Well, how is it I hadn't put any pics of us on my Family Page?? hahaha! So crazy!
Make your own Receiving Blankets - those cute little tiny blankets you wrap your baby up in - so cute, and will change your life, when you are a new parent! Congratulations - you're in for a world of joy, with your new little bundle o' baby! lol!
You can go to any fabric store, find the nice soft material, like a light flannel or really soft cotton, cut into 34" or 36" squares - make a million Receiving Blankets - so great! Babies looove to be swaddled - and cuddled! lol!
And babies loove jumping! Find a a Jolly Jumper - see if you can find one with a kilt attached (I would love to make those - so cute!) - highly amusing for the parents, and the baby will love all the jumping - hahaha! : )
Well, look what my lovely daughter just sent me - I hadn't seen this picture in years - I love it so much! Enjoy your children, and let your children enjoy you, too - everybody's happy! lol!
And Congratulations, to all the New Parents out there! You are gonna have so much fun - and endless love! : )
Baby Sale! 50% off during our Baby Sale + 20% off with promo code. Shop now at macys.com!
Wow! What a great deal! Yippee!! Babies! : )
Get a FREE trial of your favorite Honest bundle
Baby Arrival Gift Set
$20 off Diaper Bundle and Free Shipping
(And if you are changing a lot of diapers, or nappies, keep a little jar of baking soda by the sink, add a little to your soap when you're washing your hands - it'll be much better,
scent-free, if you will - lol!)

Valid 11/1-11/13
Wow, my son wouldda gone
mad for this, when he was little - he would probably still love this, now, but if you have little children, a safe, indoor, place for them to easily play is like a Godsend to you - and is a great place to go just as a family, on your own, or meet some friends there, the kids can play safely, and you can have a nice adult chat - perfect for everyone - and it looks like the Annual Pass is about $40 - wow, that's a great price!
I used to take my daughter to some amazing indoor play areas - that's critical, when you live in a colder climate, to get the kids out, but is fun anywhere you live - just so great for the kids to have so much fun, playing and learning, their little minds all busy - so sweet!

I'll see if I can find all the old pictures from Legoland in California, in Del Mar, California, I think, just north of San Diego - oh, man, what a beautiful park, it's great for kids of all ages - that's you, baby! lol! It is a beautiful park, though - and try the Apple Fries - I'm pretty sure that's where we had them! lol! I remember all the delicious treats! haha!
But these are like Giant Play Areas, huge Dicovery Centers - I'm trying to find a good ad for you to click on and find your own are, but I haven't found that,just yet, so I'll just put on the city by city ads, until I get a good general ad for you : )
So far, I've found ads for the Legoland Discovery Centers in Dallas Fort Worth, Boston, Westchester, Chicago, Kansas City and Atlanta - that's so great!
Wow, you are gonna looove it! And the kids will love it, too - buh-dum-bum! haha!
Everybody's Happy!

My wonderful son, Aidan -
here's a very quick little parenting tip - always use nice words, kind words, to describe your children - even words you might say in jest, for a little joke,, can hurt a child, and stick with them their whole lives, so the nicer your words are, the happier your child will be - at any age! lol!
We looove an
Ocean Walk - we have a lot of places we love to go for nice walks - is very good for the soul, as much as it's great for your body and mind - all those beautiful views - stunning! And in case you're wondering where this is, it's
Victoria, BC, Canada - so pretty! : ) And
a VERY nice place for a visit! lol! (Or to live!)
Travel Deals For You! : )

Memorial Day sale! Take $10 off purchases of $25 or more. Use online code BUYNOW7. Save on original, regular and sale-priced items. Valid Thru: 5/30
Online only: Take an extra 25% off purchases under $100 and 30% off purchases of $100 or more. Use online code BUYNOW77. Save on select original, regular and sale-priced items. Valid 5/25 ONLY

