while I'm working out - makes the time fly by, and is fun... I'll do sets of 25, 2 or 3 sets, if I feel like it - the key is to follow along with what your body - and mind - wants, follow your intuition on all of that, including how you feel with each exercise, and only do the ones you like...
If any idiot tells you, at the gym, 'no pain, no gain', immediately ignore that person, and follow your gut - exercise is fun, stretches are great, lifting is fun - you'll get in great shape, should never, ever, be painful.... you can feel it, without it being painful - that's an old piece of crap thinking from the 80's, and we want to leave that stooopido thinking back in the 80's... we're lookin' at your very happy future, now : ) (For men, it's a little different, but that's for mah' ladies! lol!)
Then I'll either go to other machines for legs, or continue on this arm machine, because I love it so much, and I'm busy working on my arms and back (and tummy and legs - did I miss anything? hahaha!) ... and do a little circuit...
And it's not true that you constantly have to 'surprise' your muscles, do something different every time you go to the gym - one, your muscles ain't all that smart - kidding - your muscles are super-smart! But, your muscles will love any movement, at all - just think of how happy your dog is to go for a walk - any walk... your muscles feel the same way, just happy to get to do stuff! lol!
I hope all the women are using the Pull Down Bar - it really is a remarkable exercise - it'll tone your arms, back, torso, tummy (with the heavier weights, pretend you're lifting from your tummy, focus in on your ab muscles, you'll get those nice little muscle lines - yay!)... it's like giving yourself a Body Lift - and frankly, i think weightlifting gives you a face lift, too, since, your face muscles are also working...
And when you lose weight, your face gets younger and younger - is amazing! I think the gym is the real fountain of youth, for sure! lol!
And then the best part - well, one of the best parts - you can really eat pretty normally, because your muscles will take care of whatever you've eaten - yahoo! Yippee!
And, you should not have the fight of your life, trying to get out of a stooopid Gym Membership - if Gyms want more people, they need to be normal, not insanely pushy - "How much is your HEALTH worth - Ugh, I HATE that stooopid line - lol! Idiots!
What a moronic thing to say - like you have to suspend your brain to join a damn gym - uh, nope. Offer a good service for a good price, no stoopid contracts. Not exactly Rocket Science.. lol! ; )
Did I tell you about the Gym Guy who actually said, to justify stooopid Gym Membership Fees, How much would you pay for the Perfect Dress? You'd pay ANYTHING" Are you freaking kidding me with that? Sexist, beyond moronic, offensive on every possible level...
I want to see Gyms, especially if they are government run, or government sponsored, run like the library - would be amazing if Gyms were free, but a small monthly fee, $10/month, $100/year, make Gyms affordable for everyone, and no more moronic Gym Memberships, where you are stuck for life - your Gym Membership should not be a Life Sentence - that's why people don't go to the gym, they don't want to be harassed, screwed over, taken advantage of - happens more often than not... for a place that's claims to Improve Yourself, maybe take a look at how they can Improve THEMselves, make the Gym a Much Better Place - better for everyone! : )
Hmmm, I thought this article I wrote a while back was about HOW to choose a good gym, which I am in the process of doing, right now... we're out in Victoria, BC, Canada, having been booted out of the States - booo!! Still sad about that - loved living in LA! Anyway, I have been searching for a good gym, and by 'good gym', I mean a gym with good equipment, not old-assss equipment, and they must have the inner and outer thigh machines. Puh-leeease, what is it about a gym that doesn't acknowledge the needs of it's female members?? Ugh. Hate that.
Any decent gym will have at the very least, this good gym equipment. I hate, hate, hate that crap new equipment, designed for aesthetics and not fitness - what a load o' garbage that is, and it can really hurt you, so, be careful with that, and far too often the gym owners don't work out, themselves,so they have no clue what equipment really works - so, if you go to the gym, check out the owner - and the staff - if they don't even work out, whatevs, that's the sign they don't know what they're talking about, and that's super-annoying. You'll know right away, what kind of person it is, and how deeply annoying they are - and then don't go there - if you hate the people you have to see at the gym every day, you're less likely to go -
Find a Gym you love, and where you feel happy and very welcomed - the gym should be your happy place, a place where you can relax, have some good little chats, get a great workout - you'd think that would be a given, right, but it's not, it's fantastic when you find a great gym with great people - then you'll be Fit For Life! lol! : )
And I want a gym that is friendly, not obnoxious (I know you know the type - they're soo focused on how fancy they are, they're not really doing anything with fitness, at all, except be ultra-annoying... and out here, for some bizarre reason, they have lists and lists of 'gym etiquette' (!!) Whaat?? Seriously?? You have to spell it out? And they have dress codes - wtf?? Ugh. That's nauseating.
