Shopping - All the things you can buy when you make a fortune selling your home - lol! And, right now - Yay!! Great Deals!
Oooh, you say, who could afford this li'l gem?
I'm sure this was a comfy-cozy home for lovely people, for sooo long, and now it's been sold for - wait for it - $2.5 MILLION Dollars.
So here's the deal with Real Estate, right now, especially if you live in an up and coming neighborhood - Victoria, BC, Canada, Vancouver, BC, Canada... Toronto, Los Angeles, any Big City, many places with a good view... you name it, property is selling like hotcakes, right now (Yum, hotcakes! haha!), so, you might consider selling your property. : )
The message I want to get out there, today, is for people who have been living in the same house, forever, and had a Big Plan 'to die in this house' (I've heard that line soo many times, and I used to say, Omg, are you all right? But, come to find out, that's just a little saying, as in, I never plan to move from this house - which I cannot relate to, since, who knows where their lives will take them, and isn't that very limiting thinking?)
Anyway, if you happen to find yourself in a nice house, you're comfy, but your taxes have been going up, possibly exponentially, but your taxes are going up because your Property Value has skyrocketed, keep an open mind when it comes to making a change, putting your property on the market, cash in on this very Hot Real Estate Market.
Don't worry about finding somewhere else to live - you will be rolling in cash, you'll find something amazing, without a doubt!
I feel like this is a sticking point - well, where else will I live? What you could do, if you felt like it, is go and look at other properties - are you open to moving outside of town? You KNOW I'm a big advocate of building your own home - lol! That's what I would almost always advise - hahaha! Find a nice piece of land, build a gorgeous house, live there for a few more years, then either stay, or decide to sell that house, too, and do it all over again - but that's me, you have to go your own path, right?
But I think a lot depends on where you're at with your lie - are you ready to retire? what if you had a big bundle o' cashola, THEN would you be ready to retire? lol!
Are you ready to move into a Condo, where you can live freely, no grass to cut, everything is done for you - Condo Living is Easy Living - just make sure you have a good condo Board (they can be such a hassle, so, maybe see if you could go to a meeting - although, that seems excessive, now that I've actually written that - haha! But you can usually get a feel for the place, right away - if you see a whole lot of disgruntled people, not a good sign, but if everyone seems nice and normal, go for it - and if you looove the condo, who cares, get yourself on the Condo Board, make it nice and normal, yourself, right? lol!)
And if you're dealing with, let's just say, relatives, neighbors, or people who do not know any better (super-annoying people - naysayers, you might call them ...or whatever fancy words you can come up with, but most people have some sort of group around them who are intent on holding them back, keeping them down, for some unknown reason...) ...Anyway, you might get a lot of resistance to the mere IDEA of you selling your property and moving - why are people like that? I loove Change - change is Good - Change Can Be VERY Good - and this is YOUR life to live, not your neighbors...
There are major bidding wars going on, right now, in our own city, here in Victoria, BC - is so pretty, people from the Mainland and from overseas (Mainly buyers from China), and Victoria is considerably less expensive than Vancouver, but buyers are snapping up properties that come on the market, in days - sometimes in hours - so it is a good idea to have an idea of where you might like to go next, with your big wad of cash - haha!
Could Your House be the Pot Of Gold at the End of the Rainbow? I hope so! : )
Seriously, it's like winning the lottery - think of your house, that way - you are literally, sitting on a Golden Ticket - And your new-found money will go a really long way - maybe you'd like to rent something affordable, and then just travel - go anywhere your heart wants you to go - you could do all that - we don't have to live by any old-fashioned standards, any more - life is different, now, you can do so many things - What Do You Wanna Do?? Anything, at all, Baby! The Future is yours to play with, why not roll the dice, see what happens? (Not in a crazy way, but in a well thought out kinda way - lol!)
Well, if you're in BC, Canada, especially Victoria, and you're even considering selling your house, let me know, I'm always happy to help out my lovely (and suuper-smart!) (and did I already say, attractive?? haha!) Readers!
Follow Me on Twitter @AilsaForshaw
Oh, and I'm not a realtor, but I do know some really great realtors, I just want you to live your very best life, love every minute of it!
I hope you are having THE Best Day!! Ailsa : )
10 Tips to Sell Your House Faster - And How To Sell Your Own Home : )