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Great Skin!
#VaporRub for your Skin? Yes, Baby! And Vaseline, too!
🌞☀️🌤️⛅️🌥️⛱️🧴Remember that you can get a terrible #Sunburn, even when it's cloudy or overcast
Try putting #Vaseline all over your sunburned skin
And here's my latest discovery - Honey and Cinnamon mixed with Baking Soda
I'm taking about 1/8th to 1/2 a teaspoon of the Honey and Baking Soda mixture a day, I am amazed at what is happening with my skin - is cheap, and works like crazy - I was just trying it for Optimum Health, but, it's crazy, who would have thought it would have such a big effect on my skin? And your skin, too! Lumps 'n Bumps, you know, stuff that seems to just arrive on your skin, as you get older... they're all disappearing - what a miracle! Yahoo!
AND, the Baking Soda and Honey mixture seems to act as an Appetite Suppressant, too, sooo... slimmer AND with Great Skin? Sign me up! haha! I've got the 'recipe' over on my What Am I Up To, Today page - lol!
(You're just stirring 3 tablespoons of Honey into 1 tablespoon of Baking Soda - I heated up the first batch, but when I finally run out of this one - and, it seems like it's gonna last, forever - haha - I'll try the next batch without heating it up, see if it tastes better, but, is not the worst thing in the world, and, it really works like a charm! Yay!!)
And try Vaseline, all on it's own, too,
or put the Vaseline on, then the Vapor Rub, and see how you like that - I'm amazed that the Vaseline works all on it's own, too! Ah'mazing Results!
One Potato, Two Potato!! lol! ; )
Quick Tip of the Day: Cut a couple of slices off a potato, any potato, spare no expense - haha! Anyway, take the slices of potato, and rub over your face, neck, decolletage (you know, top of your chest! lol!), anywhere you have any skin issues you want to heal, so you can have lovely, clear, beautiful and healthy skin! Just cover the potato and pop it in the fridge, use it 'til it's done, and see if you need any more - Bag of Potatoes, $2.99
Wow, now that's a Big Bang for Your Buck! lol!
Use the slices of Potato like you would a cotton pad, rub gently all over your face, and anywhere else you want to heal your skin - Love the Skin You're in! : )
Hey, what if you made a mask out of #MashedPotatoes?
What's the worst that would happen, you get some mashed potatoes in your mouth? haha! #Yum!😋
So, maybe boil the #potatoes in the water, salt would be okay, is good for healing, whip it all #Facial
Just boil the potatoes in not so much water, since I think the starch in the potatoes must have a healing effect, right? And then whip them all together, including all the water, and salt, if you like - then you can have some for your face, in a nice soothing facial mask, and eat the rest - and maybe do like what me do, and freeze the rest, then you can just pull one out the freezer, whenever you feel like having more mashed potatoes - ah'yum!
Hello, Clear Skin! Hi, ya', Smooth as Silk skin!
You' Gotta Try It, You'll Like It!
You're not gonna just LIKE it, You're about to
LOOOVE it! lol!
Skin Tags
Dry Skin
InGrown Toenails - soften the skin
Troubled Skin - whatever
Skin Issues you're dealing with, I really want you to try the Vapor Rub : )
Wrinkles? Hey, worth a try - is incredibly moisturizing, so, it should work to
smooth out wrinkles, too, right? Use it on your neck and chest, as well - and, your legs - anywhere you like! : )
If it's on your skin, and you're fed up with it, go ahead and give the Vapor Rub a try : )
Try Vapor Rub on everything - lol!
#MicellarWater, too!
And, I'm adding Vaseline to my new Skincare Routine, too
I want to see if the Vaseline will work on it's own, or if it's better to mix the Vaseline with the Vapor Rub - whatever works, right? Try it on the back of your hands, too, to keep your hands smooth and clear, especially in the winter months : )
It DOES seem counter-intuitive to put Vaseline on your face, especially if you think you have Oily Skin, but, trust me on this one, give it a try, see if you see some huge improvements in your skin, in the first week, and it only gets better, from there! Yahoo!! Finally, something that really works for me! And for you, too, baby!!
Update: Okay, so I added the Vaseline, but then I couldn't help myself, and still put the Vapor Rub on top of the Vaseline - which was maybe a good thing to do, since it used a lot less of the Vapor Rub, and the Vapor Rub is surprisingly expensive - since, well, the last time I think bought the Vick's Vapor Rub was years ago - lol!
Until I discovered this little Vapor Rub Trick, I would'a had
one jar of
Vapor Rub for, oh, 5 or more years, using a wee bit, if I ever had a cold, or anything like that, and now I'm putting it all over mah' skin, so I'm on my second jar of the Vapor Rub, in about a week - and the biggest jar I could find, too - lol!
And I bought the biggest jar I could find of the
Vaseline, too, and it's
waaay less expensive than the Vapor Rub, so, if you just use the Vaseline, go ahead and try that, and if you use the Vaseline, first, then the Vapor Rub just glides on, that'll work, too!