When did this happen to good gyms? And no swearing at the gym?? You've gotta be effen kidding me with that one - idiots. If you're lifting some serious amount of weight, it is entirely possible you might swear, or, let's say you are having an adult conversation, and it's fun to swear in the middle of it, for fun... is this not allowed, either?? What are they, the Gym Police? Or just annoying wussies? And why are they in charge of the gyms?? Gaaaah! Dat not good! I just want a normal gym, nice and clean, good, solid gym equipment, normal people, bright with good music, and a reasonable rate... that's not asking too much, is it?? All my favorite gyms have had all those features, so surely they exist out here, too?? I hope so!
Well, hopefully you'll find a great gym where you feel welcome every time you go, get a great work out in every time you're there, and make some nice new friends, too - see, that's entirely reasonable, right?? lol!

Okay, on with the old article!
Oh, I love a Great Gym! I've just joined a new Gym (they've been around for a long time, but they have a really nice new facility in Okotoks, Alberta), and I'm back on 'The Gym Track'! Yahoo! I really missed going to the Gym, so it's great to get back into that lifestyle. Greig's Gym in Okotoks, Alberta - 403-938-3067 (Hope that's still the right number - maybe look that up, first? : ). Great rates, by the way!
The most important thing for me when I'm looking for a gym is to find a gym that is bright and cheery, with great music and great equipment. Actually, the Great Equipment is the most important thing, but there was one gym I popped into where they play Country and Western Music when people are working out, and I just can't go there, so-to-speak. I need up-beat, good music to have a great work-out. (And at Greig's Gym, they let me bring my own music, which is great -- I've been bringing The Black Eyed Peas, since they appeal to men and women -- I put on a Gwen Stefani CD, which I love and work out to at home, but I hadn't realized how 'girly' it is until I put that on one day, and didn't know there was still a guy at the gym. I think he might not have been so thrilled with the 'girly music', so since then, I've only put on 'in-between music' that's good for everybody. (Oh, and I guess I should clarify the Country Music thing -- it's huuuge out here in Alberta, as it is in many places, and I'm sure there are some up-beat tunes in there, I just don't want to work out to it... I hear it's good to drink beer by, though, so maybe I'll try that -- right after a work-out! ha,ha,ha!)

Quick note from Ailsa: I'm living in Los Angeles, California, now, on my own with the kids, and we have a gym right in our Complex. Fantastic to have ready-access to a gym, and it's really well equipped, so you know I'm lovin' that!
So here's the deal with going to a 'Real Gym' as opposed, or in addition to, working out at home. I enjoyed working out at home for a really long time, and it was the only practical thing to do while Aidan, who is now 6, was a wee boy. And I have great Work Out Equipment at home, too, and a nice place to use it (although, Dwight has recently moved most of my equipment out of the Living Room, downstairs, into the Furnace Room and my Sewing/Gift Wrapping Room, which I did not appreciate, so all the more reason for me to go out to a gym...). Anyway, I find when I get ready to go out to the gym, you start to psych yourself up for the Workout, and then when you get there, it's not like you can throw in a load of laundry, turn on the TV and make the dinner, which makes it tricky to get in a good work out! ha,ha! And there you are, with real, live Adults! That's one of my favorite parts -- interaction with adults. It's been a long time for me, having been home with Aidan for so very long.
I love the Nautilus Weight Lifting Machines, because they are like a relatively gentle way of weight-lifting. I'm not sure I would be bothered much with pilates, since it seems the same to me, except it would take forever to get into the shape you're after, and I don't have that kind of time. I like immediate results, and a lot of bang for my buck, if you will... I know that after 6 weeks, I'll see a significant change in my body, which I greatly look forward to! :) The important thing is to get into a nice little routine of stretching, lifting, using a variety of machines and Free Weights, stretching, Eating Chocolate. Oh, oh. Wait a minute. The 'Eating Chocolate' comes first, I think, but really, that's a personal choice...! And there should probably be a shower in there, too, especially if you are going to have continued human contact after your work out! ha,ha!
Quick Note about Aerobics: I used to teach Aerobics, and have my Trainer's Certificate in Aerobic Exercise, but I prefer to use Weights when I really want to Shape my body. Here's the thing about Aerobics, and a lot of folks don't want women to know this -- it's a lot of fun, and great if you want to enjoy yourself and work out your heart, but it doesn't do very much in terms of helping you to lose weight or get into shape. It would take years and years of Aerobics to do what Weight Lifting can do in 6 months to a year. No kidding. And it's just as good for your heart. (The exception here is when you add in Weights to the Aerobic Work out, or a Stepper...)