On our way to Walmart, we stopped by the park to look at the turtles - you're never too old to
look at turtles on a log! lol!
Age Schmage - sometimes parents stop taking their kids to the park when they're about 8 or 9, but keep that going, you can take your kids anywhere that's fun and family-friendly - and nature is a great place to be with your family, right? The more we teach our children how beautiful our earth is, the better they'll treat it, when they're adults.. makes sense! lol! : )
You know what? I took these pics one after the other, and look at the different lighting - inneresting, right? Hmmm... I was gonna just post one of the pics, but what if you would like to see BOTH of the pics o' Turtles on a Log? haha! So, you can decide for yourself, which picture you like the best! Or are they equally great, like your children? hahahaha! (Bringin' it back to the theme - hahaha!)
And here are the turtles on a log, in case now you want to see them, too! lol! Turtles - so cute! And then one of the turtles will roll the whole log over, all the turtles fall off, then they all climb back on the log, again - is hilarious - some sort o' fancy Turtle Game, no doubt! haha! #SoCute!

My beautiful , wonderful, hilarious children, Cara and aidan! Yahoo!! Me yuvs dem soo much! My Children are the Highlight of My Life!!

We are forever hugging, and forever out for lovely walks in Nature... often, a walk straight to the Fish and Chips restaurant, in Victoria, BC, Canada! lol!

We love each other soo much! That's the goal, right? Lots and Lots and Lots of Love??!! Yep!

So cute!!

Aidan and I on yet another walk! lol!
Cara and Aidan - My Best Work, Evah'!! : )

Cara and I, out for another walk - is so endlessly pretty, here... everywhere you turn, another lovely walk! And you know we love the beach! and each other!
: )
How to Raise Happy and Healthy Children, by Ailsa Forshaw
(Mother of all Mothers, so-to-speak! haha!)(And it all starts with Love! : )
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE...And Then Go From There... lol!
1. Be an emotionally stable parent. Well, do your very best on this one! Some days are full-on crazy, so those days are the tricky ones, where you need to keep a level head. I never did bother with 'Time Out' for the kids -- so useless.
"Go to your room with your TV and your DS and all the great things you ever wanted!" Nope. If all hell broke loose, I was the one to get a Time Out. That's right -- I gave myself the Time Out. I went to MY room, closed the door (when the kids were old enough, of course!) and cooled off.
Depending on how God-awful the kid has been, or what God-Forsaken thing they've done, a little time and space from it will allow you to come at it from a slightly better angle. Go in your room and breath deeply. Lay down, close your eyes, try the 'Soooo Hummm' method of relaxation (you say quietly, with Soo on the intake of breath, and Hummm on the slow outtake of breath -- is 'outtake a word?? Who has time to check to see if words really exist! You knows what I mean!! lol! This method is from Deepak Chopra, a brilliant, brilliant man and wonderful writer...).
Anyway, the key is to try to be as calm as you can. Whatever has happened will pass. I used to always hold on to the hope that everything frustrating was 'a phase', and would tell myself that for as long as I would listen! lol! And if you're all in the house, and the house is heating up with whatever bad thing is happening, maybe head out the door, get in some sort of exercise. Kids like to run, so a park is great when they are little, and any sort of outdoor activity that gets them some fresh air and movement (for you, too) might do wonders. It's worth a shot!

