Crazy ExGirlfriend and Jane The Virgin -
So exciting that 2 of my favorite shows are back - yay! We DVR at 6pm, on The CW - but you can catch Crazy ExGirlfriend on Fridays on the CW, at 5pm and 6pm (Channels 52 and 62, in BC, Canada, but check your local listings, o' course...)(And now we have Blue Sky, so, we just speak into the remote - lol!)
And you can watch Jane The Virgin is on Friday nights, same thing, you can watch it or tape it at 6:00pm or 9:00pm, on the CW - yay! We love The CW!!
Rebecca Bunch - so sweet, so vulnerable, sooo funny! And the music... wow!
I love, love love all the songs on #CrazyExGirlfriend Oh, man, that cactus song - high-larious!
You can buy the songs on iTunes, and you can even get all the Episodes on iTunes - suh'weet deal, iTunes! Me yuv! : )
$10 for a $15 iTunes Code (See iTunes Code Terms and Conditions)
Ooh, and Younger starts on September 28th - so excited!
Wholesale - yahoo! Clearance Sales - Oooh, Clearance Sales Hello, Great Prices, my li'l friend! lol!
Congratulations to Rachel Bloom on her Giant Golden Globes Win!! Yahoo!!

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend's Thanksgiving Special - haha! She's not CRAAAZY, it's more nuanced than that - haha! I love that line, makes me laugh, every time : )

Life Lessons from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Dr. Phil - do NOT take a rando pill you've found on the bathroom floor (even if you look it up, still, no takes sit! lol!)
Hilarious - what a great show!
Paula's New and Improved Thanksgiving Dinner - so funny!
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend's Thanksgiving Special - haha! She's not CRAAAZY, it's more nuanced than that - haha! I love that line, makes me laugh, every time : )Rebecca is Parental Candy - haha! The perfect little outfit, the nicest of manners, Rebecca is a parents' dream come true! lol1

Thanksgiving IS one of my favorite holidays, though, because it's mostly about the food, and that's so easy to do - no fuss, no muss, just great people and a great meal - easy schmeasy! Yahoo! I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving!!


Omg, soo funny! I looved the Settle For Me dance on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, on last night's episode- and I've been singing the song, ever since - haha! Love it!! So Twirly! : )
Oh My Goodness, I loove this new CW show, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - is hi-larious!
I love everything about it - is soo funny, so clever, I love all the characters... I don't want to say too much, in case you haven't discovered it, yet.. I'm 2 episodes in, and it's Monday Night, tonight, sooo, me sooo ah'cited for mah' new Monday Night Shows - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Jane The Virgin - Thanks, CW!! You' da bestest at putting on great new shows!!
Wow, Monday Nights just got that much Brighter!! Yahoo! Thanks, CW!!
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When Rebecca Bunch goes into her little dreamscapes - all full of hilarious song and dance, huge fantasy scenes - oh, man, I'm laughing, right now, just thinking of it - hilarious!
Hahaha! When Rebecca accidentally runs into her Major Crush (her soon-to-be-husband, I would imagine... lol!) in the all night grocery store, she calls herself 'a homeless', and even though that prolly shouldn't have made me laugh, it totally did - oh, no! Was hilarious...
Clearly, I think this so cool! haha!
I looove Rebecca's new best friend, Paula - omg, soo funny! Me yuv!!
When Rebecca Bunch accidentally sees her much-longed-for ex-boyfriend at the all night grocery, omg, is soo funny! And I loove the Grocery Clerk, and the role he takes on... hilarious!
Or jus' jam it down the garbage disposal, right before Josh gets there with his hot friend, "White Josh" - ha! Terrible, but funny! And I looved when "White Josh" takes his shirt off, when he's fixing the garborator, he's ripped, total 6-pack abs...and Rebecca says, "And put a shirt on, no one wants to see that..." Rebecca's in love with another boy... hahahaha! But it's totally nuanced, no worries ; )

And I love the Boops - Paula Boops Rebecca on the nose, and a little boop kiss on her forehead - very sweet! Me yuv! : )

And then we've got Jane The Virgin - oh, love it soo much! Is so sweet, so loving with all the women... and I loove Jane's Dad, Rogelio... if you love Twitter, like me do, you will laugh soo hard at Rogelio's Tweets - omg, will bring tears to your eyes! hahaha! @RogelioDeLaVega Oh, and you could Follow me on Twitter, too - lol! @AilsaForshaw
And I loove the Narrator - hi-larious!
Rogelio - "I would have chemistry with a cardboard box" - hahahaha! Made me laugh so hard!
Hahaha! A pretend Big Cat - so funny! I was trying to make this big for you to read better...but maybe you didn't notice there were any words on the pic? bah'hahahahaha!
Hahaha! #AmbushSprayTan - So funny! Rogelio has a Spray Tan Specialist! lol!

Jane The Virgin, Monday Nights Made Better!! Now you're a'gonna LOVE Mondays! lol!

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I looove Younger - have you seen it, yet? Omg, we're obsessed with Younger, and would #BingeWatch it, if they would put more episodes on, at the same time. Was our lucky day when E! had a Younger Marathon - Thanks, E! : )
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3288518/episodes The Mao Function - now that's funny! I loove a clever title! : )
http://www.tvland.com/shows/younger If you haven't seen Younger, yet, and you're in the States, you'll be able to watch Younger on TVLand, but we don't get TVLand in Canada (so not fair - booo!), but we are lucky enough to get to watch Younger on E! (106, in Victoria, BC, Canada, but you'll know what channel that is in your own area : )

Yay!! Gilmore Girls are coming back, this time, to Netflix, on November 25th - mark your calendars!
Gilmore Girls Party!! Yay!!

Cheers! To Love! Even the Crazy Kind! lol!
And Donuts lead me to Homer....
I want to see Homer become an Uber Driver, and get to meet Ashton Kutcher - wouldn't THAT be a fun episode? Marge and Maggie get to hang out with his wife, Mila Kunis and their new little baby? Mila Kunis could give Marge some parenting tips? Ashton could give Homer some driving tips? Aaah? Mmmm? Maaay-be? lol! Me luv #TheSimpsons...and have written 3 spec scripts for The Simpsons, too, back in the day.. but they'd still all be so viable, now... love that! Good Humor is Good Humor, the date is not all that important... lol!
I've only watched my Crazy Ex-Girlfriend up 'til Paula talks (or sings...lol!) Rebecca into throwing a Big Party... can't wait to finish it! : ) See you later! Thanks for popping in!! Ailsa : )

Just in case you haven't downloaded the Uber App into your phone, yet : )

Oooh, they had me at 'Candy Buffet! Yum! Deelish! NOW it's a Great Birfday! lol! #CandyBuffet!
See, now dis how me feels - Life's Short, Eat Candy! Enjoy Yourself, right?? lol!