Yep, That's Right, My Christmas Tree Is Still Up, And Here's Why
: )
Now it's my Flower Tree, and I
Here's a better pic I just took, when I walked back through to the living room - and it's still dark enough, even during the day, but especially in the morning when we get up, and in the evening, when it gets so dark, so early, right, so why not have more light in the house?
I love flowers! And lots of lights! So pretty! : )

Uber APAC - Australia Text Link
And that link is for my Australian Friends! lol!
Uber APAC - Hong Kong Text Link
And then all my pals in Hong Kong!
I think you can pop in from wherever you live in the world, to find out more about being an Uber Driver : )
Everyone speaks the Language of Money! lol! Uber is a great way to earn some extra money, or earn a good living, all around the globe - still waiting for them to clear Uber in a lot o' paces, though... bleah! Come on, Everywhere, move into the future (need a ride? haha!)
You Know Who I Love? Non-Traditionalists. Any Kind. #Uber #FreeThinkers #Futurists #OpenMindedPeople #Sparkle!
Well, this Uber ad made me laugh, because I went in to grab a few good ads for my page I am writing in my head (and now in real life - lol!)(here, on mah' blog! lol!), because I am mad at the pressure I am about to get to take my Christmas Tree Down, even though I always transition my Christmas Tree to a Flower Tree, at this time of year - I will go gets da pics o' mah' "Flower Tree", right now - be right back! lol!
But this Uber ad made me laugh, because, really, it's a "Give Yourself the Gift of Uber", and what is Uber but a service that frees yourself to start using your own car to make you some money, help to make ends meet, or provide a full income for you (A Good Thing, right?), and Uber frees you from the old fashioned ideas of how you ca get from Point A to Point B... and maybe how to get more cuddles in you life - (whoever is or was at Poiint A or Point B - hahaha - you know dat a'make'a me laughs! hahaha!) - AND, of course, Uber has
UberPUPPIES - but no
UberSnakes - you gotta get a plane for that (buh'dum-bum!) Ha! No, that silly! haha!
See how dark it is in the morning? It's too dark! That's one of the many reasons I want to keep my Christmas Tree, magically transformed into a Flower and Butterfly Tree - up as long as I like - I'll be the one to decide when it comes down -
me. I makes all mah' own life decisions - lol!
Whaddya mean,
these are terrible pictures? Hahaha! Dat otay - me knows! lol! But you get the idea - my camera goes all wonky when there are lights involved!
Oh, and those are my favorite little Crystal Trees that I make - I love them so much - they're pretty, and I love to make them - it would be
THE coolest thing to be commissioned to make one of my beautiful Crystal Trees with Gold Wire and Real Gems - oooh, that would be so gorgeous!
And I have a
fake tree - an artificial tree,
a faux-tree, if you will - lol! But that's how I have no time-line - the real trees only last so long, then you can get them mulched, or give them to a petting zoo for the goats - apparently, goats looove the old Christmas Trees - who knew? lol!
Okay, here we are - my Christmas Tree transformed into my favorite new Flower Tree - so what, who cahes', right? Well, you might be surprised how many people - or, specific people, REALLY care, like what I do in MY home has ANYTHING to do with what they do in their home...
And that's where we get my, errr, intense dislike, sometimes hatred, but mostly annoyance, for an intense Traditionalist.
They're annoying. They're gonna come into my house, and say something mean about everything in my house, I just know it. Too many sparkles, for one. (And, for the record, I think of myself as maybe some sort of giant Sparkle - bah'hahahaha!)
No, but, for real, I do love to sparkle - emotionally, intellectually, physically - are there any other ways? Anyway, I love to sparkle, and I love other people who sparkle, too, or are open to the sparkles.
Here's what me no likes - people who want to shut down the sparkles. Now why do they want to do that? Hmmm? How does it affect their lives? They're angry that you're happy? They're mad that you get to live your own life as you see fit, and be as sparkly as you a'wanna be?
I say, Be a Sparkle! Do it, Girl! Or Guy! You know I'm talkin' to you! lol! Be Free!
You can be a girl, you can be a boy, you can be a little of either or both, sometimes and then not other times - you be you, me be me - isn't that just an easier way to be? (Oh, just had a little wave of sadness for the loss of our beloved David Bowie, who really encompassed living his own life, who led the way and opened the doors for freedom for everyone... seems like a very reasonable door to open, right?) (Human Rights for Everyone - think
Macklemore- just wanna pop that in there!
A li'l #LGBTQ Love, fo' sho! Love and Freedom for everyone, baby! lol!)