In case you want to take advantage of these VERY low Mortgage Rates - good time to refinance, too, save yourself a lot of money : )
2. Be a Finanacially stable parent. I know, this one's hard, especially in today's economy. It's very stressful dealing with money difficulties, and if you add a screaming two year old, with their baby brother on your knee, it can be a living nightmare. So best to plan ahead, whenever you can. Get the best possible job you can -- find out what jobs are actually hiring in your immediate future, in your own area, if you are not open to moving (I am always in favor of moving, especially if it means a stable job with a good salary), get the appropriate training you need for this sort of job (hopefully training you can use on a variety of jobs, so you can be flexible in the type of work you can do... this is just practical, when jobs that seemed stable can fall right out from under you, which is a horrible feeling...better to be prepared in advance, so you know you can deal with anything, and still keep your family afloat...). Hopefully, you'll get your Training and Education early, but in today's job market, people have to be open to going back to school at any stage of their lives, to be fully trained to keep their jobs, or find new ones.
Okay, aside from having a job that pays reasonably well (and please-oh-please consider the Trades -- soo many great jobs for men and women in the Trades, and the wages are high!), the next most important thing is to manage your money wisely. This means, often, making sure your partner, if you have one, manages their money wisely, too, since if one person is good with money, and the other constantly sabotages everything by over-spending, over-indulgence, with no regard to the family, that is a disaster waiting to happen, except for in the filthy rich... (All the Housewives of Orange County /Housewives of New York City come to mind, here... but we're not talking about extravagent lives, just your regular 'Are we gonna make it 'til the end of the month' lives...).
It's hard to juggle all the bills, and stay calm all the time. It's a horrible feeling when you just don't have the money to buy groceries, or pay the regular bills. Learning how to be Financially Responsible should be part of every High School Curriculum -- forget the massive push on Algebra we have in Middle and High Schools, right now. Please. Our economy would be way better off if all kids left high school knowing exactly how to get a job, keep a job, and then manage the money they make to live within their budget. Seems obvious, doesn't it? Maybe someone will revise the Math Programs, teach kids what they really need to know.
So some financial basics, which I'm sure you've heard before, but they will lessen the financial stress in your life, and that will make parenting more fun, since you won't constantly be worrying about money. Be painfully aware of exactly how much money is coming into your house, and what is going out. Write it down, make everyone be accountable, at least until you're completely on track with your money. (Wait 'til I get my money right, as Kanye says!)
Honesty is essential, here, with yourself, as much as with others. That Starbucks in the morning might easily add up to $3,000. a year. It's often the things you think are 'little', don't matter that much, that put you over the edge. Lunch out every day costs a fortune. And might make you fat -- that not good, as Neanderthal Ned would say! You're better off bringing in food from home. If you really have to get lunch on the run, use the Value Menus -- they're great. Just not every day... smoking, of course, is very expensive... often $5,000. a year. That's a lot of money for something that is trying to kill you! Maybe not now, maybe later, just when you're starting to have fun... I know, that's not pleasant, but the truth hurts, baby! I sorry! So sowwie! I try to keep the truth hidden from youse from now on!!
Okay, now that you know what is coming in and what is going out, make sure you organize your money so all the essential items are paid, first. Anything after that is now a luxury, so savor whatever else you do. Don't just buy something because it's there, or it's on sale... but it because you truly need it. Then figure out what you can do to bring more money into your house. Is there anything at your current job you can do extra that will bring more money into your house? Or perhaps a second job that doesn't impact on your family time too much, or maybe you could do from home?
Really, I don't understand the new trend not to live together or get married... we always did this 'back in the day', because not only did you love each other, but it was the financially sound thing to do. Two incomes are better than one -- d'uh!! (Okay, I just quoting Homer, now! lol!) If you are a single parent, it's okay to look for someone else who will be a good financial partner, as much as a great companion for you. There is no harm in this -- screw those people who say that money doesn't matter. No. It does so. You can feel it when there isn't enough to go around, and all adults should be able to carry their own weight, in some way or another. And if they are at home, they should be doing something constructive, not lazing about all day. You don't lay about (hopefully!) and neither should they. We're all in it together -- everybody gotta do their part!
Now here's the hard part -- get comfortable saying No to your children. "Mom, can I have...?" No. "Dad, I really want a ..." No.
Don't worry, your children will still love you, and perhaps you will instill a Work Value in them that makes them say to themselves, "Oh, for God's Sake, I better go make some money of my own, buy my own stuff", just like we did when we were kids, right?? hahahaha! (Okay, this just makes me laugh! I'm envisioning all the 3 year olds, out pounding the pavement, trying to find they a job!! haha!)
If you say Yes to everything the kid ever wants, you will have an adult on your hands (yes, your hands, because this kid is never gonna move out!! haha!) who will have the expectation that they can have whatever they want, whenever they want it. Remember when you were a kid and you had to save up for something special? Didn't you love it all the more because it took so long to get it?? Why can't this generation get to know that feeling, too? It's good to wait... plus, you can try that tried and true, "Write it on a list, Honey, and we'll see how much it is next time we go to Toys R Us..." With any luck, your child will have moved on to the next great toy, and you can save the big gifts for the major holidays, rather than every day. And you can try this on your partner, too! Who knows, might work... or on yourself -- wait a few days, see if you still want the same thing... you might be really surprised at how much you save when you don't buy 'on the spot' or out of guilt. Guilt schmuilt. You have a budget to keep! :)

