Oooh, I'm creeepin' up there (not in a weird way - hahahaha!) ... my numbers are getting higher and higher! Thanks, Great Content, and Twitter! I'm pretty sure Twitter is the reason for a lot of the new traffic to mah' blog! Thanks, Beautiful, STUNNINGLY Beautiful, really - Readers!! You' da bestestest!!!
Yay! 320,000 plus!
Yay!! And now I've just passed 400,000 Site Visits to my Blog, https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/! : )
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Thank you soo much for visiting! I hope you had a few laughs, and maybe learned a li'l something new, too! lol! : )
Your Little Internet Friend, Ailsa! : )
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It's funny, now I'm super-disappointed if my numbers aren't huge in a day - lol! But I'm grateful for ALL my lovely visitors - thank you! Too soon to say me yuvs you? You know me do! lol! : )
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Yippeee, now I'm finally passed 16,000 visitors per month - yahoo!! Hello, Celebration! (Did Money come with you? No? Money's busy, right now, but Money will be coming soon? Cool...sweet! I can't wait for Traffic and Money to come over to my Blog, together, we'll all hang out, maybe stop by the bank, make a few deposits - bah'hahahahaha!)
And today I just passed the 260,000 mark - yahoo! Thank you soo much for coming in for a nice little visit! I looove when you come in for a visit! Tank youse!! : )
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And what a cool number to snapshot at
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Anyway, I did learn it all, and switched over to another company, and the rates were great, for a really long time, and now, this past year, my rates have sky-rocketed, and I am not happy about that... booo! I hate being taken advantage of, and that's how I feel with this other company... so, now, I'm not completely sure what the difference is between these three different Server types is, but you might know (you could easily know - hahaha!) Get $2 OFF the Shared Hosting Starter Package at Bluehost.com, and get $50 in marketing credit! Join today!
Get 50% OFF the Enhanced VPS Hosting Package at Bluehost.com! Join NOW!
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But here's the thing - lately, I've started checking my ranking on the Google Searches, right? Started out when I was looking up 'Speech Fugue', just to make sure I had the spelling correct, and whatnot, and who's Blog is on the very first page of Google, under 'Speech Fugues'? It's mine, baby! Hilarious!
So, I thought that was just a coincidence, maybe because it was my own computer (which I lovingly call 'puter - hahaha! I will laugh at ANYTHING! ha!
Then I had to wait for something, one night - prolly Big Brother After Dark, one of the few shows I will willingly watch in Real Time (I love that that's our new term for having to do something when it's actually on - bah'hahahaha!), so I had to wait, and in those 2 minutes of late night ads, I Googled myself, and, hilariously, I'm on the first page of all the Ailsa's in the world - and a bikini shot comes up of me, a pic that's hidden somewhere on my blog and maybe my site - stooopi! hahaha!
But I DO love swimming, and it WAS one of my favourite bathing suits (I go through a lot of bathing suits, because we love to go swimming, every day! Yippee! What a great life!), so, you know, is okay...and if that helps women to see what you can look like at different ages (I think I was 48 in the picture...), then that's good, too. I remember when Oprah turned 40, and what a huuge deal it was, because I didn't know, I had NO idea, you could look like that at 40 (I have another little joke, here, but, until we all know each other better, me keeps it to mah'self..but I looove me some Oprah, and I would be thrilled to ever look like her! lol!)
So, Thanks, Oprah, for a million things (and your Favorite Things! lol!), but I am endlessly thankful for showing all the women what we could do, and how far we could all go - that was a New Message, at the time, and it changed my Life : ) Thank You, Oprah!! You' da Best!!
Anyway (man, it's taking me a long time to get to the point, today - haha!), now, when I write about pretty much any subject, anything that I happen to be up to, at the moment, or something I'm interested in, and I think you might be interested in, too, or anything at all that will make you laugh, I'll post the piece, and immediately it goes to the First Page of Google Search - Yahoo!! That's Ah'mazing!! Yippee!! And that's with no advertising, jus' me, writin' stuffs fo' you, my lovely little reader!
So, thank you, Google Search, Thank You Oprah, Thank You God, Thanks, Life! Thanks, Universe! I know you got mah' back! lol! And Thank you, my wonnerful, wonnerful li'l Reader!! Hugs! Ailsa : )
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Ah'm a'so excited!!
I'm sooo happy to be at the 10,000 visits per month on mah' fancy wee blog! lol!
I'm sooo happy to be at the 10,000 visits per month on mah' fancy wee blog! lol!
That's so funny - I think I used to get 10,000 visits per DAY on my main website, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get back in to fix it for ages (and I mean, ages - yikes!)... stooopid new program, I don't understand it, and I'm, frankly, afraid to try something, in case I screw it up too badly....
Is pretty funny, that I can have these sites and blogs, have so much fun working on them, have, what I perceive as a rudimentary understanding of how they actually work... I think I prolly have a very good understanding, but, to me, I feel like I'm missing some key information, but I haven't met anyone, out here - and now we're out on Vancouver Island, in Victoria, BC, Canada - very pretty, but I haven't met anyone, at all, who can help me with what I need help with, for my site - so frustrating...and the last time I called GoDaddy, I got a real jerk, he was so mean, and, frankly, he sounded stoned, so I haven't called back.... and I've been with GoDaddy for years and years, I love them - I don't love how much the price has been jacked up on my Domain Names, which I used to buy like candy...lol!
