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Over 2 Million Customers!
CBDistilleryâ„¢ has served over 2 million customers in the United States since 2016! #trustworthy #trustworthyservice
#Vaping: The Easy Way to Quit Smoking!
#GoodForYou! You Quit Smoking! #NoMoreSmoke
Therapeutic Value of #Nicotine #NicotineToothpicks #Cinnamon
So, this is huge - #Epidiolex - Treats seizures from severe types of Childhood Epilepsy, is now available as a regular medicine, in 50 States in the USA - that is a total miracle, for so many children, their parents, and their caregivers - CBD Oil is so amazing for so many ailments, is such a practical drug for so many people - Thank God people can now access it normally and legally - for cancer, for joint pain, for epilepsy, for people going through Chemo - is really such a miracle drug, I'm so glad it can now be openly studied in Canada, with the Legalization of Marijuana in Canada, and I hope that follows suit in America, too, so they can just study, study, study all the amazing things CBD Oil (and other forms of cannabis) can do - when archaic, Puritanical, Prohibitionist Thinking still gets to rule over studied medical advances, that's not okay, so, we're making strides forward, and that's a Good Thing!
Show Nowfor 99.99% Pure CBD , JustCBD Hight Potency CBD Products Are Great Way to get all the Benefits of CBD you are looking for. Get 25% Off all orders with code: lovecbd
#Japan #China #ecigs
You know what I was thinking, last night? One of our neighbors was having a BBQ, a Barbeque (for the purists - lol!), and we're always having to run over to the Balcony Window to close the doors, because it seems like every one of our neighbors is a heavy smoker... of something ... it's all legal in BC, Canada...
Wouldn't it be fantastic if they made a Vaping Flavor like BBQ smoke or Popcorn? You would loove it when your neighbor 'lights up' - lol! ; )
We would ALL love that! Better for the person, and better for the, uh, 'smellers'? haha!
Up to 40% on hotels in beautiful Victoria British Columbia when you book with Travelocity.ca
(Everything's legal, here - lol!)

I'm all about Saving Money - Get something great, for a great deal - that's all we want, right? ; )
Yay!! Great Deals on Everything You Want! Yippee!! Saving Money, the best thing, ever!
(Was there a Sale on Exclamation Points, and now me gots to use them all up, the faster, the better-er? Haha! Maaay-be! lol!)
Oh, and on the off-chance this is your first time experiencing ads for stores - lol - I get a little something from every sale, so, Thank You! You're The Best! : )
This is my new favorite thing - next to mah' fave Gin Raisins - lol! Make up a batch for yourself, you'll look amazing, your skin will look so great! Yay! : )
Vaping is way better and safer for you and the planet, and you can moderate the amount of nicotine down to zero, if you are trying to quit smoking - AND, no cigarette butts out car windows means waaay fewer Forest Fires, so, Win-Win, baby!
15% off sitewide. Use Code Sitewide15
20% Off All Clearance Items. Use Code: OVERSTOCK20
You know me loves checking the Clearance Section, first - lol!

Ooh, I'm thinking that e-cigarettes will be huuge in Japan and China, right? What a massive change in the air quality, if, literally, millions of people switch over from regular cigarettes to ecigarettes... better for each person, and better for the environment : )