About Reading Eggs:
The Reading Eggs program has been developed by a highly experienced team of teachers, educational writers, animators and web developers. Reading Eggs focuses on a core reading curriculum of skills and strategies essential for sustained reading success and is suitable for children aged 3 through 13.
(I would see if it is useful in my Special Education Classroom, too, as long as it is age-appropriate, as the child/student, gets older... age-appropriateness is essential to learning any new skill or idea : ) Since launching in the United States and Canada in 2010, Reading Eggs has signed on more than 3.4 million users. That's a lot of New Readers - lol!
3. Be a happy parent. Yes, Don't Worry, Be Happy. I knows, that a little simplistic. Of course you are going to worry, and you are not always going to be happy, but what you want to do for your kids and for yourself is to find as much happiness in your life as possible. If something is regularly getting you down, or making you downright miserable, do what you can to change that situation. Come at things from a new angle, see if that helps. I know when I read The Four Agreements, it really helped me change the way I dealt with difficult situations that were making me very, very unhappy, and helped me to find my way to an entirely new and much happier life. Hey, books help!
Get out and have some fun, with the kids and sometimes without them... it's important to feel like a regular adult, with a fun life. You will be happier and 'fresher' (if that is a real word!!) for your children. Hang around with other people who make you feel happy -- this'll do wonders for you and the kids. Have someone you can tell all the horror stories to, and then laugh about them... someone who will understand, and help you through it. Watch something light or whatever you find most entertaining on TV -- who ever said TV was the enemy was annoying as hell! TV is great! It's good for everyone -- you and the kids! There are highly entertaining shows on TV, so that whole 'it'll turn your brain into mush' is a whole lot of crap. Just balance it out with lots of activity, reading, the computer,etc., and you're good to go.
Do what feels right to you, and forget about what some 'expert' with no kids has to say... you know what the rigors of your own life are, so do the very best you can with what you've got, and you and the kids will be fine.
4. Be funny. Keep that sense of humor when all hell breaks loose, and you can't believe what you're seeing / hearing / experiencing / feeling... parenthood has a zillion crazy moments, and keeping that humor at close hand will help you to maintain your composure, and see things in a better light... hopefully! Kids do and say insane things, they just do. It's like it's their job. So your job is to see as much as you can with a grain of salt, or in this case, with a cup of sugar. Keep things light.
If you can feel a fight coming on, lighten the situation with a little humor, whenever possible. Try to get the other person to smile, or soften a little. If they're little, go in for a hug, do an "Okay, Little You, let's change this up a little bit...", and then say whatever it is you need to say. There are lots of things that kids can say that will push your buttons, but you can change how you react to these things, and turn the ship away from a storm. Storms bad, Peace good. (Neanderthal Ned told me that, and I believe him, since he is very earnest when he speaks!)
Think of yourself as Julie on the Loveboat! haha! Maybe not so perky... Julie before her morning coffee, perhaps! lol! You're the Captain of your family vessel, and you want to do what you can to steer a smooth sail... now I just wanna go on a cruise! Must look into that! Laughing with your kids is a great feeling, and instilling a great sense of humor in your children is really great for them socially and emotionally, not to mention how big their brain will get from thinking up new and clever jokes! lol!
Humph! How to Stop the Whining! Theirs, not yours! haha!
5. How to Stop the Whining, start to live normally, again! hahaha! No, fer reals, whining is phenomenally annoying, for everyone involved. Nobody likes a whiner, so don't let this little habit catch on with your child, and if has already started, try this little trick to stop it quickly. The best thing is to start this when your child first begins the whole whining process, around 2 or 3... you gently hold your child's face, look them straight in the eye, and say very, very clearly, exactly how you want to words to sound. They must mimic your voice, entirely, volume, tone, pitch.
"I wanna cookie, I wanna cookie, I wanna cookie. Plleeeeaaaasseee!! Puh-leease.... come on, I wanna cookie, I wanna cookie...", you get the drift! This kid needs to be stopped before you lose your mind.
Stop what you are doing, look down at this lovely child, hold their little face in your hand, gently around their chin, so they are completely focussed on you and you alone, and say firmly and with a very controlled, relatively low-pitched voice, "May I have a cookie, please?" When the child repeats it exactly the same way, you will then respond Yes or No. I used to love saying No, right when the kid had the sentence right, and then we would both laugh and I would say, "Yes, Little Baby, you can have a cookie! Thanks for asking so nicely!" That way, there is laughter, the child sees that there is a more effective way of possibly getting what they want, and your mind stays intact. Sound good? It works. The goal is to stay sane until the kids graduate from High School!! hahaha!
If you happen to be a whiner already, oh-uh, but you probably not readin' this if you iz! haha! Good time to train everyone! Every single time you hear something said a way you find annoying, stop it immediately. Same thing for 'autistic movements', which can happen often with boys, but sometimes with girls. If they are doing the quick hand movements, quickly and firmly hold their hands together and say "No." Like you mean business. No playing around here. Give the child an activity they can do with their hands, something they already enjoy playing with, like Lego, a book, a favorite toy... you're creating a mindful distraction.
You can laugh (or cry!) with your spouse or a friend, later, about whatever crazy thing your kid did that day, but right now is the time to be firm. The kid will get it, and frankly, this may sound controversial, or not, but it works. Dealing effectively has nothing to do with being 'politically correct', for the sake of someone else, who is not in your house, and not dealing with a very, very challenging child, right? Your job is to teach and guide your child to be able to fit into this world with as much ease as possible, and be the most pleasant, polite and kind human being they can be. Teaching them how to behave, how to speak properly, and know what they can and can't do, and when, will do wonders for their social skills, and make their lives better, which will, in turn, make your life better. See how easy it is to parent?? (This article should come with a condom! hahaha!)
6. Keep your composure. You are waaay bigger than they are, (until they grow up, dammit!), so always remember that you are in charge, not the tiny Napoleon, in case you happen to have a human child, between the wonderful ages of 2 and 6! haha! Someone once told me that 6 was the magic age for a lot of the crazy stuff to iron itself out, so if you're in the 6 'n under category, hold out this tiny bit of hope to help you get through the tricky years!

