Salsa Chicken - Make you wanna dance! haha! So Easy and Nutritious - Everyone will love it : )
Well, this couldn't be any easier, and is so practical, you'll love it, and the kids will love it, too. We make extra, and then I just pull apart the extra chicken meat, I take one chicken breast at a time, fully cooked, after I've taken it out the oven, so it'll just flake apart with two forks, and I put each pulled chicken breast into a baggie, pop it in the freezer, since it makes the perfect amount of chicken for our favorite Pass da Pasta meal - and THAT meal makes at least 6 meals, too... it's all about making these little 'meal starters', little baggies of meat already cooked - has to be from fresh meat, any meat that is frozen has to be eaten right away, or just saved in the fridge, not frozen, again... safety first, right? lol! Anyway, this is a very tasty and practical meal, and you and your whole family will love it : )
So here's how insanely easy this Salsa Chicken meal is.... you takes your chicken breasts, rinse them under cold water, pop them right in the pan. Cover with your favorite Salsa (Mild, Medium or Hot and Spicy), cover with Tin Foil, bake in the oven at 350 Degrees for at least an hour, but I love it baked in the oven for an hour and a half, 90 minutes, or a couple of hours. You can just pop it in the oven, go read, or watch some good shows, and Wham, it'll be all ready for you - yum! Easy and delicious! And nutritious, too! And the vegetables are right in the Salsa - done! lol!
This is the chicken package I usually buy - $10 for 5 chicken breasts, and they make huge meals - there's soo much meat in each chicken breast. I typically do the 'pulled meat' for 2 of the chicken breasts, so I just pop those in the freezer, right away, then they're ready for another meal, another day... so easy : )
Well, if you've been reading any of my recipes, you'll know I'm very fond of cheese - Ah, Cheeses, so-to-speak... makes me laugh, every time - hahaha! Say it like you're at Church - haha! So I grate some cheese on my Chicken Salsa. Cheese is a very healthy food, despite what some of the new food 'gurus' are saying, these days - these people drive me crazy - so infuriating, going around, saying information like it's the truth, when it's just to sell more books... I'm all for selling lots of books, but don't mislead the public to make money - no, why, that seems a little unethical, don't it? lol! Like any diet that says you'll 'lose 9 pounds a week, 18 pounds in 2 weeks' - ah, nope. Not gonna happen. And you don't even want that to happen to your body... one, who on earth is gonna shave their coconut into slices, like bread? Whaaat?? Oh, yeah, no problemo. I'm right on it. I'm just gonna quickly go get a coconut, break it open on the sidewalk (get rid of the snow, first - lol!), see if I can get the entire piece of the coconut meat out in one bit, pretty easy, if you've ever fought with a coconut to get the meat out - coconuts are known for their extreme ease in removing them from the shell, slice that down into paper-thin slices, and make mah'self a little - emphasis on the 'little' - sammich... soo easy! And any calories you might have from your little 'coconut sandwich' will all be taken up in the vast amount of swearing you'll have done, making your meal for the day - hahahahaha! Dat stuff make'a me laugh! lol!
Impractical and idiotic 'diets' drive me up the wall - you need to provide real food, that real people eat, and WANT to eat, to make any real changes... yummy and healthy can easily co-exist, right? Right!