Here you go! These are better options for you to try, or to buy more, of the Nicotine toothpicks - so smart, what a great idea!
Three-Pack Nicotine Picks Variety Pack - 1 Package Each Of Cinnamon, Peppermint & Spearmint - Nicotine Infused Toothpicks - 60 Picks Total
Do something great for your OWN Heart - Vaping is the Easy Way to Quit Smoking - and look at all those flavors! : )
Right now, I really want to know, Does Nicotine Prevent or Slow Down Dementia or Alzheimer's?
Please let me know if you know anyone who smoked, who has any brain-related situation....
I'm not sure the studies are out there, or if Nicotine is being studied the way it should be, because of social pressure, social thinking, maybe government restrictions - I firmly believe that if we have any INKLING that something might work, to help prevent ANY medical or emotional issue, we need to pursue it, no matter what we have been told, from before - all that old thinking can be thrown right out the window - we need to help people,with whatever tools we have, and leave all the annoying old thinking behind us...
So, if you have any information on this, I'd love to hear it - my theory is that Nicotine can prevent or improve the situation, for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ADD, ADHD, Autism - it has so many uses, we just need the right delivery system, that can be easily controlled, and I need proof that Nicotine is not addictive, and even if it is, wouldn't it be worth a shot, if it creates a huge positive change?
But I DO believe that Nicotine, in and of itself, in a different delivery system, may not be addictive, it's in the cigarette form that it's addictive... so, we all need to open our minds, seek the real truth, no need to listen to what we've been told, all these years, if, in fact, it's wrong, and, at the very least, misleading...
Thank you!! I love that you popped in to read my little musings... let's see if we can all make some great and positive changes! Ailsa : )
I just got these deals, wanted to pass them along to you!
Vaping is a great way to help you Quit Smoking, just decrease the amount of nicotine, if you have any nicotine, at all #GoodLuck! I know you can do it! : )

And then, get yourself a wee treat - you deserve it! Good for you for doing your very best - Smoking is a very hard habit to break, so let's say you had a system where you gave yourself a little treat, each time you do't have a cigarette, right? (Frankly, I'm all about the treats - hey, it worked for Pavlov's dogs, surely it'll work for us - lol!)
Stop smoking naturally!
Take 25% off!
Cigarette manufacturers hate this!
Millions sold!
Save our Forests : ) Just have a packet of the Nicotine Toothpicks handy in your vehicle - so easy! Great price, too, and then you can maybe just gradually switch over, since it's hard to find any place where you can smoke, now, soo, if you have the Nicotine Toothpicks in your pocket or in your purse, you can just pop one out, enjoy that, it's all good - and you can have them anywhere, at work, at school, at the Game, in your car, out for dinner, out for a walk, on a plane, on a train, in an automobile... you can see where I'm going with this! lol!
The Nicotine Toothpicks still give you the Nicotine, and something to put in your mouth, something for your hands and mouth to do, sooo.. you know - lol! That's part of the whole deal, and we all knows it?! hahaha! Anywhere at all, very convenient, and the best part, no smoke - yahoo! Yippee!
Who would ever want to burn this baby down? No one, right? We all want to do our bit, do whatever we can, to prevent unnecessary Forest Fires, soo, do your bit, and keep a pack of Nicotine Toothpicks handy in your vehicle - #SoEasy!

If you are a smoker, and find yourself in places where you can't smoke, these Nicotine Toothpicks will really work for you - AND, maybe you'll switch them up for regular cigarettes, and who knows, maybe you'll wean yourself right off of cigarettes, right? Maay-be! : ) But at least you'll be more comfortable on planes, trains, automobiles (the movies?? haha - Not just that one movie - lol!) - anywhere smoking isn't allowed, like work or even church... out visiting, after dinner at the restaurant... the casino... wow, that's pretty much everywhere, so, what, a box of the Nicotine Toothpicks is in order? haha!
That reminds me of the Cinnamon Toothpicks we used to have as kids - man, they were delicious! lol!

