#Survivor - Oh, no - Don't go, Joe! Say it ain't so - don't go, Joe!
Ooooh, I soo wanted Joe to win it all - I loved Joe! He's so nice, and he's so good at all the challenges... and he makes beautiful jewelry - even down to the very authentic Survivor idol - wow, good job, Joe!
But, alas, too good a job for Joe, and that's so often the kiss of death on Survivor - it's like, the better you are, the more likely you are to be voted out at Tribal...and voted out, he was... boooo!! But I did really like the friendship between Joe and Jenn - it's hard to say if Jenn will see a way past how she's feeling, right now, and wants to go.. so often, that happens in life, you feel like you just can't take it one more day, then some time goes by, often by accident, or by necessity, because you can't figure out a way to leave, immediately, and then, low and behold, it's all better, again, and you can see the light... so, I wonder if that'll happen for Jenn, and she'll get her head back in the game.

Yum, did you loove the Chocolate Bar on Survivor, tonight? What a great reward! (Yum for Jeff Probst, too - hahahaah! Does Jeff Probst get more handsome with every season of Survivor?? hahaha!)
Oh, man, does it make you want to curl up on your couch, or on your favorite chair, with something delicious, and watch everyone eating rice and beans? lol! What's that all about, me wonders?? I think it makes us think of not being able to eat anything, then you're straight into the kitchen, gets yourself a fancy little snack! lol!

Man, Joe is so cute! I hope he does phenomenally well with his Jewelry line - and maybe some fantastic opportunities will come his way that he hasn't even thought of, yet - oh, and I hope that happens for you, too, mah' lovely little reader (dat you, baby!!)! lol! Don't we all deserve something fabulous in our lives, to show up out of nowhere, and is soo amazing, so incredible, we can hardly believe our luck?? Sure! Oooh, maybe it'll happen, tomorrow!! Yippee!! Come on, Great Things, we're ready! : )
I'm calling this "Survivor Light" - can you see why? Hmmm... but, Survivor is all about personality, a study in human behaviour, more than anything else - that's what makes it so much fun to watch - you never know what someone is gonna be like, and how other people will respond and react to them, right? Sometimes, it's so shocking, you think, Whaaat??
Well, this made me laugh - made me think of Jon Stewart, every time I saw their new tribal name - Merica - hahaha!
I think the lines are all gone, now, between the Blue Collar, the White Collar, and the No Collar... I really don't like those labels - they seem so insulting, since most people who use those labels to make reference to someone, especially when they're talking about the 'Blue Collar' workers - that's usually said in a mean, demeaning tone - when I was married (I'm divorced, now...), I used to want to build a new subdivision, and call it Blue Collar Hill, because everyone we knew who had all built their own gorgeous houses, in our neighbourhood, were all plumbers, electricians, builders, heating and air conditioning guys... and we sold our houses to the 'White Collar' - which is really what we all were, too, and, I would say, we were all no collar, too,since you're working for yourself, at that point, right? Anyway, I think I fall into all three categories, since I love to work with my hands, love to run things, in general (hahaha!), and am clearly a free spirit - lol! Maybe everybody is a little bit of everything, right? Maybe we can just let go of the labels, live happily, together? On Blue Collar Hill?? hahaha!
Does Survivor make you want to travel?? hahaha! Me, too! Survivor makes me want to go find a beautiful sunny, hot, beach, of my very own - hopefully with an All-Inclusive Resort right beside it - lol! I've never been to an 'all-inclusive' holiday, but, man, does that ever appeal to me - haha!
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