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The Chinese New Year - The Year of The Ox - a great year for all your hard work to come to fruition - Yahoo!
Kung Hei Fatt Choy!!
Happy Chinese New Year!!
I was just reading a book about Feng Shui, just a minute ago, and did you know that Kung Hei Fatt Choy actually means, 'Congratulations, and may you become more prosperous' - Me yuvs dat! Why not, right? Let's let go of that crazy Western idea that money is bad, the root of all evil - nope. Money is fantastic, money is great, money is FREEDOM, baby! My wish for you, and all of us, it to become more and more prosperous, and thus, free to be your very own self - that's a fantastic wish! Good for you, billions of Chinese people, wishing prosperity on one another - very nice : ) We'll all do the same thing : ) So, Kung Hei Fatt Choy!! To you and yours!! And to me - lol!
So this is a pic of my Chinese Prosperity Tree that I like to make - really, I want to make a business of selling all these lovely trees that I love to make - fun for me, I love to make the trees, I love to look at the trees, and, so, really, shouldn't I try to SELL the trees?? Hmm, I will have to figure that one out, then me lets you know! lol!
I'm holding that little Chinese Prosperity Tree in front of my favourite pictures in my house... makes it sort of look like my hand is handing you the New Prosperity, right? hahaha! I think that if you truly do believe you will become prosperous, you will become prosperous... there's a whole movement that believes in the power of thought, and perception, and, well, clearly, me a part o' dat group, too - lol! Steve Harvey talks about it, a lot, visualizing your success, very specifically - Steve Harvey loves having a Vision Board, which works for him... and I love the whole 5 Genie Wishes thing - where you make your five Genie Wishes, every day, if you can remember, but do it whenever you happen to think of it, and they can be anything, as material as you want, since, chances are high that you might have gotten in trouble when you were a kid, and praying to God for a new red bike - hahahaha! Is that what we were all praying for, back in the day - a shiny new bike?? hahaha! And, now, kids be like, 'Mom, will you get me a new XBox?' No more need for God to answer those prayers, if the parent wil run out and get it for the kid? Hmmm.... anyway, most of us were raised to never, ever, pray for anything material, right, sooo, that's where your Genie Wishes come in... you can really make any wishes you want, and, frankly, I think it allows you to open up to yourself about what you relaly want, and prioritize what you want to get done, today, or this minute, or this year, or in the future.. they're your wishes, so you can make them as small or big as you like, or as soon or as futuristic as you want.
And, if you've been in here, before, and already know all about me, you'll know how much I love, love, love Louise Hay, and her ideas of the power of thought, for bringing prosperity into your life, for bringing love into your life, and most importantly, for learning how to absolutely love yourself - that's the key to it all, for sures, without a doubt, and very few of us ever got that message - we got the exact opposite message, but it's never too late to learn new and positive messages, that can completely change your life, right?
See mah' Trees?? lol! That's my new Spring Blossom Tree, which I just made, the other day, and me luv sooo muy muchos, and then the middle tree I made a couple of weeks, ago, and it has 52 'stems' and 52 'diamonds', all in honour of my 52nd Birthday, which is coming up in March - I am a true Piscean - me luv everything sparkly and pretty, flowers and trees, and I live right by the ocean, sooo, I am the essence of what it is to be Pisces! hahaha! AND, I'm a Rabbit on the Chinese Calendar, too - sooo, super lucky - yahoo!! And that's my desk, where all da magic happens at mah' house - lol! Can you see that there are 2 Money Trees on my desk, right beside my computer? hahaha! And I have 3 Money Frogs right underneath them .... think me has a picture of the Money Frogs... will go see if I can find them for you... you rub the Money Frogs for more money to come into your life... see a focus, here? hahaha!
Here they are, my little Money Frogs, under my Money Tree, right beside me as I work away on the 'puter - lol! I love them! And they work! lol!
Otay, hope you are loving your New Chinese New Year - it's the Year of the Sheep - I've known some ver, very successful men from the Year of the Sheep - haha, this is apparently the year that I date - for mens - hahaha! So, well, me knows a lot o' da Year of the Sheep men - hahahaha! And they're all really nice and kind, too, so, successful in all aspects of their lives : ) Go, Sheep! lol!
Kung Hei Fatt Choy!! Ailsa : )
My favourite books to start with, with Louise Hay - You Can Heal Your Life - brilliant, and it really WILL change your life... and Meditations for Daily Living - think that's the right title - is so lovely, you'll love it - all very heartwarming, very clarifying... and Louise Hay has a tiny little book, I Can Do It - looove it, you'll love it, too... I love all of Louise's books... so lovely and life-changing : )