Have a look at this very interesting article, too, when you have a few minutes... I have been thinking about the medical benefits of Nicotine, for a long time, when it's taken in different forms than smoking cigarettes... it's fascinating to me, and finally, we have some studies to prove what I've been theorizing... I mean, Nicotine HAS to be of value to a person, in order for them to want to continue having it, and it's the smoke that seems to cause all the health harm..and tobacco, itself, is a very useful plant, and is the basis for the cure for Ebola... so maybe tobacco has anti-viral components that should be studied further, too...
But if Nicotine can help manage the symptoms of Parkinson's, and maybe even halt the progression of Parkinson's, and nicotine can easily be 'delivered', if you will, in the form of a a Nicotine Toothpick, then isn't that worth trying? Nicotine has been proven not to be addictive, when used as a medical treatment - its the combo of nicotine in a cigarette that you smoke, that's addictive.. take away the smoke, take away the addiction? Retain what good the nicotine was doing the person?
And if Nicotine has ANY benefits for someone suffering with Alzheimer’s disease, don't we owe it to the person to give Nicotine a try, instead of hiding our heads in the sand, or standing behind old information or stereotypes... frankly, I can't be bothered with people who refuse to take a fresh look at anything - if it's an 'older' drug, like Aspirin, or what some people might dismiss as 'Home Remedies' (mostly because the pharmaceutical companies have deemed them 'not monetarily viable' - they can't make money off natural substances) - that drives me crazy. That's not even scientifically viable... so ridiculous.
And for ANY Government to DARE prevent a cure, or something that could help people to live a better, Higher Quality of Life, but they use politics to prevent the study of ANYTHING, and marijuana would come under this Schedule One stupidity, too - (Prohibition, Much? Bleah! Stooopid...) Omg, that just makes me so mad.
Children with very serious seizure disorders have been helped so much with Marijuana Oil, or, Cannabis Oil - study the hell out of it, make it widely and easily available to anyone who needs it, without all the political drama, because that's all it is, drama for people who are too stupid (or too rigid and annoying) to see and acknowledge the truth - so shocking to me, that there are soo many people will to keep their heads so firmly in the sand... and for Cancer Treatments, too - we all know the stories of people who have found huge relief or even a cure, from natural substances... just study it, real studies, and all the doors need to be open for study, through the governments and universities, so scientists don't have to be beholden to the ability to make a profit off anything they learn... isn't that just Common Sense? #MedicalMarijuana #TherapeuticValue of #Nicotine, or any other plant, or older substance that is no longer deemed profitable...
Either you want a healthy population, or you don't - is not okay to say you want a healthier population, then anything that really does work is prohibited by law, or anything else... and while I'm on a little rant here, anyway, make Healthy Food, Fresh Fruit and Veggies, affordable for ALL - that's not rocket science, and it's absolutely doable. You can spend in the trillions for war, for defense? Spend some of that money on helping people for what is really happening in their lives, not just on the fear of what might happen... Education and Health, the ability to earn a good living - those should be the Top Priorities, not fear-mongering. (Shoutout Bernie Sanders? lol! NDP?) Let scientists be scientists... be open and free to study anything that could be useful, at all... : )
I think we need to look at this whole issue from a new perspective, to make the best choices for people affected - and I would like to see more study done in the area of Nicotine as a therapy for Autism, ADD, ADHD, and Schizophrenia. Why not? Nicotine does not appear to have a down-side, like all the other drugs that are so readily pushed by Big Pharma, and, thus, so many doctors (too many doctors)...
If Nicotine plays a huge role in helping someone come with too much Stimuli, bring it on, let's try it. Did I already mention that I'm a Special Education Teacher? I've seen all the drugs, I am not a big advocate of using any drugs if they can be avoided, but sometimes, it really is necessary to add something in, and if it helps the person, and causes no harm, I'm all in, and I insist on a study, so we can find out the truth, and help more people.
Let me know if you try the Nicotine Toothpicks, or Vaping with Nicotine, if you see any improvements in your health, symptoms, any improvement, at all, or any adverse reactions, too - hey, sometimes, it's a more informal 'study' that can have more of an effect, these days, get the word out, ourselves, not wait for the pharmaceutical industries to finally decide they can make money off of this, or any other, plant or substance, right?
Vaping as a very viable way to Quit Smoking... you can wean yourself off of the nicotine, too, by gradually lessening the amount of nicotine, as you go... and no more smoke smell, your air will be cleaner, your whole body will thank you for it - and you'll save soo much money, too! Everybody Wins! Yippee!

Vaping is one of the easiest way to quit smoking - you gradually wean yourself off of the nicotine, until you're Freee! Doesn't that sound good? : )
I keep thinking, every time I have to run to close my balcony doors, when my neighbors start smoking,and their smoke wafts into my house... what if the Vapor ecigs were in a BBQ Steak flavor - omg, I would looove that! You would welcome the smell, right? Deep breath in, yum! hahaha! Jus' a little thought! lol! I am amazed by all the flavors, though... what a great way to quit smoking... and, it sure makes me wonder, with all those flavors, is Vaping a Good Way to Lose Weight? It makes sense, right? Even if it replaced SOME o' yer candies! hahaha!
Vaping is on The Simpsons! Aaand, vaping was on Black-ish, too... very cool : )
Vape your favorite fruits, foods, drinks and candy! Choose from over 300 premium sweet and savory flavors! (A great way to help you quit smoking : ) To your health! Yum! Did they say candy?? lol!