What if you want to check out people in a better place - bah'hahahahaha! 'Cause you gotta get out of this place? hahaha! Otay, me jus' entertaining mah'self, right now - haha! (Me still laughing! hahaha!)
Haha! That make'a me laughs! I'm all about the Freedom. Freedom to choose whatever you want - and, of course, that means the freedom to be a Traditionalist, too, but that does not extend to any one person being able to say to any other person, You don't get to do that, because of my
TRADITION. That's where I have a problemo... if someone else loooves their traditions, so be it, tradition away, by all means, but when I either adapt your/our traditions so they fit my own life, don't get all bent outta shape... what difference does it make? I think it makes it better, soooo.... hm.
Wow, that a lot to come out of, I don't want to take my Tree down until I feel like it - it's too dark in the morning - it's still pitch black out, when I get up, and it makes it much nicer and easier, to have a lot of pretty twinkles around me, all day, all night, if that's what I want. Maybe January and February would be easier months if we would stop thinking in terms of the Traditionalist, who want that Christmas Tree down, asap, right after Christmas.
Frankly, I don't think the heavily lit tree has as much to do with Christmas as it does from quelling a human need for more light during what are, literally and figuratively, the darkest days of the year' - especially in the North - we need the light! More lights! lol! More Sparkly Lights! (Yay!!?)
Anyway, there's my little "pop-off" for the day - lol!
And I do like lots of Traditions, I just like to be more flexible with them, adapt them to my own life, and want everyone else to be able to have their own traditions - we should all just be free to be whoever we want to be - in a nice way, o' course! lol!
I love that Uber is coming to more and more towns and cities... I don't really get what the whole thing is where Taxi Drivers have to have a medallion from the city, or something? It sounds like it costs the cab drivers a lot of money, so, what, the city is the one who really gets the money, and not the cab drivers? I'm not clear on that... I would want to make sure cab drivers don't lose any money,either...
But what I AM clear on, is, we need to be able to move into the future, embrace new idea and business models - if it works so much better than the old model, or can easily work in conjunction with the old model, then, great - let's do it, let more people have access to an easy way to make money, when it's harder and harder to make ends meet, or even get a job - a traditional job - these's frustrating for a lot of people, so anything that gives people an opportunity, without a mile of red tape, that's a Great Thing, right?
Options, baby, it's all about the possibilities! lol! I want you to have the
BEST life, ever, any way you likes! : )
Big Internet Hugs for You!! Ailsa : )
Look how pretty! Now why would I take this down, when I clearly love it so much - day and night - lol!
Whatevs, I hate being #SociallyCompliant - For what? Approval?
I don't have that person's approval on any other aspect of my life, why should I have to worry about my pretty little Flower Tree, too? No. Forget it - it's my Flower Tree, and I'll leave it up as long as I want to - lol!
Now who's a little #SocialDeviant, today? hahahaha! HAPPY little Social Deviant, and that's what makes it okay! : )
In case you're looking for a new job, or A job - is a great resource for you! : )

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Okay, I took the Tree down - lol! Spring Cleaning, Baby! And the place really does look nice and spacious, now - is always funny, when you first take your tree down, the space looks gigantic, you can't believe how much space you had! haha!
Hm, that IS a lot clearer and tidier... will have to balance that idea alongside my great love of lights, color, and sparkle, baby! lol! ; )
Can you see the Love Hearts hanging from the bottom of my Christmas Tree? I was just sitting in my favorite spot on the settee (couch - lol!), and it dawned on me, is like Love dripping from our Christmas Tree - like that? haha! Made me laugh, enough to go take teh pic! lol!)

Oooh, I'm looving the gorgeous
HSN Dress Wendy Williams is wearing, today - and every day! lol! I loove me some Wendy Williams, and I loove, her dresses!
Wendy Williams has an amazing HSN Collection! Yay!! : )
Sooo pretty!! And the dress is nice, too - haha! These dress styles are very flattering on everyone who loves a great dress! : )
And I watch The Wendy Williams Show on KCPQ - I'm in Victoria, BC, Canada, but I think KCPQ is out of Seattle - I'll go check that out! lol! (Yep - just checked it - KCPQ is out of Seattle : )