Hahaha - well, if you can spot the differences in these two pics of my fave Salsa Chicken, good for you! I must've thought they were really different angles - or one was my plate, and one was my son's? haha! But to plate this lovely and delicious meal, we just make our rice (truth be told - one time, years ago, I had accidentally picked up the 'boil in a bag' rice - well, wasn't me, but it was in my kitchen, and we were all out of our 'normal' rice, and it was THE best rice, was soo easy, so now we love the minute rice - is healthy enough - not to worry. But make whatever is your favourite rice, me iz jus' a'saying, it's okay to eat white rice, it is not the worst thing, ever, that's just another line to make people feel guilty about what they're eating (can you see this really bothers me? lol!), and I just make it in the microwave, 12 minutes, done (!), equal parts rice and water, no extra salt, you can add salt on the actual meal, if you feel like you need it, but the Salsa is so lovely, you probably won't need any extra salt - that's the easy way to cut back on salt - just wait 'til the meals are on the table, each person can make their own decisions, and no one has any more salt than they actually want, and your children won't even 'get a taste' for salt, since, really, that's probably why so many adults have such a need for salty food - we grew up with it, so maybe it's like a comfort food sort of thing, right? Who knows? Maaay-be! lol!
Oh, and you could easily serve your Salsa Chicken over pasta, too : )
See how easy? There's the magical bowl of Minute Rice, there's the finished Salsa Chicken - one piece of chicken per person is probably just right - I like a half a piece of chicken, or I just save half of my whole meal for lunch the following day - yum! But eat what you like, you really can't go wrong with this lovely little dish, and whatever you do save for another meal, will be even better, since the flavor is fantastic the next day : ) Yum!
Oooh, here's the Salsa Chicken all covered up, ready to go into the oven - 350 for about an hour and a half, a little less or a little more, no biggie... I like it really well baked (insert joke, here - buh'dum-bum... hahah!), since I love when the meat just pulls apart - is very tender and delicious.
Just pour the Salsa right on the Chicken. You can use a can of Diced Tomatoes, instead, or in addition to the Salsa... it will all be good, one way or another : )
5 Chicken Breasts fit neatly into an 8" X 8" pan.... and if you have a bigger family, or want to make a lot more chicken for a dinner party, or to save a lot of little bags of the pulled chicken for your meal starter bags, just use a 9" X 13" pan, it'll all work out very easily : )
And there you go! So easy, right? I'll go get the link for you to see how to make the Pass da Pasta meal, too - we just use one of the little baggies of the pulled chicken from this meal, use it as a starter for the next meal - is a great way to make great meals for your family, economically : )
Happy Eating! Ailsa : )
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Grocery Delivery!!
This is so cool - let's say you've now been binge watching your fave shows, and you STILL have 4 more seasons left of your brand new-to-you show, soo you don't want to get up off the couch, but, also, you know you should probably get you' some groceries?
Problem - Solution! lol!
Check and see if your area is covered by either VONS or Safeway... they cover some of the same areas, and some different areas - does that make sense? lol!
I loove this Delivery Service for Groceries and whatever you might need, right to your door, just in general, but what a great idea in bad weather, no more stooopid traffic, or if you're not feeling up to going out to the store, or you just don't feeeel like going out to the store...or if you're like me, and get so caught up in whatever you're working on, and don't want to stop just 'for food' - haha! And no need for Taxis, if you need to take a cab to the grocery store...that's a huge savings, right there, right?
Wow, Grocery Delivery Service - that's fantastico!! Yippee!! Hello, Future - you look great! : )

I think this is such an amazing new service for your groceries - and anything you ever need from the grocery store - if you've ever had a time when you had a tiny baby, or you're super-busy (same thing - hahaha! All the New Moms will be laughing, now - lol!)..but if you're busy at work, or busy at home, or traffic, or you're busy binge-watching your favorite shows - hahahahaha! This might be the new wave of the future, right? Ordering your groceries online?
And I would imagine you would save a lot of money, since you would just buy what you actually need... might really work for dieting, too, since, well, if we're in the store, and be 'we', I mean 'me'...anyway, let's say I've got my grocery list, then I'm at the store, and I think, you know what, I'll just nick down the Candy Aisle, see if Chocolate is on sale (see how much I like Sale Chocolate - hahaha! Is it tastier, or just less expensive?? We'll never know! It's all gone, now - hahaha!)
Not that you couldn't just 'browse' for that, anyway... right? Me thinkin', now, o' course, where is the Sale Chocolate, online?? hahaha! But let's say you're you, and not me, and you have a LOT more self control than maybe ME do... so you order all the things you really wanted, and not just a whole cart full o' Wunderbars, on sale... hahahaha! Wouldn't THAT be fun - just a cartful of Sale Chocolate?? haha! Okay, clearly, me needs a treat! lol! : ) #SaleChocolate! Ha!
And I would imagine you would save a lot of money, since you would just buy what you actually need... might really work for dieting, too, since, well, if we're in the store, and be 'we', I mean 'me'...anyway, let's say I've got my grocery list, then I'm at the store, and I think, you know what, I'll just nick down the Candy Aisle, see if Chocolate is on sale (see how much I like Sale Chocolate - hahaha! Is it tastier, or just less expensive?? We'll never know! It's all gone, now - hahaha!)
Not that you couldn't just 'browse' for that, anyway... right? Me thinkin', now, o' course, where is the Sale Chocolate, online?? hahaha! But let's say you're you, and not me, and you have a LOT more self control than maybe ME do... so you order all the things you really wanted, and not just a whole cart full o' Wunderbars, on sale... hahahaha! Wouldn't THAT be fun - just a cartful of Sale Chocolate?? haha! Okay, clearly, me needs a treat! lol! : ) #SaleChocolate! Ha!

So, that's great Food for your Body, and now this is Great Food for your Soul! lol! I loove Louise Hay - so lovely, so happy, so loving... all nice, all the time : ) Hello, #PositiveAffirmations! : )