Vaping is the best new thing to help you quit smoking - and it even comes in a coffee flavour, so you could totally get everything you need, right now, in one go - lol!
Soo cool - can e-cigarettes, Vaping, Vapour Cigarettes, or Vapor Cigarettes, if you live where they don't like all those extra 'u's in their words, like, Vapour (vapor! lol!), or Flavour (flavor! haha!) help you quit smoking?? Yep! Just choose a flavour, or choose a bunch of flavors, make the switch from cigarettes to ecigarettes, at your own pace, and you'll be done with smoke, forever! Sounds great, right? And delicious?? lol! Wow, it couldn't be any easier to quit smoking : )
Anyway, wherever you are in the world, you've probably heard a little bit about the new movement toward ecigarettes, or the Vapor Cigarettes.. they're becoming very big in Canada, since we have very tight no smoking laws, and they just passed a new law, April 1st (and it was no joke - buh'bam-bum! haha!), that restricts smokers, even more, on where they can smoke. No smoking at bus stops, I think a lot of apartments have a rule for no smoking in the actual apartments, you have to go out on the balcony, but then the smoke goes in other peoples' houses, right, when it wafts over?
E Cigs- 10% off first order w/ code FIRSTIME. No odor, no tar, no yellow teeth, half the cost- you owe it to yourself, make the switch! 3 FREE juices w/ starter package!
So here's the fantastic thing, and, me thinks, about the new E-cigarettes... you could smoke them pretty much anywhere, but you could easily wean yourself off of regular cigarettes, using the Vapor Cigarettes.

Quit Smoking
Claim your ONE FREE bottle of E-Juice
And look at all the flavours - yum! Vanilla, Strawberry, Cappuccino, Cherry... yum! Omg, what a great option for you to try, right? And if you gradually switch over to the e-cigarettes, you'll find you really enjoy the flavours, and you won't be so restricted in where you can have a cigarette, any more - that'll be great, right? But you just gradually reduce the amount of nicotine, as you go, when you're ready, and then, voila, you'll have kicked your cigarette habit for good! Your own good, right? lol! : )

Soo many flavors; Vanilla, Cherry, Cappuccino and Strawberry, it is just an amazing addition to an already classic and popular lineup.
There are a lot of good companies out there, now, so you might like to shop around, see which companies you like the best, make sure it ships to your country. Can you imagine if everyone who wants to quit smoking, now, switches over to the Vapor Cigarettes?? That would be amazing! Can you imagine the amount of money that would be saved in hospital care? That would be incredible!
That's how I started researching ecigarettes, in the first place. I was watching our local news (we're in Victoria, BC, Canada), and there was a heart surgeon on the local Vancouver news, and he was saying that he has opened something like, 68, ?,I think, but something like 68 e-cigarette stores across Canada, and he is hoping this is the new wave of the future (and right now - lol!), so that people can make a healthier choice, and it's still a choice....
So I figured, wow, if a HEART SURGEON believes in e-cigarettes to help you to quit smoking, as a much healthier alternative to smoking, then that's great... talk about support from the medical community, right?