VeggieTales are great for the younger set, and you'll laugh along with them, too - very sweet, the kids love them, and the messages are very nice and caring.
Laugh while you Learn - it'll stick better! lol!
7. Be fair and reasonable. If you have more than one child, love them each for their uniqueness, so they know they are separate but equal... this goes a long way to maintaining family harmony. Nothing worse than sibling rivalry that is brought on and/or encouraged by a parent... this is even more difficult if you are not the parent doing the favoring, with biological children, or, as is the case in so many blended families, with 'Step Children'. For the record, I don't care for that term, since all children are 'children', and if you love the person they came from, you have to be kind to their children... decent and kind, and the children have to have the same decency and respect for the adult -- only the biological parent can manage that part, but it's critical.
When a child either just feels like they are being treated differently, or the poor kid is blatantly being treated differently, there is going to be a reaction, and chances are waaay high it won't be a good one. This is tricky to maneuver, but if you set down some 'Decency Rules' for everyone to follow, right from the start of a new relationship, it's much easier when the sh*t hits da fan... and you know that will happen, eventually. Bizarrely enough, these situations of one parent managing children much differently than you would is a much more difficult problem with two biological parents, since they both think they have it right, so often not a whole lot of room to budge -- hey, just thought -- I wonder if this is why so many young people in my generation (growing up in the 60's & 70's, when the vast majority of kids you knew were from 'intact families', where one or both of the parents were nuts, so the kids used to move out at a very young age... just to get away from the craziness! hahahaha! Maybe divorce made it easier for kids to stay home longer, and want to come back home later! Hmmm... a little food for thought! :)
As long as your children perceive you as a fair and caring parent, with their best interests at heart, even when you say No, which you will say often, you're good to go. Explain it any way you want (Honey, I know you really, really want a tattoo of your new girlfriend/boyfriend on your back, but I can't drive you there, right now. Maybe when you're 50, and still in love...). Your kids will get the idea that you're not a pushover, and that you are truly looking out for them. Plus, maybe they'll go get a great education, so they can get a great job, buy their own car to drive to the tattoo parlor in, just to show you who's boss around here! You can buy them a nice new shirt, so you won't even know it's there! lol!
8. Don't stay in a bad marriage 'for the kids'. Or in an abusive relationship 'for the kids'. Nope. Believe me, I know from personal experience (my first marriage was an abusive nightmare) that children (and you) are far better off in a happy, quiet home, than in a home filled with fear and anger. This all ties in with raising a Happy Child, and who can be happy in a horrible environment? And that's not to say that millions of Good Adults aren't walking around, all okay with themselves, even though they endured a difficult childhood (really, who thinks they had a great childhood?? Okay, maybe you did, but who else?? hahaha!), but we're talking about hard-core abusive relationships, here, and those are just plain horrible for everyone, especially the children.
And this whole thing that I hear in the loser-*ss courts, where the father has abused the mother, and the court says what a great father he is?? Puh-leeease. Great fathers don't beat their wives, or bully them, or anything else that is reprehensible. No. And it is just a matter of time before it happens to the kids. So there. I've waited 21 years to say that! I never was able to say anything at all about my horrible first marriage until I was well out of the custody battles, but those days are over, now, Thank God, and so now the truth can start to seep out. I want to tell you, though, that my daughter is a very happy and well-adjusted young woman, despite all the crap we went through in her youth, and I raised her to believe that Marriage is Good, with the right person. Just because one marriage is bad, and one man is horrible, doesn't mean that every man is bad -- not by a long shot. She is aware of the signs of an abusive nature in a person, though... healthy to know that!
Okay, I'm goin' to watch some TV! I'll write more when I feel like it! See the beauty of owning your own website!! lol!
If you have 'come in through the back door to my site, looking desperately for a way to get your sweet little child from whining, perhaps you'd get a kick out of my 'At Home with Ailsa' Update page... it's fun... or have a wee look at my favorite recipes! See you soon! Ailsa!
