Ailsa frustrated, Like da Hulk!! |
(Another quick update.... am I the only one who was taken off Google Adsense, and had no recourse, and it happened out of nowhere? Was scary, and felt horrible... that was a very nice little source of income, for over 10 years, then, whammo, taken away.. I guess there had been a surge in traffic, and I didn't know at the time that sometimes that just happens, with your blog... but that was enough for me to be taken off Google Adsense, and not allowed back on, even though I make a request, every year... frustrating. and you immediately lose anything you have earned to date, when google Adsense takes you off, too... that's probably a lot of money, worldwide, since it seems like there are a lot of people who have also experienced the pain of being removed from Google Adsense, with no recourse... but you CAN recover, try another affiliate marketing program, one that won't do that to you, and will treat you with respect, and have a real person you can talk to, to resolve any issue, should there ever be one, right? Right! That's much better! I would love to be back on Google Adsense, though, if they were ever to let that happen : )

Monetize your website by promoting advertiser products through FlexOffers.com.
So where's the disconnect? I've seen some amazing Blogs out there, tons of them, and they seem to be experiencing the same thing. You've got the content, in come your Readers for a wee visit, they tell their friends, and they pop in to have a look around, too... and everyone's having fun -- admittedly, my blog is a LOT of fun to write... and waaaay easier to manage than my website... so I don't want to stop using it, and, in fact, am thinking, today, of creating all sorts of blogs.... one for ever subject I am interested in, soooo, about one more blog.. hahahahaha! Noo, I'm being silly... I'm interested in at least two or three other things than building houses, baking delicous things to eat (or, baking things to give away, more accurately!), and exercise.. why, I'm interested in people, too (and not just good looking, available men, although they do top my list of things I'm interested in! lol!).... but I loooove money (hence the worry about me blog not making any cents....oops, I mean, 'sense'! haha!). Maybe I'll start some sort of Teacher blog... but I need to be able to monetize all this work, right?
If you have figured out how to make money with your blog, real, actual monetary funds, let us all know -- we want to be rich!! Or, richer...!! lol!
I'm trying this, today... see if it works on me blog :)

So, for a little update, I started with FlexOffers, a new-to-me affiliate program, and so far, so good. I really like how they have their affiliate program set up - clear, and very easy to use, not cluttered, like some affiliate programs have become - affiliate programs that used to be really good, then have changed hands soo many times, they've become really annoying, and difficult to say if their tracking really works... but I am very, very happy with FlexOffers, so give it a try - FlexOffers is free, of course - never pay to advertise for someone else - that's just crazy. Cray cray, if you will - lol!
Sign up and promote affiliate marketing programs through FlexOffers.com for FREE!
Everyone who writes their own blog, or has their own website (or both, like me - lol!), dreams of making it big online, earning enough to support their lifestyle, and work from home - dat da dream, all right! lol! Good Luck!! I know you can do it! : ) Ailsa xox