Maybe a Trip is in order?? That's Romantic! lol!

Valentine's Day Dinner for Two (or more! lol!)
Or Any time you want something fancy! : )
Romantic Seafood Dinner For Two... or the whole family! .... and more of my favorite Recipes :)
Crab Legs are easier to make at home than you might think -- just 14 minutes in boiling water, completely covered, and you're ready to go... just melt some butter in the microwave... Yum!!
This is a lovely meal for a
Romantic Dinner for Two at any time of the year, so no need to wait for
Valentine's Day to roll around to make it... people love a Home Cooked Meal (when it's good! lol!), and this is a nice, intimate way of getting to know each other, or finding out if you have compatible tastes, since that will make a huge difference in how well you get along over the long-run. (If he loves
Liquid Squid and you love
KFC, that ain't-a gonna work out... unless he's filthy stinkin' rich and very handsome, in which case, maybe add some tobasco sauce and see what happens! ha,ha,ha!)
You know that old adage that you can reach a Man's Heart through his Stomach?? Yes, that is a lovely thought, and it is true enough. Works for Women, too! So why not have a few delicious Recipes up your sleeve, so-to-speak, to make for your 'Sweetie', or 'soon-to-be-sweetie', or, "Oh, please, please, please-be-my-Sweetie', depending on your current level of desperation! ya'ha,ha,ha!
Okay, please don't be desperate, because that won't make you a better cook, or get a really good person to love you. They need to love you just for the fantastic person that you already are, and if not, make something delicious for somebody else. No point in wasting tasty food on some loser, right?? No, no. You want to make sure that your Heart's Desire is worthy of your Time, Money and Ingredients... oh, I'm all about the Romance, as you can see!
Have a wee look at these tried and true Recipes, and see what appeals to you for a fabulous Romantic Dinner, or perhaps skip the dinner and go straight to the Dessert!

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Crab Legs -- Red and deeelicious, especially if you are partial to Butter! ha,ha!
Quick Cooking Secret: I learned how to cook Crab Legs when I was a waitress at a great Seafood Restaurant in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, when I was a student at Queen's University. One of the most useful lessons I learned during 'the schoolin' years'!
Take Frozen or Fresh Crab Legs (Snow Crab or King Crab), place them gently in some salted water that is at a rolling boil, making sure they are completely submerged. I use a giant crab pot for seafood, but any great big pot will work nicely. Boil for 14 minutes. Use Tongs to work with the Crab Legs. I put out scissors and crab crackers to get into the crab meat easily, and everyone gets their own individual wee bowl of hot, melted butter. (You can heat up all the little dishes of butter at the same time in the microwave, or heat the butter on the stove... really, I'm a microwave girl... much faster and easier! lol!) Hungry, yet?? Think I'll make this for dinner, tonight! Yum!
A lovely Shrimp Ring is always nice, too, if you love Shrimp as much as we do! If you happen to forget to pick up some Seafood Sauce for the Shrimp, don't cry. Weeping won't help as much as you might think... just mix some Ketchup with some Horse Radish, and you should be all set. Serve it around a nice Wine Glass, if you're goin' for the 'classier' look...
Little Tip: As soon as someone says,
"OOOoh, Claaassy", you know you've found someone who might be lookin' at their first Fancy schmancy wine glass. It's up to you whether to take advantage of that, or not. (Why not? They probably won't notice...)

I used to like to make Crab Legs, and my husband at the time (!) made the Steak (Filet Mignon), and we had that for our 'At-Home' meal on Valentines. You can serve the Crab Legs and Steak with Red Baby Potatoes, Red Peppers done in a lovely BBQ Marinade, and maybe even some Onion Barley, if you feel an aphrodisiac may be in order...! Click on any of the Highlighted bits to get the Recipes.
I made a huuge 'sheet cake' version of my favourite Cherry Cheesecake in a 9" X 13" glass pan ... lasted for ages, was
sooo big! And deeelicious!
Fancy Fruit Puffs - These lovely wee Fruit Puffs are particularly easy to make, and very nice to serve. Pop in to get the Recipe for Fruit Puffs.
You can serve just the berries, too - they look lovely on the table, and you can serve them in a wee bowl or Martini Glass, with a little bit of Whip Cream on top -- everybody loves Whip Cream!!
Red Stuffed Peppers (just switch the green peppers for the
red peppers! lol!)-- these are really delicious (man, I must come up with another word to describe food I love!), and you can make a whole bunch of them, and freeze the extras. I know these are the green stuffed peppers, but I'm sure you'll have no problem spotting the Red Peppers in the Veggie Section at the Grocery store!
If your man loves meat, try this delicious and filling
Steak Pie... oh, it's soo good! Crazy delicious, and NO icky kidneys!! haha! I use steak and sausage (and mushrooms) in my Steak Pie... it's adjusted from the traditional British Steak Pie to a much more appetizing North American version! lol! You can serve it with some lovely mashed potatoes and green beans, or whatever other veggies you happen to like!
Phenomenal Peach Pie... really, this peach pie is incredible, and even better in the morning for breakfast!! lol!
Men love Peach Pie (so do women - okay, you got me, everybody loves da Peach Pie - lol!), and this peach pie is best served cold... the colder it gets, the better it tastes! Now I'm gonna have to make one, tomorrow! lol!
Okay, now this message is mostly for the men out there in computerland... if your wife or girlfriend, or fling, or whatever she is to you (or your MOM!! Hey, this is a day to celebrate love, and who loves you more than your Mom?? haha!), is preparing a nice dinner for you, for God's Sake don't show up empty-handed... no. She won't forgive you, and she'll never forget your thoughtlessness (although she will
say she will, maybe...)... it's a better investment to get some flowers, at the very least... unless you're bringing some serious A-Game... then maybe you will be forgiven, but why not bring your A-Game
AND some pretty gifts?? lol! Good luck with that! xox
Some great deals I found for you for Valentine's Day Gifts : )
SuperJeweler's Deal of the Day
My favourite books to start with, with Louise Hay - You Can Heal Your Life - brilliant, and it really WILL change your life... and Meditations for Daily Living - think that's the right title - is so lovely, you'll love it - all very heartwarming, very clarifying... and Louise Hay has a tiny little book, I Can Do It - looove it, you'll love it, too... I love all of Louise's books... so lovely and life-changing : ) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2014/11/you-can-heal-your-life-by-louise-l-hay.html
Oh, and here's a little recipe I was thinking about while I was watching
#BigBrotherAfterDark last night - lol! Now I'm trying to figure out how I could make this so it would be like Churros, for my son, who really, really misses all the delicious Churros we used to get in California - no good Mexican restaurants, up here in the North - booo! Come on up, El Pollo Loco or Chipotle, or both!! We would looove some delicious Mexican Food up here in Canada! : ) (
#BBHaveNots - So, it looks like the BB Have Nots have a lot more options than they used to have, right? And you know how the HaveNots have
Hawaiian Buns, this week? I wonder if they could slice them, thick slices, fry them in a pan of a little oil, then toss in cinnamon sugar?
Man, that sounds deeelish, right? Now me wants to try that!
(Cinnamon Sugar, in case you haven't made it, yet, is just a nice mix of , say, a couple of tablespoons of cinnamon, and maybe about a half cup of sugar - you can add more cinnamon, to taste... is a good sprinkle for all sorts of wee things! lol!)
Okay, here's some other stuff me haz been a'thinkin' about, this week - lol!
Ailsa : )
And here's where you can get some REAL Hawaiian Buns! lol! By the time you're done laying out on the beach in Hawaii, you'll have some Hawaiian Buns of yer own - bah'hahahaha!

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