9. Make decisions that are good for you and your children, forget everybody else. They are important, but you and your children are at the top of the list for all the people you want to please, right now.
10. Be honest with your children, with as much information is as reasonable for them to know.
11. Treat your self and your children with the utmost of respect. So critical. You respect them, they respect you - it's mutual : )
12. Love your children like crazy. Did I already say that? Can't be said, enough - lol! Love, Love, Love. And tell them, directly, say the words - words matter, children of all ages need to hear I Love You from a parent.
13. Be available for your kids -- as much time as humanly possible... everyone's lives get so super busy, but to just be there when a child is looking for a parent, that's a Good Thing, as Marth Stewart would say! lol!
14. Let your children be free to live their own lives, but with your gentle and loving guidance. Be there when their choices work out differently than anyone thought, be that positive or otherwise...
15. Live an Adult Life that you are proud of, that brings you joy, and replenishes your soul. This will only bring even more joy and happiness into the rest of your life.
16. Keep your addictions to yourself -- don't share them with your children. Know what your addictions are (food, smoking, gambling, drinking, over-spending, negative behaviors, what have you...), and be extra-careful not to pass them along to your children.
17. Feed them well. (Or just feed them!! haha!) This doesn't mean, 'No Sugar', or 'No McDonalds', either... all things in moderation, right? Any healthy, balanced diet, low in fat and high in fiber, with moderate carbohydrates will build a healthy child -- and keep you healthy, too, so it's all good! Snacks are an important part of life, though, and I see more people with eating issues whose Mom made the poor kid eat a bag of carrot sticks when all the other kids were having some cookies or chips... this just sets up a future for the kid to hardly wait to get out on their own, eat as many damn chips as they can get their hands on, which is sorta funy, except that it can have serious food ramifications later... all you have to do is create a healthy environment where snacks are not held out as something you can never have, but the child can make their own decisions on what they might like -- you get to decide what type of snacks, occasionally, you have in the house. And make fruit appetizing for children -- I have been making my son, Aidan, a fancy Fruit Plate since he was a baby... he loves it! You know, slicing the bananas to put around the edge of the plate, put grapes for the eyes and nose, kiwi for the mouth... or any fancy pattern that makes the fruit look really appealing. Whatever you can do to get lots of fruits and veggies in those little mouths is a good thing to do! lol!
Now go give your kids a big hug!! Give 'em one from me, too! Children are The Best!! Little Sweet chilluns! We love 'em, and only want the best for them. Love them, they'll love you back, your life will be so great! Thanks for popping in for a wee read! See you soon!
This is for all the UK Mums and Dads, out there in Computerland... this was posted by my lovely cousin, today (I'm Scottish, but live in Canada, now... long story! lol!). Hope this helps lots of people!
For all the mammies and daddies - I was in Boots yesterday buying calpol and happened to complain to the cashier how expensive it is. She told me to my amazement that if you register your details with them under the 'minor ailments scheme' that all medicines etc. for children are free. A scheme that has been going for 8 years. They are not allowed to advertise it, but you can save a small fortune on calpol, piriton, sudocrem, plasters, etc.!! I wish I had known 8 years ago!
Yes, this is me, with my sweet little dog, Tia. I was soo extra careful not to put too many pictures of my children on my website for years.. I'd love to put pictures of my daughter, Cara, now, since she is now an adult, and very, very beautiful... one day, I will figure out how to put more pictures on my site -- when I moved, the same photo icon didn't come up on my computer, so that's the problem -- I only knew one way to do it! haha! (Story of me life!! lol!) But I have raised two wonderful, loving, caring children, through all kinds of trials and tribulations, and we all came out the other side happy wee folk, so I am very grateful for that. Believe me, there were a lot of tears and prayers along the way, but lots of laughs and great times, too. Any tiny tidbit of Parental advice that you can take from this, or share with a friend, is good, right? And free! And you know what they always say about Free Advice?? haha!
The best way to get the word out about a Website is by
'Word of Mouth', or in my case, by e-mail. I'd love it if you would
tell your Friends & Family about
http://www.buildyourownhouse.ca/index.htm -- you know I'll love you for it! (You know,
from afar...! haha!) Thank you!