It looks like different companies for the ecigarettes have a variety of flavors for you to choose from - all very interesting, right? It's a whole new world of choice for smokers... and remember, you can decrease the amount of nicotine when you get more, so that you are gradually removing the need for the nicotine, and you still get the sensation of smoking...
AND, I was thinking about this, this morning, wouldn't you reduce the chances of you getting wrinkles from smoking, because wouldn't you inhale the vapor cigarettes differently? Not as much 'force', if you will, so your mouth doesn't have to pucker each time you take a drag on your cigarette, right? Am I right? hahaha! I have no idea! lol! Me jus' guessing! lol! But, it makes sense to me, right, that if your lips are in a different position with the vapour cigarettes, wouldn't it stand to reason that you wouldn't get any wrinkles?? hahaha! Well, there's ANOTHER upside, and will give you something to chat about when you're enjoying your ecigarette.
Oh, and you know, sometimes you can't 'smoke' the ecigs, either - in restaurants, airplanes, in a lot of parks, stores, at work... really, a lot of places, and this can be a really big problem for people who smoke, and they feel like they really need to have a schmoke, right? I thought these Nicotine Toothpicks were very cool (frankly, makes me think of President Obama, maybe with a toothpick in his mouth, looking all cool, 'n all, since he's not allowed to smoke, any more... but I guess not in a major meeting, right? lol! Still, it does look pretty cool! lol!), and a really good solution for a lot of people... and it's all about alternatives to smoking, right? If you can move over, a little bit of the time, think how great you'a gonna feel! : )
Oh, and I remember when they first started restricting where people could smoke - was pretty funny, really, when we all look back, now - remember the 'smoking section' in a restaurant? Was right beside the other tables, just a few feet away, but there was a sign that said 'Smoking Section' - oh, and in my high school, was considered all very progressive, at the time, and had been newly built, we had a very fancy 'Smoking Court' for the students - staff just smoked in the Teacher's Lounge, like on The Simpsons - hahahaha! Hilarious! (As a little side note, here, I wrote 3 scripts for The Simpsons, back in the day.. you used to be able to submit your scripts without an agent, back then - those were the days!)
Electronic Cigarettes: No odor, no tar, no yellow teeth, lower cost. Get 10% off your first order w/ code FIRSTTIME at Breazy.com
Man, I forgot all about your teeth - wow, whiter teeth, too! lol! Oh, and you can try my favourite tooth whitening thing, too - well, my favourite thing is to go to the mall in LA, get mah' teeth whitened there - but at home, you can just dip your tooth brush into the top cap of the Hydrogen Peroxide bottle (pour it in there, first - lol!), and apply straight to your teeth (no swallowing!), then don't rinse, just go ahead and dip your toothbrush into a some baking soda (I keep a little jar of baking soda in the bathroom) - give your teeth a good brush - hopefully you're already using an electric toothbrush - haha! Anyway, you'll have lovely shiny white teeth in no time! : )
Best Vaping Prices! 10% OFF your first order w/ code FIRSTTIME! Best prices, wide selection of flavors, fast delivery, and great customer service.
I think I would totally check for the best prices, look for Free Shipping, since everyone looves Free Shipping - lol! I want you to save money, and be all lovely and healthy! : )
Joe's Vapor Shop 10% off everything today! Use HAPPY10!
Oooh, and I've heard that the ecigs are half the price of regular cigarettes, and a lot of smokers spend, easily, $3,000 a year on cigarettes, so wouldn't it be soo great to be able to quit smoking, and put that money toward a vacation,or something equally fun (candy?? hahaha!)... so, better health, more money, no tar, no smell on your clothes... man, is this Win-Win, or what?? Worth a try, for sures, eh? lol! (Thought I'd throw in a little Canadian for you, there! lol!)
And, here's a little feedback from my wonderful, lovely, niece, Marlo... Marlo's been using the ecigs for a little while, now, and it's been a very good experience... here she is....
Isn't that great?? A little first-hand info for us all - yahoo! Thanks, Marlo!!

Wow, that's a good deal, right?? $59/month, AND a $100 promo?? Yes, please! lol!
Order AT&T U-Verse TV and Internet - $59 per month for 6 months, plus get a $100 promo card.
Aaand....me gets you good deals - lol! AT&T Next. A new way to get a new smartphone every year! No down payment, activation fee, upgrade fee, or financing fee.

