You know I love these reality shows, where everyone's there for the right reason, like the tall skinny one with the rapper boyfriend, who kept sayig she was spending soo much of his money -- really, do these really look like monied girls to you? Nope. Wel, the beauty pageant Queen with the hopes of being the President's wife... any president, or this president, 'cause she's gonna have a very big fight with Michelle Obama

So, seriously, what was with al the jacked up teeth??? They have all that money for designer purses, designer shoes, and designer clothes, and all day at the spa (God, I hate going to the spa... I can't imagine a more annoying day...) Okay, I'm up too late, and I was looking for a great designer purse for you, and I happened to come across this beeeauuuteeful Genuine Leather Belt Bag, for only $8.92. Oh, I would die laughing if I could get one of these fancy schmancies to wear a fanny pack!! hahaha! Now that really appeals to my sense of humor!
Hey, why don't any of these girls know how to do anything around the house?? That's pathetic. Everyone needs to know the basics, in case your butler is out for the evening, or something, right?? haha! Or maybe you haven't hired him, yet?? No worries, you will soon, and when you do, and he has his one night off a year (because you are nothing, if not caring...), and then your toilet seat falls off... and you happen to have a spare one lying about... how will you put it on?? And does that require actually touching said toilet??? Eeeewww! No, not eeewww, just clean the damn thing, first, right?? Get your self a screw driver, a brain, and read the directions, and whammo, a usable toilet seat!! See how easy??
Was interesting that they seemed to have to install their own shower head, too... you know that was one of the last things I got Dwight to show me, right before I left (he's my ex-husband, now, but still a great plumber! lol!)... anyway, I was crazy in love with... my shower head!! No kidding! It's a Kohler Showerhead
I'll do a new page, one day, and show you how to change your own showerhead, but basically, you unscrew the head of the showerhead (oh, yes, for da plumbing-impaired, turn da shower off, first... lol!!!), if it's one of those small showerheads, (I love an hand-held showerhead, of course!), then there are really only two sections to screw in... one onto the fixture on the wall (you can't possibly miss it, it's the big part), and the other is at the base of the showerhead, to attach the hose. It's really easy, and soon you'll be your own plumber!! Go on and fire the butler! He's always up in your business, anyway!! haha!
Well, I love these 'rich girls'... it makes me laugh, though, since the majority of truly rich girls don't spend a fortune on stuff that won't appreciate in value... they just don't. They'll have some nice items in their closets, have a nice car, and most likely a lovely home (I hope!!), but wasting money on ridicuolous items is more likely done by people with the least amount of money to spend, trying to look rich.
I remember this one time, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, when Dwight and I were in the middle of building our gorgeous 5400 square foot home (which I designed!! Yahoo!), and I had on my boots, which mightta' had some mud on them, and I went into this jewelry store to buy something nice for my Mother, and the saleslady was sooo rude to me, when I was looking at the really pretty jewelry, the 'real' stones, and she told me I better move to the other end of the counter to the 'faux' jewelry... what a beee-yotch. She was so condescending, looking down at my boots in disgust. I looked right at her and said, "I own all the mud on these boots", and walked out, and never shopped there, again. I hate when salespeople treat their customers, any customer, with disdain. Nope. Not okay. Just be nice, 'cause you don't know what any one person really has... same thing goes for when you're dating. The guy with the fancy sports car often has less to offer (in a variety of ways!) than the man in the truck! hahahaha! (Okay, you got me, I love a man with a truck, and not just because he can help me carry building supplies back to the house!! hahaha!) (Oooh, this picture makes me miss my old house, and my old life.. but I'd definitely like to build this house, again, but the next time I build it, I'd like to build over the 4 car garage, since that's very useful space over a garage (just raise the roofline), make it a one and a half storey, so I can have a balcony over the kitchen and living room, and I would put the sunroom (I have to have a sunroom!!) off the living room, I think... or off the office... I've drawn it out, just a matter of figuring out where we'd like to live, for sure (I'm leaning strongly toward Southern Ontario, Canada, where I was raised....), but you never know, maybe ther's somewhere else for me to live, somewhere sunny?? hahaha!
Okay, I canny wait to see what crazy foibles these rich girls get themselves into, and I hope they serve more boxed wine.. only da classiest wine for da classiest ladies!! lol!