Yay, the kids are being good!! lol! (That's Shelli, from Big Brother - I just know she'll be a good Mom : ) |

This is so cool - let's say you've now been binge watching your fave shows, and you STILL have 4 more seasons left of your brand new-to-you show, soo you don't want to get up off the couch, but, also, you know you should probably get you' some groceries?
Problem - Solution! lol!
Check and see if your area is covered by either VONS or Safeway... they cover some of the same areas, and some different areas - does that make sense? lol!
I loove this Delivery Service for Groceries and whatever you might need, right to your door, just in general, but what a great idea in bad weather, no more stooopid traffic, or if you're not feeling up to going out to the store, or you just don't feeeel like going out to the store...or if you're like me, and get so caught up in whatever you're working on, and don't want to stop just 'for food' - haha! And no need for Taxis, if you need to take a cab to the grocery store...that's a huge savings, right there, right?
Wow, Grocery Delivery Service - that's fantastico!! Yippee!! Hello, Future - you look great! : )

I think this is such an amazing new service for your groceries - and anything you ever need from the grocery store - if you've ever had a time when you had a tiny baby, or you're super-busy (same thing - hahaha! All the New Moms will be laughing, now - lol!)...but if you're busy at work, or busy at home, or traffic, or you're busy binge-watching your favorite shows - hahahahaha! This might be the new wave of the future, right? Ordering your groceries online?
And I would imagine you would save a lot of money, since you would just buy what you actually need... might really work for dieting, too, since, well, if we're in the store, and be 'we', I mean 'me'...anyway, let's say I've got my grocery list, then I'm at the store, and I think, you know what, I'll just nick down the Candy Aisle, see if Chocolate is on sale (see how much I like Sale Chocolate - hahaha! Is it tastier, or just less expensive?? We'll never know! It's all gone, now - hahaha!)
Not that you couldn't just 'browse' for that, anyway... right? Me thinkin', now, o' course, where is the Sale Chocolate, online?? hahaha! But let's say you're you, and not me, and you have a LOT more self control than maybe ME do... so you order all the things you really wanted, and not just a whole cart full o' Wunderbars, on sale... hahahaha! Wouldn't THAT be fun - just a cartful of Sale Chocolate?? haha! Okay, clearly, me needs a treat! lol! : ) #SaleChocolate! Ha!