We'll all have lovely, glowing, beautifully clear skin, in no time at all! Yahooo!!! Clear Skin! : )
This is the Micellar Water, or, Micellar Solution - they have different names for it, according to the Brand, and I've only tried the Reversa, but I would imagine it would all work really well - definitely worth a try, for sure! : )
Dat mah' hand!lol! And, my little Christmas Gift to you, Baby!! I hope you get the best skin, ever! : )
Vapor Rub, Vick's Vapor Rub, Generic Vapor Rub...
Here's the rub, so-to-speak... ; )
So, maybe about a week ago, if that, I happened upon a video of a doctor, and he was chatting away, and he happened to mention
Vapor Rub for Psoriasis, and then he went along with his talk, but I was busy thinking about that (
finally, my Degrees pay off! haha!), and
what ELSE Vapor Rub might be good for... (as in,
What is it GOOD for.... now you have to sing that
whooole song! haha!)
And I canny remember the doctor's name - wish I had taken note of it...
Anyway, over the years, and I mean, years, I've been struggling with these very annoying bumps, it's hard to tell what they are, or where they came from, and I really couldn't just accept that they were 'age spots', or something I would necessarily have to live with, for the rest of my life - that seems crazy, we can go to space, but we can't figure out how to have really lovely, clear skin? That's crazy-cray, am I right? lol!
So I am forever trying anything that I think will work, and the Vapor Rub definitely seems to have helped a tremendous amount... I would say the little bumps on my face are down at least 70%, and that's very significant...
And, maybe about 3 weeks ago, I also started using the
Micellar Water, which is made up of
micelles, which are remarkable, and a brand new concept for me (like
Bitcoin, and Cryptocurrency - these are all things I had not heard of, before, and now am obsessed with - lol Welcome to my brain! haha!)...
Oh, and before I forget, I would definitely try the Vapor Rub (and the Micellar Water) on any skin condition, including Cold Sores... if you know anyone, or you can try this, let me know if that works - me curiouser and curiouser - I just want to know what all will this Vapor Rub work for... and I don't want to do a formal study, I just want to know... you feel me on that one? lol!
(Not that Formal Studies aren't delightful... I'm just not in a position to do that, right now, but I still want some answers, and would love for them to be all verified, an' whatnot! It's all for you, baby! And, me - if this Vapor Rub, and maybe the Micellar Water, solve all my skin issues, I'll be thrilled!)
And not that I have a million skin issues, but, you know, people develop lumps and bumps, and no one seems to be able to help, all that much...
Here's another picture, to keep you innerested... haha! ; )
Those are the little Wire Trees that I love to make, and this year, I filled our Christmas Tree with them - very sparkly and pretty! I need to figure out how to build a business around my trees, and my gorgeous earrings... am still working on that! : )
Okay, back to our skin!
Love the Skin you're in! Fo' sho'!! Fo' Sho', Forshaw - dat mah' last name! lol!
Okay, so, you can just go ahead and put the Vapor Rub right on your skin, anywhere you have a lump or bump, a skin tag, even a bruise - for some reason, it seems to have helped a bruise I had - not sure why, but very happy about that outcome, too! lol!
Your Skin, Now With Less Bruises! haha! Yippee!!
Try a Vapor Rub Face Mask...
Gently and carefully cover your face very lightly with the Vapor Rub, be very careful around your eyes, of course, and go ahead and cover your neck and decolletage (chest) area, too... maybe it'll get rid of some wrinkles, too, so, go ahead and put it along any wrinkles - lol! Soon, you'll be completely covered in Vapor Rub! : )
Be Aware, you're eyes will water, and most likely your nose, too, so, keep some Kleenex, or Hankies, or Toilet Roll, handy, gently dab your eyes dry - you want to make sure no Vapor Rub ever gets in your eyes...
Just leave the Vapor Rub on - you don't need to wash it off, just let it work its' magic, and it'll feel nice and cool, all vapory, 'n all..
And, at the very least, you'll smell like a lovely Pine Forest, and at best, all your annoying skin issues will heal up and be gone, gone, gone! Yippee!! Won't that be fantastic?! : )
Oh, and in the morning, since you'll have slept with it on, just use the Micellar Water on a cotton pad, wash it off with that, and then splash your face with the Micellar Solution, too - try it all, see what works! : )
You can put the Vapor Rub anywhere else on your body, but, for Goodness Sake, watch out for any sensitive bits 'n pieces....
Oh, and don't forget to try putting some Vapor Rub on the soles of your feet, then put on your fave socks, if you ever have a cold, the flu, or a cough.... Vick's Vapor Rub is, of course, always great if you have a stuffy nose or a cold, of any sort...
Okay, I better run, but I did want to get this li'l message out, right away, so you can try it, too, and I hope you get fantastic results, too! Let me know, for sure! I'm interested!! : )
You're little pal, Ailsa!! xoxo!! : )
Make Vapor Rub the new Star of your Skincare Routine - lol!
And now for more shopping!! : )
Thank you for shopping through me - I really appreciate your support, since a percentage of the sale goes to me - Thank You! Ailsa! : )
And now some great deals from Walgreens! Yippee!
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And for my Canadian Friends (Shopper's Drug Mart is where I got the
Reversa Micellar Solution, which I looove!)

And for my British Friends ... UK Shopping! : )