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#GoodForYou! You Quit Smoking! #NoMoreSmoke
Therapeutic Value of #Nicotine #NicotineToothpicks #Cinnamon
So, this is huge - #Epidiolex - Treats seizures from severe types of Childhood Epilepsy, is now available as a regular medicine, in 50 States in the USA - that is a total miracle, for so many children, their parents, and their caregivers - CBD Oil is so amazing for so many ailments, is such a practical drug for so many people - Thank God people can now access it normally and legally - for cancer, for joint pain, for epilepsy, for people going through Chemo - is really such a miracle drug, I'm so glad it can now be openly studied in Canada, with the Legalization of Marijuana in Canada, and I hope that follows suit in America, too, so they can just study, study, study all the amazing things CBD Oil (and other forms of cannabis) can do - when archaic, Puritanical, Prohibitionist Thinking still gets to rule over studied medical advances, that's not okay, so, we're making strides forward, and that's a Good Thing!
Show Nowfor 99.99% Pure CBD , JustCBD Hight Potency CBD Products Are Great Way to get all the Benefits of CBD you are looking for. Get 25% Off all orders with code: lovecbd
#Japan #China #ecigs
You know what I was thinking, last night? One of our neighbors was having a BBQ, a Barbeque (for the purists - lol!), and we're always having to run over to the Balcony Window to close the doors, because it seems like every one of our neighbors is a heavy smoker... of something ... it's all legal in BC, Canada...
Wouldn't it be fantastic if they made a Vaping Flavor like BBQ smoke or Popcorn? You would loove it when your neighbor 'lights up' - lol! ; )
We would ALL love that! Better for the person, and better for the, uh, 'smellers'? haha!
Up to 40% on hotels in beautiful Victoria British Columbia when you book with Travelocity.ca

I'm all about Saving Money - Get something great, for a great deal - that's all we want, right? ; )
Yay!! Great Deals on Everything You Want! Yippee!! Saving Money, the best thing, ever!
(Was there a Sale on Exclamation Points, and now me gots to use them all up, the faster, the better-er? Haha! Maaay-be! lol!)
Oh, and on the off-chance this is your first time experiencing ads for stores - lol - I get a little something from every sale, so, Thank You! You're The Best! : )
This is my new favorite thing - next to mah' fave Gin Raisins - lol! Make up a batch for yourself, you'll look amazing, your skin will look so great! Yay! : )
Vaping is way better and safer for you and the planet, and you can moderate the amount of nicotine down to zero, if you are trying to quit smoking - AND, no cigarette butts out car windows means waaay fewer Forest Fires, so, Win-Win, baby!
15% off sitewide. Use Code Sitewide15
20% Off All Clearance Items. Use Code: OVERSTOCK20

Here you go! These are better options for you to try, or to buy more, of the Nicotine toothpicks - so smart, what a great idea!
Three-Pack Nicotine Picks Variety Pack - 1 Package Each Of Cinnamon, Peppermint & Spearmint - Nicotine Infused Toothpicks - 60 Picks Total
Do something great for your OWN Heart - Vaping is the Easy Way to Quit Smoking - and look at all those flavors! : )
Right now, I really want to know, Does Nicotine Prevent or Slow Down Dementia or Alzheimer's?
Please let me know if you know anyone who smoked, who has any brain-related situation....
I'm not sure the studies are out there, or if Nicotine is being studied the way it should be, because of social pressure, social thinking, maybe government restrictions - I firmly believe that if we have any INKLING that something might work, to help prevent ANY medical or emotional issue, we need to pursue it, no matter what we have been told, from before - all that old thinking can be thrown right out the window - we need to help people,with whatever tools we have, and leave all the annoying old thinking behind us...
So, if you have any information on this, I'd love to hear it - my theory is that Nicotine can prevent or improve the situation, for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ADD, ADHD, Autism - it has so many uses, we just need the right delivery system, that can be easily controlled, and I need proof that Nicotine is not addictive, and even if it is, wouldn't it be worth a shot, if it creates a huge positive change?
But I DO believe that Nicotine, in and of itself, in a different delivery system, may not be addictive, it's in the cigarette form that it's addictive... so, we all need to open our minds, seek the real truth, no need to listen to what we've been told, all these years, if, in fact, it's wrong, and, at the very least, misleading...
Thank you!! I love that you popped in to read my little musings... let's see if we can all make some great and positive changes! Ailsa : )
I just got these deals, wanted to pass them along to you!
Vaping is a great way to help you Quit Smoking, just decrease the amount of nicotine, if you have any nicotine, at all #GoodLuck! I know you can do it! : )
Stop smoking naturally!
Save our Forests : ) Just have a packet of the Nicotine Toothpicks handy in your vehicle - so easy! Great price, too, and then you can maybe just gradually switch over, since it's hard to find any place where you can smoke, now, soo, if you have the Nicotine Toothpicks in your pocket or in your purse, you can just pop one out, enjoy that, it's all good - and you can have them anywhere, at work, at school, at the Game, in your car, out for dinner, out for a walk, on a plane, on a train, in an automobile... you can see where I'm going with this! lol!
The Nicotine Toothpicks still give you the Nicotine, and something to put in your mouth, something for your hands and mouth to do, sooo.. you know - lol! That's part of the whole deal, and we all knows it?! hahaha! Anywhere at all, very convenient, and the best part, no smoke - yahoo! Yippee!
Who would ever want to burn this baby down? No one, right? We all want to do our bit, do whatever we can, to prevent unnecessary Forest Fires, soo, do your bit, and keep a pack of Nicotine Toothpicks handy in your vehicle - #SoEasy!
You know what? There are soo many forest fires that are started by people tossing their cigarette butts out their car windows, and it, literally, costs millions - for just one forest fire. I would love to see people switch over to ecigs, or, even better, for driving, the Nicotine Toothpicks. Let's just accept the fact that millions of people enjoy Nicotine, so we can just move on and use a safer 'delivery method', if you will, and save lives (no more smoke) - in your lungs, or in the fires... did you like that little transition? lol! But, you know, is a good point, right?
If you are a smoker, and find yourself in places where you can't smoke, these Nicotine Toothpicks will really work for you - AND, maybe you'll switch them up for regular cigarettes, and who knows, maybe you'll wean yourself right off of cigarettes, right? Maay-be! : ) But at least you'll be more comfortable on planes, trains, automobiles (the movies?? haha - Not just that one movie - lol!) - anywhere smoking isn't allowed, like work or even church... out visiting, after dinner at the restaurant... the casino... wow, that's pretty much everywhere, so, what, a box of the Nicotine Toothpicks is in order? haha!
That reminds me of the Cinnamon Toothpicks we used to have as kids - man, they were delicious! lol!