Shop Gifts Under $10 from See's Candies!
Create your own Custom Chocolate Mix at See's Candies!
Okay, this is
MY kind o' Luxury Reward -
me always 'reward' mah'self wit' da delicious chocolates! hahaha! I loove
Sees Candies - soo deeelish!
The Walnut Squares (#43 - is it bad for me to know the number?? hahahahaha!) (I've got your number..oooh, is it #43?? I hope so! lol!) Ooh, and I see that Sees has a sale, right now,
Take $4 off of $20? Yahoo! Sale Chocolate - yes, please! haha! Yum! Don't mind if ah' do...lol! : )
In case you're just getting started out on this exciting and wonderful adventure of Parenting!! Congratulations and Good Luck - You're gonna love every bit of it!!

Shop Now for the Thyme Maternity Starter Kit! A collection of the 4 essentials that every mom-to-be needs at the beginning and throughout her pregnancy.
Shop Now for the Stork & Babe Collection at ThymeMaternity.com!
Shop Now for Maternity Dresses at ThymeMaternity.com!
Here's something funny - I made all my own Maternity Dresses when I was pregnant with my beautiful daughter, Cara - she's 27, now, and back then, there wasn't a Maternity Dress without a Big Bow or a Sailor Suit Design, to be found... it was like they were dressing us up like we were child brides, or something? lol! Silly, and I was teaching, so I wanted professional and comfy, pretty dresses, so I just made my own...and now, luckily, they have soo many lovely things for pregnant women to wear, look all lovely 'n all! Yahoo!
I had a really lovely black dress I got from Thyme Maternity when my wonderful son, Aidan came along, much later (he's 16, now! so cute! Don't let anyone tell you the teen years are hard - they're not, if you raise good children, they will be good teenagers, and then good adults.. it's not exactly Rocket Science, but sometimes people can get in your head, you'll hear a lot of very annoying people say - "Oh, just wait 'til the teen years", which i think is a very mean thing to say to any new parent - the teen years are wonderful years, just like all the other years with your children - just keep loving them, let them
KNOW that you love them, give them respect and know that they respect you, you'll all be fine... and happy!)
Well, that was a long aside, but an important one - I hate when
stooopid information about parenting is passed along, usually by really crappy parents... nope. Always check to see, would I like to have a family like theirs? and if the answer is "Nope!", hen move on from that advice... you're goal as a parent is to raise lovely, wonderful little human beings, little people you will send off into the world, strong and capable, happy and loving, excited and ready for their own lives... how hard is that? It's not hard, you'll love it, and you'll be great at it! Love Yourself, Love Your Children, make sure they Love Themselves, and just think what a lovely planet we'll have! Yippee! #SoEasy!
Oh, almost forgot to tell you about that Black Maternity Dress I got from Thyme Maternity, in Calgary... I wore it right through my pregnancy, apparently I was huuge, but I did not perceive mah'self to be huge, and when we went out to dinner, just before I gave birth to Aidan, hahaha, we were sitting at the table in the restaurant, one of my all-time favourite restaurants, in Calgary, Alberta, Smugglers (yum!), and I leaned over the table and said to my husband, "I don't think the waiter even knows I'm pregnant", and Dwight says, "Yes, I think he probably does know..." and we laughed really hard at my delusion - but that dress was so amazing, I felt it made me look very svelte - at the very end of my pregnancy - hahahaha! Makes me laugh! : )
I love the owner of BOXED - soo nice! So kind to all his employees and their families! Yay!!

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