Mr. Perfection - lol! Clay's gonna looove this picture - is it a selfie? hahaha! Wow, did Meg ever do well in the #BBComics competition, tonight! Steve won, showing how good he really is - Steve's brilliance can no longer be hidden - not that it was necessarily hidden, but for some reason, that phenomenal memory of all things Big Brother did Jason in, early in the BB game, and Steve is still able to hold on - probably because he plays a less social game, but that all changed when the double HOH went away...now Steve's fighting for his Big Brother life... and so is Vanessa...

My bet is on Vanessa!!
Oh, no, that stooopid Becky put Vanessa up on the block, after Steve won the Veto.. Becky's plan, all along, was to backdoor Vanessa. Man, now I'm all personally invested in Big Brother, so-to-speak... lol!
Vanessa is just trying to get to the bottom of things, just one clear answer.
Poor Vanessa, she is having THE most difficult week... she feels like she's been betrayed by stoopid Becky - sorry, I was fine with Becky, before, until she showed her real colours, and now that Becky's the HOH, they put the cameras on her, all the time, on Big Brother After Dark, and now I know why they never showed much footage of Becky, before - b-o-r-i-n-g...lol! Yikes! All nutrition, all the time.
I really, really like that Meg has finally stopped sleeping, and hanging out in her bed, and got up and started to really play the Big Brother game - yahoo! Now James, Meg, Austin and the Twins, Liz and Julia, are all working together - and, hopefully, with Vanessa...
I sooo want Vanessa to stay in the #BBhouse...and I want Shelli out - evicted - scrammo, Shelli! lol!
Jackie is all done with her Knighthood - the strip tease was funny - James is so funny - I relaly like James, now - at first, I wasn't so sure, but now I really respect his game, and he's clearly very smart - me like dat! lol!
And Jackie, wow, that tiny traitor... and Vanessa was soo nice to Jackie...now Jackie is vehemently against Vanessa - so weird, to get all vehement, but, then, look at me, I'm all mad a Becky, and she's just a character in a game on TV, as Steve loves to remind everyone, to help them keep their perspective in the game, because you can really lose it, on these Reality TV Games, right? Seems like it...
See how friendly James and Vanessa are, together? I really, really, want them to go to the very end... but not with Johnny Mac, now - I did really like Johnny Mac, but he's been pretty shady after this last week,. sooo, hmmm, we'll see. You know what they always say, in the Big Brother house - things can change on a dime, just wait a minute, see what happens... is like a microcosm of life - lol!

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Double Eviction, where the truth comes out! lol!
#BBHaveNots - So, it looks like the BB Have Nots have a lot more options than they used to have, right? And you know how the HaveNots have Hawaiian Buns, this week? I wonder if they could slice them, thick slices, fry them in a pan of a little oil, then toss in cinnamon sugar?
Man, that sounds deeelish, right? Now me wants to try that!
(Cinnamon Sugar, in case you haven't made it, yet, is just a nice mix of , say, a couple of tablespoons of cinnamon, and maybe about a half cup of sugar - you can add more cinnamon, to taste... is a good sprinkle for all sorts of wee things! lol!)
Okay, here's some other stuff me haz been a'thinkin' about, this week - lol! Ailsa : )
And here's where you can get some REAL Hawaiian Buns! lol! By the time you're done laying out on the beach in Hawaii, you'll have some Hawaiian Buns of yer own - bah'hahahaha!

