Make a Wee Wish for Yourself!!
Remember when you are entering any contest, or prize thing, make sure you answer all the questions - this is on any form that you ever fill in, and make sure you follow the instructions to a 't', so for sure you're entered - makes a big difference - some people make a living off of contests - exciting! Can you imagine? Are you imagining it, right now - lol! Me, too! : )
What a great idea! That would totally increase your odds of winning big, baby! : )
I am obsessed, and I mean obsessed, with 4 Leaf Clovers! lol! I love them. I adore them. If I see a batch of clovers, I am compelled to go over and peruse the patch, so-to-speak, until I find one! Soo funny! I've been like this since I was really little, and I sometimes like to collect an odd number of them depending on how much leisure time I have while I'm looking for Four Leaf Clovers! lol!), so if I have 3 four leaf clovers, or 5 four leaf clovers... when we lived in Calgary, for some reason or another, we had sooo many 4-leaf clover patches on our acreage, I'd come in the house with 11 four leaf clovers at a time... oh, yes, can you imagine the level of luck, that day??? hahahaha! (I kidding! Not much gettin' lucky back in those days! lol!)
I thought this particular Four Leaf Clover was really pretty -- I just found it when I was out for a walk in the morning, yesterday... is very peaceful and pretty down at the Bay, first thing in the morning. (That's the Bay of Quinte in the background! lol!) Oh, and I see a wee duck made his way into the picture, too! haha! Those ducks, always tryin' to steal the spotlight! lol! : )
In case you wished for more Money! : )

Ooh, this is soo cool - have you ever tried, or thought of trying, Day Trading? Is so cool - I used to be obsessed (I see that word has come up, twice, now - lol!) with GeoThermal Companies - I really feel like there is some Big Money in Geothermal Stock - good to watch out for, and other alternative Fuel Stocks, too, but usually, when it comes to Stock Trades, you choose what you like, yourself, so, if you loove candies, you might look at See's Candies, see if they are trading publicly (I'm not sure, but I do really love their candies! lol!). If you love diamonds - ooh, especially the man-made diamonds - that's a very cool 'new' area to explore, you could have a look at that... Oil is down, right now, but it's always fluctuating, and the key to Day Trading is to get in, get out, and you can, quite frankly, make a ton of money with Day Trading... just be careful, think about what you're doing, try your hand at it - let me know how it goes for you! Me hopes you makes a lot o' da money!!
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In case you wished for a Trip!! lol!
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In case you wished for Jewelry!! Yippee!! |