Taylor Hale Wins Big Brother 24!! Yay!!
#BB24Winner Taylor Hale!
Awwww, Joseph is Taylor's Loverboy Lawyer!
I love that soo much!
Wow, Taylor for the WIN, Baby!!
#BB24 #BigBrotherCBS
Taylor, beyond gorgeous, brilliant - if #BBTaylor wants to run for office, #TaylorHale is an amazing speaker, phenomenal speeches!
#OhMyGOODNESS!! Taylor is BEYOND stunning - sorry, needed the ALL CAPS because I just love #BBTaylor THAT much - lol! #bb24 #BigBrother #BigBrother24 #TaylorForTheWin, Baby! #Taylor 

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#BBAlyssa: What is the religion?
#BBKyle: Mormon
#Alyssa: More Men? I'm down for that...
#Kyle: That's fine, this girl CUTE - #LOL!
#BB24 #BigBrother #bigbrother24
I'm shocked no one is making Screw The Pooch jokes - haha! I made them all the way through the episode - Lemme be a Pawn 'Pooch' #hahaha! #bb24 And with his whole spatula thing - yick - from the BB kitchen?? Yuck! That's cwazy! #LOL!
The jealousy is palpable - lol! These #GirlsGirls are just #MeanGirls - so crazy-jealous of
gorgeous #BBTaylor
Yeah, more than a little disconcerting for #BBPaloma to go full #MeanGirls on #BBTaylor, then a quick exit from #BB24, no questions asked - #Hmm 

No accountability there, at all...
Oh that's good to know there's Paramount support - #GoodToKnow!
#BigBrother #bigbrother24 #BB24 #BBAD
That squeaky wheel on the kneeling chair tho - #mademelaugh
#BigBrother sure gettin' a lot o' use outta that wheelchair for just one leg - a li'l funny - haha!