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Aaaand, just in case you are a smoker, or know a smoker who wants to quit smoking, maybe this will help....
And I've been thinking about this a fair bit, lately...what if people who have been smoking for years, especially if they started when they were very young, what if they are self-medicating, for anxiety, ADD, or ADHD?
So, here's the deal - I'm a Special Education Teacher, and I know what it looks like when someone is struggling, and let's just say, that some people who are long time smokers, find this massive relief from smoking...
Now, I've never been a smoker, so I can't personally verify this, it's just a little theory I've been thinking about, because I will never forget a student I had, and this is a long time, ago, in Toronto, at a stooopid private school (you have to really watch out for Private Schools - too often, they pay their staff and teachers very poorly - the one where I worked never did pay me my last hard-earned cheque...but, back then, they also encouraged, strongly encouraged, parents to put their kids with Special Needs on medication, and I begged the parents not to do it, to reconsider, but the school was soo over-bearing (that's why I left), and this poor kid was put on his meds. He spent the whole day with his head on the desk, in tears. That's outrageous. That poor child. A better system would have served him, better.
Anyway, that said, I have seen meds working for other students, over the years, so the drugs are getting better, and I'm not advocating smoking or nicotine for your kids, I'm just saying, what if nicotine, or the act of smoking, really does an effective job of calming a person, completely? Why else would it be so addictive? There has to be a bigger reason, and not just habit, right? You can change a habit. (Not easily, but it can be done... using the replacement method, like with the Vaping, and then just gradually reduce the nicotine, then reduce the habit - sounds like a good plan, right?)
I would like to know if this has been studied, though... I'm curiouser and curiouser... lol! : )
It looks like different companies for the e-cigarettes have a variety of flavors for you to choose from - all very interesting, right? It's a whole new world of choice for smokers... and remember, you can decrease the amount of nicotine when you get more, so that you are gradually removing the need for the nicotine, and you still get the sensation of smoking...
AND, I was thinking about this, this morning, wouldn't you reduce the chances of you getting wrinkles from smoking, because wouldn't you inhale the vapor cigarettes differently? Not as much 'force', if you will, so your mouth doesn't have to pucker each time you take a drag on your cigarette, right? Am I right? hahaha! I have no idea! lol! Me jus' guessing! lol1 But, it makes sense to me, right, that if your lips are in a different position with the vapour cigarettes, wouldn't it stand to reason that you wouldn't get any wrinkles?? hahaha! Well, there's ANOTHER upside, and will give you something to chat about when you're enjoying your ecigarette.

Oh, and you know, sometimes you can't 'smoke' the ecigs, either - in restaurants, airplanes, in a lot of parks, stores, at work... really, a lot of places, and this can be a really big problem for people who smoke, and they feel like they really need to have a schmoke, right? I thought these Nicotine Toothpicks were very cool (frankly, makes me think of President Obama, maybe with a toothpick in his mouth, looking all cool, 'n all, since he's not allowed to smoke, any more... but I guess not in a major meeting, right? lol! Still, it does look pretty cool! lol!), and a really good solution for a lot of people... and it's all about alternatives to smoking, right? If you can move over, a little bit of the time, think how great you'a gonna feel! : )
Get 30% of a Case of the Original Nicotine Toothpick.
Oh, and I remember when they first started restricting where people could smoke - was pretty funny, really, when we all look back, now - remember the 'smoking section' in a restaurant? Was right beside the other tables, just a few feet away, but there was a sign that said 'Smoking Section' - oh, and in my high school, was considered all very progressive, at the time, and had been newly built, we had a very fancy 'Smoking Court' for the students - staff just smoked in the Teacher's Lounge, like on The Simpsons - hahahaha! Hilarious! (As a little side note, here, I wrote 3 scripts for The Simpsons, back in the day.. you used to be able to submit your scripts without an agent, back then - those were the days!)
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Man, I forgot all about your teeth - wow, whiter teeth, too! lol! Oh, and you can try my favourite tooth whitening thing, too - well, my favourite thing is to go to the mall in LA, get mah' teeth whitened there - but at home, you can just dip your tooth brush into the top cap of the Hydrogen Peroxide bottle (pour it in there, first - lol!), and apply straight to your teeth (no swallowing!), then don't rinse, just go ahead and dip your toothbrush into a some baking soda (I keep a little jar of baking soda in the bathroom) - give your teeth a good brush - hopefully you're already using an electric toothbrush - haha! Anyway, you'll have lovely shiny white teeth in no time! : )
Best Vaping Prices! 10% OFF your first order w/ code FIRSTTIME! Best prices, wide selection of flavors, fast delivery, and great customer service.
I think I would totally check for the best prices, look for Free Shipping, since everyone looves Free Shipping - lol! I want you to save money, and be all lovely and healthy! : )