Ugh, it's 3:00am, and I'm back up - had been in bed, cannot sleep, far too much on my mind, tonight - like, should I finally sell my condo, is the market strong enough for me to put it on the market, right now, or is it better for me to hold onto it for a while, yet? Anyway, that's mostly what I was thinking about, unable to get to sleep... I even tried the Genie thing - you know, from Beyond the Secret, a nice little book, all very kind, and whatnot... I'll link it back to my page on that, if you like (!), but basically, it's when you say to yourself, hopefully in a quiet moment, but you can do this anywhere, if it helps you to focus on positive things, and helps you to straighten out your priorities (or in my case, helps to put me to sleep! hahahaha!)... anyway, you say to yourself, a Genie has come to you, and he wants to help you.
The Genie wants to grant you 5 wishes. Quick, what are your 5 wishes? So you have to quickly come up with 5 things you really, truly, want to happen to you, for you, with you... and you will find all the really big important things that really matter to you will naturally float to the top, and you list your wishes. It's amazing. You should definitely try this, if you haven't, already.... and it's different from praying, because you would never (prolly!! hahaha!) say specific amounts of money you would want to God - that doesn't seem right, you've gotta pray for lovely things to God, but for the Genie, you can be really specific, like, "I wish I could sell my condo for $420,000." There. That's my top wish. My wishes seem to be mostly financial, these days, but I try to put a wish in there for Love, too... and sometimes after I've forgotten to add 'I wish for a really healthy, happy, relationship with a really good man", I'll add it in as an addendum... pretty sure that's cool with the Universe! lol!
Cool if I wish for dis Electric Scooter?? haha! Me wants! : )

Anyway, I'm clearly up too late, and slightly ramble-y.... makin' words up as I go... lol! So the thing I was thinking about before I got up to write, was, what, exactly, did I eat, today (well, yesterday, now...), since I measured mah'self with my very pretty tape measure my very pretty daughter, Cara, who will be 25 on the weekend (!) gave to me for my birthday in March, when I turned 50... anyway, I not happy wit' da numbers that came up on mah' tape measure, so I'm pretty sure my tape measure has been tampered with - probably by elves - they're very crafty, those wee elves - and I believe they might have added 3 inches to my measuring tape, somewhere between 1 inch and 30 inches.....is the only possible explanation for too high a number to come up on me measurements! Booo!!
So I was thinking, maybe we could all do this - put in the comment box - however that works, since I pushed some button on my blog, and it changed how the comments work - aaargh! We could see what we are really eating, not what we believe we are eating! hahaha! I know, there's a VAST difference between what I believe, really believe I've eaten, all healthy, 'n all, and what I've actually eaten.. maybe that'll make those sneaky wee elves fix my tape measure, put it back to normal! hahaha!
So, I'm lying in bed, trying to recount exactly what I had eaten yesterday, when it occurs to me that I did have that Chocolate Croissant DONUT (yep, I couldn't believe it, either, and when my lovely son told me he had left 'a chocolate croissant donut' in the box for me, of course I had to go and check it out, see if that was really a new food group (!) hahaha! ... anyway, so then I knew it was there, and immediately said, oh, no, baby, those are all for you... and Aidan, my wonderful son, says to me, oh no, you have it, so now it's open territory for me, right?? And it's not like I don't know the rule of just eating your special treats in the morning, or at least during the day when your body has a chance to wear it off, you're still gonna move a bit, give yourself a fighting chance to get rid of said chocolate croissant donut...
Of course, and you prolly saw this coming, I was up watching The Daily Show and Stephen Colbert's, The Colbert Report, it's 12:24AM, laughing, laughing, thinking, I'll just have one more cup of tea, and what's right there by my tea kettle, but the donut box... and I looked inside, and there it was, looking sooo delicious, that stooooopi chocolate croissant donut... and I thought, I'll just have one bite, just a little taste. Sounds a little like an addict, no? haha! So I had quite a few little 'tastes', until finally it was all done... dammmit! And it was only slightly delicious... and now I've broken two of my 'rules (really, I'm not much of a rules girl! hahahaha!), but usually, I think one of the keys to weight loss, and maintaining a healthy weight, is to just eat food you really love. Mothers are notorious (or is it jus' me?? lol!) for not wanting to waste the food their kids don't eat... so you think, well, I don't want to waste it... or, in my case, I fancy it up with a little accent, "Ach, ah'm no wantin' tae waste it!" haha! No, that's a late night joke, jus' for me! haha! Makes me laugh, which is better than earlier, when I was just busy fretting over whether to sell my condo, or not... aaargh!
