Bridalplasty - It's Always Playing Somewhere! lol!
Janessa had to switch teams, tonight, 'cause she just couldn't keep saving down-in-the-dumps Lisa Marie (aka: The Cockroach, poor boring girl....)... man, has there ever been such a dull girl?? But I loooved it when Lisa Marie turns into a tyrant when her mother-in-law to be shows up, and they have to do the 'photo shoot' together, down at Venice Beach.... hilarious!
So it was finally time to give up the goat, so-to-speak, and vote Lisa Marie out.... now she'll have her wedding, but it just won't be perfect... lol! What a horrible thing to say to someone, about to get married! "Too bad you still a fatty with a normal nose..." That's horrible... these crazy girls! What did Lisa Marie want done, anyway? I have a sneaking feeling that she secretly thinks she's a sexy diva (did you catch the icky cleavage shot when she was sitting at the RSVP Table?? hahaha! Ick. Usually it's great to see some cleavage, but on some women, let's just say, repulsive women, it just makes you feel queasy to get an accidental peak -- yuck!! Cover up, Lisa Marie... you were right, all along, to dress like a mennonite lady... (no, that's not a mennonite lady posing in da picture beside me, here... she's probably Presbyterian, because I don't think we have very tight rules about that.. I'll be sure to ask when I go at Easter... lol!)
(Oh, no, I just realized I didn't mention about the mother-in-laws coming to town!! I wrote a whole thing about how to get along with your in-laws... usually, it's waay harder to get along with your mother-in-law than it is to get along with your father-in-law, but I've had some trouble with them both, so maybe you'll find a few words of wisdom, or at least have a few laughs, know that someone else has been in your shoes, and survived, and you will, too! lol!)

How stoopid do you think these girls are, on average? Very stooopid, a little stupi, just not-good-with-numbers?? hahaha! Really, they couldn't do a little math on the car ride to Venice Beach?? Add up the point system for the photos, in advance?? I know, I know, beauty before brains... or is that the wrong away around? Not here in Hollywood! Beauty first, forget everything else... and will be waaay easier to convince them to do work that could be life-threatening, for the sake of the show... and is it true that Cheyenne actually wants liposuction?? On her thighs??? Can you even see them?? These poor girls -- are they constantly looking in mirrors, unhappy with themselves? And if they're getting married, doesn't the fiance already love them, or do you think they have those gross men, who are all fat and gross, themselves, who demand 'their girl' to be perfect, al the time. God knows there are a lot of those men, around.. ick. In fact, they're usually the most hideous guys who think they deserve to be with the best women.. uh, no. Shut up and be thankful any girl is looking your way... usually the handsome fellows are much more self-satisfied, so they're more normal to be with... some food for thought, ladies!! haha! (And healthier food than a bag full of Doritos! lol!)
I keep looking at Allyson's arms, and they look a whole lot like they looked, before. And she says she's always had flabby arms... why?? Really, it never occurred to her to get off the couch and lift something up? Not ever?? In 20 years?? How old is she?? Man, I should look that up... wait, I got a computer... I look dat up fer youse, right now!! I'll be riiiight back! Otay, lookie what I found for you... or maybe this is already your homepage... (lol!) http://www.eonline.com/on/shows/bridalplasty/cast_bios.html It's E! Online, and they have the pics and bios of all the Bridalpasty girls! WooHoo! So, it turns out, Allyson is the ripe old age of 32... I get to say 'ripe old age', becasue I'm 47, sooooo, well, maybe I get to say that! lol!
So here's the craziest thing that juuust happened, when I went on my search (for you!) to find out how old Allyon is.. I typed into Google, Bridal Plasty: how old is Allyson, and whose site comes up on the very first page?? MINE!!! Yippee! Thank you! Enough people must have clicked on me little site to put it right up there, and here's what's really funny... my other site, http://www.buildyourownhouse.ca/ , is on the first google page, too, and my daughter, Cara, her site is on Google page three!! Yahoo! That's huuuge! Couple o' little Canadian girls go big on da internet highway!! Funny!! No we just have to figure out how to make a little money at this game, and we're all set!! haha!
Okay, enough about meee... now there's something you'll never hear uttered in the Bridalplasty house!! Oh, and turns out that Bridal Plasty is one word... who knew?? Not me, apparently! lol! So now I'll have to fix it on my pages...
I wish they would pan the camera back just a little bit from lovely Kristen. What a beautiful personality -- she's charming, realy. Calling Lisa Marie a cockroach... hmmm. Now there's a name I've never given anyone, but I can see where it might fit it for some particularly annoying folks, so maybe I keep dat one up me sleeve for a special occasion, like when I'm on-camera, in the kitchen, in front of other girls who like her... oh, and did I say how smart Kristen is, too? Smart. Like a whip. Or whip cream... yeah, more like whip cream, now that I think of it... lol! Silly girls! But did you know she comes from a line of Beauty Queens, and won a pageant, herself?? How crazy is that, and that's who's lining up for plastic surgery?? Say it ain't so!
I am endlessly interested in Veneers, and how they do them... was that really a one day affair?? I thought they whittled down your teeth until they're like little stubs, then put the new veneers on top of the stubs? Your close friends could call you stubby, and maybe get away with it.. oh, well, they might be callin' you stubby behind yer back, anyway, so they ARE getting away with it!! Can you believe your friends would talk about you like that??? Behind yer back?? I hope you take some action, stubby, and dinny let them get away with that! (yuff-yuff!!)
There, now don't say I never help you... here's a quick and easy way to fix yer teeth, for a fraction of the cost, and if you happen to be watching The Bachelor, too, and you, too, would like to look like Vampira (really, I haven't bothered to learn the Vampire girl's name, because, primarily, I'm interested in her teeth! hahaha!)
Okay, I have to go to bed.... I still have to go to work for a living (dammit!!), otherwise, I would stay here and talk to you, all night... you go on and sleep, that's okay, I'll be right here, whenever you wake up!! lol! Go be happy with yourself!! Go check out how slim your ankles are!! (I secretly hopin' they not 'cankles!!' Try to focus in on how lovely your eyebrows look, today... they key is to focus on the good parts, do what you can to change the bits you'd like to change, and accept yourself as the lovely creature you are, baby!! xox! (Oh, did you notice how I've learned how to add some pretty pictures, to keep your attention from fading while you read?? Your welcome!! hahaha!) Ttys! Ailsa xox!
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