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Waist, Not Waste! lol!
See, I don't want to waste the last Croissant - sounds like a movie, The Last Croissant...haha!
So this happens all the time, especially to mothers, for some reason - we feel obligated to eat whatever's left, not to waste anything, and then it goes straight to your waist - dammit! haha!
Noo, not straight to your waist...sometimes it heads right to your thighs - hahaha!
Nooo, me joke! But you know what I mean - parents are forever finishing off the last of whatever the kids don't eat...
And any other time you have something, you've decided you really shouldn't eat any more of it, but then, here comes the dilemma - you don't want to WASTE it, do you? Your Mom's words might be ringing in your ears, about children starving in Africa, if you happened to grow up with that line... very popular in the 70's, maybe? How old AM I? haha! Only old on paper? haha! No, me not 'old' - old is a state of mind, so me will never be old - young thinking is where it's at, man - seeee, there's that 60's influence, right there... I can't get away from it! haha!
Okay, well, I'm gonna go haz that last croissant, but right after that, I'll prolly have the Apple Crumble, and then the 10 Sips of Water - surely it'll all balance out, right? haha! Cross Mah' Fingers! lol! : )

I do have a Waist Trainer - I like it for working out, because it does seem to concentrate some energy in your waist, and I think a lot of women are looking to shape their waist, have a nice little waist, or any size waist that you like - lol! They should make one for arms and thighs, too - maybe they do! hahaha!

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Anyway, that looked super-sad, for a dinner,soo, I looked in the Freezer, and, mah' lucky day - Frozen Corn! (This is where your jealousy knows no bounds, but, really, you gots 'ta get a hold on yer'self! You, too, can have a fan'ceh bowl o' Doctored Up Veggie Soup! lol!)
So I threw in a bunch of the Frozen Corn, too - think will add some parsley - you know for that extra little "je ne sais quoi" - or, literally, "I don't know what" - hahahaha! But, really, I do really like it - lol!
So here's how this little article came to be - I was having one of my favourite meals - sometimes I have it for lunch, sometimes for dinner...is really yummy, I love it, and is crazy-healthy... I just take a can of Vegetable Soup, add in a bunch of frozen corn - or chopped up celery, if I happen to have some left over from mah' fave Celery Salad, but more on that, later... anyway, then just add maybe a half a can of water, enough to cover the corn, stir, pop in the microwave for 4 minutes, done - yum!
So, the other day, I couldn't make my way through my whole bowl of soup. I'd already gotten up from the table twice - I have a little theory about getting up from the table in the 'middle' of your meal - really, your body is probably telling you that you're done, now, that's enough, but then you quickly over-ride you're annoying body for telling you what to do - hahahaha - that makes me laugh! haha! Me no likes to be told what to do, and maybe that's why I'm not at the gym, this morning?? haha! Whatevs. Me really don't like being told what to do, or when to do it, or how to do it - bleah! No, leave me alone, I would like to be left alone (well, I love a wee chat, as long as that doesn't include telling me what to do - hahahaha...can you see a running theme, here? lol!).
Anyhoo, after I got up from the table a THIRD time (I'm really quick on the uptake...), I thought, why am I trying to force myself to finish this bowl of soup? What's making me do that? Clearly, I'm full, and can't eat any more, even though half the bowl of soup is left.. and it dawned on me, I always, always say to myself, as a running dialogue in my mind, I don't want to waste it. Sound familiar? How many of us grew up with that very strong message, 'don't waste it - do you know how many starving children in Africa would looove to have that liver?? hahahaha! Yuck! Liver! haha! (Does anyone under 60 really like liver?? lol!)
So here's what I have come up with to help me with my waist size... instead of saying to myself (or, more accurately, when I catch myself saying, which I always do) 'don't waste it', I'll mentally switch it to 'Don't WAIST it', right? Like that? I do, too... maybe that'll work for a whole lot of us - and then there'll be a whole lot less of us?? hahaha! We'll each lose a little bit, will be fabulous! : )
I'll let you know if that works, but you do have control over what you're thinking, sooo, is definitely worth a try, to switch up your internal message to never waste anything, don't waste it, to the much better, 'Don't Waist it'... because, really how many times do we eat something, specifically because we don't want to waste it? And where does that go? Right to your waist, dammit!! lol! So, be like me, and 'Don't Waist it', and let me know if it works for you, too : )
Well, that's a pretty terrible picture - who took that?? haha - was me, o' course! lol! But, can you make out the numbers? That's 1 gram of Fat, 19 grams of Carbohydrates (with 3 grams of Fiber, 7 grams of sugar)... these are fantastic numbers - very healthy, and very inexpensive, since the Campbell's Vegetable Soup was on sale at WalMart for 50 cents a can (for the record, our WalMarts in Canada are soo nice, and they pay their employees well, and treat their employees well - so they already have a model to go by, should the US government choose to raise the minimum wage, at least to $10/hr.... but I digress...the point is, WalMart is a great shop, in Canada)... and the corn hardly costs a thing, so there's your very healthy meal for under a dollar... and it's not like you'd have soup all the time, but you know, is a nice option, whenever you might feel like it. : )
I am a huuuge (well, me gettin' littler...hahaha!) proponent of eating what you like - in that, literally, you eat what you really enjoy eating - I am not a fan of restricting your diet, making yourself (and everyone around you, possibly) miserable. Nope. That's not what food is for - food is to nourish you - nourish your body, but also to nourish your mind and your soul. That can't be any fun, to constantly be restricting yourself, never enjoying your food...that sounds like a terrible way to live....
And it IS sorta funny, since I've said this at the gym, every now and then, when someone is going on and on about how restrictive their diet is, and I pipe in with, well, I just eat whatever I feel like eating... and I think the Big Assumption is that when people say that, they mean they're lunatics with what they eat - nooo, that's just silly. I love a wee treat, obvs....hahahaa! But I loove to eat well, I love healthy food - it makes you feel great, and is delicious. I think what has happened, is people associate 'eating what you want', with eating like a looney, and why would you do that? haha! That's silly! But maybe why I enjoy saying that? haha! Entertaining myself at da gym?? hahahaha! Makes me laugh!
Oh, here's my other favourtie, favourite soup - Cheddar-Broccoli Soup - the only hard part is trying to remember how to spell 'broccoli' - hahaha! Two 'l's or two 'c's?? Always a mind bender - lol!
So here's the take-away... (no, it's not Chinese food, but that's a good idea, too! lol!).... when you feel full, and you know, for sure, I've had enough to eat, really, I shouldn't eat any more of this, even if it IS delicious, and you don't want to waste it.... just remember to change your spelling from waste to waist...and say to yourself, no, I don't want to WAIST it....and soon you'll see some really nice changes : ) (And now you've got another meal for the next day.. or later... depending on yummy it really was - lol! I never did finish that soup - hahahaha!)
And forget about that whole 32 inch waist-thing - so annoying. Strive for good health - doesn't the 32 inch waist for EVERY body shape and size seem a little crazy? Come on...and if I hear one more doctor spouting that you should look like your 18 year old self - ugh! Gimme a break! You don't want to have your 18 year old life back - what the helll??? No. It's fun being an adult - and looking like an adult. Whoever came up with that idea is a' idiot (oooh, me loves when peoples say that... and my absolute favourite, is when people write - admittedly, I see this mostly on Facebook, "Your a idiot" - hahahahaah! Yes, they are da idiot.... haha - makes me laugh, every time!
Okay, so...we're all gonna try it out.... "I DON'T want to WAIST it..." Good luck!! (Me luvs you just the way you are! lol!) Ailsa : )