What I want to do, is sell my Domain Names, make some profit from carrying them for so long, or at least break even, right? And I've bought the GoDaddy Auctions for years, but then when I actually tried to use it, it wouldn't let me finish setting up the account, because I'm in Canada, which is super-frustrating, since I have all my american info, too, everything I need for the money to stay in America - I'm cool with that, too... whatever, I just want to sell my Domain Names... not all of them, but, you know, the ones I know I prolly won't develop.... because me no knows how! hahahahaha! (Spoken like a true genius, you say? Oh, no? You didn't say that, I'm twisting your words in my favour?? hahaha! No worries, my li'l friend, I twist everything to be in my favour - bah'hahahahaha!)
Okay, I think we need to go shopping, today, so we're trying to figure out if we can be bothered - lol! we ARE all out of those deeelicious Ice Cream Drumsticks - remember those? I hadn't had one of those Drumsticks since I was a kid, would have walked right past them, forever, in the grocery store, except they were on sale, a while bac, and they had run out of our favourtie Strawberry and Kiwi Popsicles, that we usually get, so we bought the Ice Cream Drumsticks, and now, well, we're addicted. We gaze into the freezer, longing for the days when we had a freezer full of the Drumsticks - because we bought 6 boxes of them - hahahaha! Put it on sale, we'll buy it! lol! My personal favourite Drumsticks are the ones with the caramel right through the center - omg, they're amazing!
So silly, but if that's what gets us out the house, if Drumsticks are our incentive to actually go to the store, so be it, right? lol! To the store, Batman!
Oh, and here's the problemo - we really only want to go swimming, every day, and that's the main event of the day - lol! #SummerProblems - hahaha!
Oooh, lookie where me iz, now! lol! Man, I looove watching my numbers go up! lol! Tank youse! Me appreciates you! Thanks for coming in for a little visit, and telling all you' friends! lol! MuuuhWaaah, to all my lovely Reader friends!! : )
So silly, but if that's what gets us out the house, if Drumsticks are our incentive to actually go to the store, so be it, right? lol! To the store, Batman!
Oh, and here's the problemo - we really only want to go swimming, every day, and that's the main event of the day - lol! #SummerProblems - hahaha!
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Yippee!!! I just passed 800 visits per day - yahoo! Now for a thousand, baby! Tank youse, for coming in for a wee visit! You man' new best friend!! lol! : )
Holy schmoly, I just passed 12,000 visits per month... in less than a week! Wow, I wonder what's pushing my numbers up so high, so quickly? I think it's all about the Twitter! The Power of Twitter! Yippee, I loove Twitter! Now I wish I had been a lot more active on Twitter, a long time ago... : )
Wowee, wowee, wowza, baby! Now I'm up to 13,000 visits /month... wow! In a week and a half?? I think I've gone from under 5,000 visits per month, to over 13,000 visits per month, in under 2 weeks... is this all from Tweeting?? I love you, Twitter! And Twitter Followers! And all mah' Readers, no matter how you found me! : ) lol! Holy schmoly - this is fantastico! Me yuvs it! Tanks, you fabulous Reader, you!!
Holy schmoly, I just passed 12,000 visits per month... in less than a week! Wow, I wonder what's pushing my numbers up so high, so quickly? I think it's all about the Twitter! The Power of Twitter! Yippee, I loove Twitter! Now I wish I had been a lot more active on Twitter, a long time ago... : )
Wowee, wowee, wowza, baby! Now I'm up to 13,000 visits /month... wow! In a week and a half?? I think I've gone from under 5,000 visits per month, to over 13,000 visits per month, in under 2 weeks... is this all from Tweeting?? I love you, Twitter! And Twitter Followers! And all mah' Readers, no matter how you found me! : ) lol! Holy schmoly - this is fantastico! Me yuvs it! Tanks, you fabulous Reader, you!!
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Wow, so exciting!! Now I juuust need to translate all this fantastic traffic into real, actual money, right?? lol! Remember when Steve Martin is super-stoked about investing in Iron, and he buys 2 tons of it, sells it at 2 cents a ton, or something like that - was my favourite joke when I was 15, and now I sorta feel like that's what's happening, here - hahaha! Lots of work, I'm soo excited when I make 3 cents! hahahaha! (If you're a blogger, you'll be laughing, maybe crying, a little, then laughing, again! lol!) No worries, I just know we'll all be mega-successful We'll have to go buy a new rake, to rake in all that dough! lol! : )
Yahoooz! Now I just passed 14,000 visits per month! Yippee! Thanks, you brilliant and, I don't know if this is too much, too soon, but you are looking particularly fetching, today...so niiice! lol! Tanks for all da visits!!
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Now, if me could just turn a buck, I'll be laughing! lol!
Okay, 'til next time!! Go haz you'self Lots of Love!! Ailsa : )

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I am soo done with my cable bill - $180/month??? Whatdahell?, as James on BB would say - lol! That's too high - so unreasonable... I love these new companies that are giving us real options, so you can still watch all your favorite TV shows, and easily save sooo much money... is the best!
No Cable. No Dish. Just KlowdTV.

In case you have your own blog or website, and want to start making some money on it - is tricky, but it can be done! Hello, persistence! lol!