The key to Weight Lifting, for Women in particular, is to lift the smallest amount of weight available at the machines until you're comfortable with that weight, then gradually increase the weight. Do slow reps, rather than fast reps. I usually do 15 reps, 3 times each, going from machine to machine, with a stretch in between each set of reps. I don't like to see women use too much weight, or use a machine they don't like, because I don't believe that works out well for most women. And I don't believe in the 'no pain, no gain' thing, either. You should enjoy using your muscles, which doesn't mean hurting yourself. It just means you can really feel the muscles as you work them out, and that's a good thing.
There's nothing wrong with taking a wee break in the middle of a set, either, if you need to -- it's all about doing what's right for you. One thing I want to watch out for this time around at the Gym is to not go overboard with the weight. The last time I was able to really devote a lot of time to Weight Training, I was lifting massive amounts of weight, but that was because I had a lot of 'anger issues' because of an insane legal matter I had to deal with, but now I'm just going to enjoy myself and get nice and toned. I do love to challenge myself, though, so I'll have to remember to find a nice balance where I try not to go too far over 100 pounds... of weights -- God Knows I'm waaaaaay over 100 pounds! But that's a-changin'!ha,ha,ha!
Oh, and don't let the Scales fool you when you go to the gym. I really can't stand the Weight Scales, since they rarely say anything good to me, these days, but also because Muscle weighs more than Fat, so it's better to use a measuring tape to check your progress. Or just check yourself out in a mirror! You can change your shape without necessarily changing your actual weight, but that can really be upsetting if you've been working your behind off (literally!), and the stooopid scales won't reflect all your hard work...
One More Thing: Muscle eats fat, so-to-speak, so you'll find that when you are working out with Weights, you'll naturally want to eat well, and the muscle continues to eat away at the fat that may be present, while you're just going about your everyday activities, so that's gotta be good, right? Make your muscles work for you, just like your money!
Hey, I just heard a new Statistic that Exercising Regularly can help to reduce your risk for Breast Cancer by up to 50%. And, I firmly believe that you can control Diabetes (or, better yet, prevent it completely...) by regular, real exercise. Remember, even Light Weights are better than No Weights. Oooh, just thought of a catchy, though slightly hokey, new Slogan --
Lift Weights to Lose Weight
More Weight = Less Weight. Less Waiting with More Weights...
Okay, that's it for me -- gotta get to the Gym!!
More ideas for fast weight loss : )
Rowing is my favorite way to slim down, reshape your body, in the easiest and most gentle way - and, rowing is lots of fun! Put on a good show, something that really holds your interest, and get rowing!
1 https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2018/05/what-am-i-up-to-today-little-bit-of.html
2 https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2017/06/beach-body-workout-you-know-this.html
I love the Groupon Deals - we got some fantastic packages for Niagara Falls, and then local deals for restaurants that we wanted to check out - was great!
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Okay, 'til next time!! Go haz you'self Lots of Love!! Ailsa : )

I am soo done with my cable bill - $180/month??? Whatdahell?, as James on BB would say - lol! That's too high - so unreasonable... I love these new companies that are giving us real options, so you can still watch all your favorite TV shows, and easily save sooo much money... is the best!
No Cable. No Dish. Just KlowdTV.
Lol - hey, maybe you're so fed up trying to find a good gym, with no contract, no moronic annual fees, 'Gym Maintenance Fees', they're called, now - what a joke - nope, that's part of your membership fee... and a nice, clean, safe work out area, with great equipment, and the right equipment, chosen for it's functionality, and not for the aesthetics - the people who are gonna GO to the gym, don't care what color it is, for God's Sake, and they DON'T want fru-fru gym equipment, that doesn't do a damn thing for anyone's body - what a massive waste of time, money and energy (I'm talkin' to you, stooopid Steve Nash Gym, in Victoria, BC - bastards. You should have paid me back that bogus 'annual fee', that came out of my account right before your new gym open, you new and useless gym - bleah! Hate them. What total jerks.).
Anyway, so, that just makes me, and maybe a lot of other people, want to watch a little TV, to de-stress about their stooopid gym options - lol!
Your gym shouldn't be the most stressful part of your life.
And getting out of a Gym Membership should not be more difficult than getting a Divorce - lol!
It should be neat and clean - you should get back what they legitimately owe you, just a signature from both sides to make sure no more payments go through, done. There's no need for all the name calling and shaming - what da hell?? That's not good business practice. How do so many gyms get away with this? Isn't this regulated, somewhere? A "don't screw your clients"rule? If not, then there should be - too many people are far too disgusted with their gyms... let's make the gym a happy place, again, then way more people will happily go back - maybe give that a try, huh, gyms?
You gym should be a fun place to go, where you can get a really good workout, no hassles, some friendly faces, some good conversation between sets... for a reasonable cost, no one screwing you over.... right? Right. Take note, Gyms of the world - lol!