Okay, so let's say we all list what we've really eaten, today, or yesterday, or whatever day you can remember, and see why that measuring tape isn't quite measuring up to where we want it to be... I want it to be at 31 1/2"... not sure if that's still a possibility for me, but I'm 5'6 1/2", so that seems like a nice slim waist, and that's what I like to have - then I don't have to go buy even more new dresses (although, truth be told, I will definitely go and buy a lot more new dresses... but I want to be able to fit into all of my lovely outfits... I think I have hundreds of dresses - is a teensy bit crazy, but I really, really love almost each and every one of them... and maybe I'd like to wear them, again...if I can juuuust get a teensy bit slimmer! hahaha!
Oh, and here's a wee trick - see how I live a delusional life, where I say I just want to get a teensy bit slimmer? A little bit smaller?? haha! It's easier, and better for your brain, and eventually your body, to set little goals, although, one of my favorite friends, Erik, sooo funny, always says, Ugh, I've GOT to lose these 40 pounds by Saturday... iz hilarious! He is, of course, slim and trim, so all the funnier... breaks me up, every time! Never fails to make me laugh, and I'm even laughin', right now, all by mah'self, in mah' living room! lol!
So here goes:
What did I eat, yesterday?
Breakfast: Bowl of Granola, Archer Farms, Pecan Sticky Bun Flavor. (Yum!) 1% milk. (Also, yum!)
Skipped lunch, too busy... did I have another bowl of Granola before I went to pick up Aidan? Canny remember.. see the pwoblem?? Feel like I must have... or was today the cheese stick day? Well, it was prolly one or the other! lol!
Terrible news in the afternoon - stopped making dinner (was in the middle of making Mushroom Pasta, which Aidan loves), my lovely daughter, Cara, and her wonderful Fiance, Ryan, came over with Chicken Wings for me - yum! I love the Thai Chicken, is so good - so I had 5 of those, and 3 of the regular flavour...
Oh, and felt like I hadn't had enough to eat, today, so maybe it would help me sleep if I had a little midnight snack - another bowl of Granola, but this time, Archer Farms, Chocolate Chunk Hazelnut Biscotti (double yum), with 1% milk (okay, yum! lol!)...
So you can see I don't skimp on the type of granola I like, but I feel guilty about eating it, every time, but only a little, because I dietitian once told me that granola was the WORST thing you could ever eat - yeah, I don't think so.... I think liver is about the worst thing I could ever eat! hahahaha! I love granola, so it fits very nicely into my category of 'eat what you really love'... makes sense to me, and it's not like that's all I ate, today - I had those Thai Chicken Wings, too...
I see I didn't have any bananas or grapes, and the cherry tomatoes were a terrible price, the other day...hmmmm.
Okay, that's it. I better go to bed before I have to add something else to my list... but, really, you'd think I'd be a stick, I hardly eat a thing (in my mind!! hahaha!). I hope my metabolism isn't changing... dang it! Is this what happens at 50?? Nooo, say it ain't so... I have a Big Plan to stay youthful and vibrant for many, many more years - and to fit into my old clothes - all me favorite dresses!! God, was I really that little?? And I didn't even notice it? Well, I'm noticing it, now, so I'll try to keep track... maybe start a new blog, just for this... what do you think? Will we do this, together? Let's do it - let's take back the measuring tape, make it smaller! hahaha! Hugs!! Ailsa xox!
I have a whole Scottish Diet that I developed and used to help me lose over 35 pounds... is in the same vein as the whole Oatmeal idea, since oatmeal is sooo useful in losing weight quickly... is da best food, ever!! https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2010/10/scottish-diet-it-really-works.html
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