Have a look at this very interesting article, too, when you have a few minutes... I have been thinking about the medical benefits of Nicotine, for a long time, when it's taken in different forms than smoking cigarettes... it's fascinating to me, and finally, we have some studies to prove what I've been theorizing... I mean, Nicotine HAS to be of value to a person, in order for them to want to continue having it, and it's the smoke that seems to cause all the health harm..and tobacco, itself, is a very useful plant, and is the basis for the cure for Ebola... so maybe tobacco has anti-viral components that should be studied further, too...
But if Nicotine can help manage the symptoms of Parkinson's, and maybe even halt the progression of Parkinson's, and nicotine can easily be 'delivered', if you will, in the form of a a Nicotine Toothpick, then isn't that worth trying? Nicotine has been proven not to be addictive, when used as a medical treatment - its the combo of nicotine in a cigarette that you smoke, that's addictive.. take away the smoke, take away the addiction? Retain what good the nicotine was doing the person?
And if Nicotine has ANY benefits for someone suffering with Alzheimer’s disease, don't we owe it to the person to give Nicotine a try, instead of hiding our heads in the sand, or standing behind old information or stereotypes... frankly, I can't be bothered with people who refuse to take a fresh look at anything - if it's an 'older' drug, like Aspirin, or what some people might dismiss as 'Home Remedies' (mostly because the pharmaceutical companies have deemed them 'not monetarily viable' - they can't make money off natural substances) - that drives me crazy. That's not even scientifically viable... so ridiculous.
And for ANY Government to DARE prevent a cure, or something that could help people to live a better, Higher Quality of Life, but they use politics to prevent the study of ANYTHING, and marijuana would come under this Schedule One stupidity, too - (Prohibition, Much? Bleah! Stooopid...) Omg, that just makes me so mad.
Children with very serious seizure disorders have been helped so much with Marijuana Oil, or, Cannabis Oil - study the hell out of it, make it widely and easily available to anyone who needs it, without all the political drama, because that's all it is, drama for people who are too stupid (or too rigid and annoying) to see and acknowledge the truth - so shocking to me, that there are soo many people will to keep their heads so firmly in the sand... and for Cancer Treatments, too - we all know the stories of people who have found huge relief or even a cure, from natural substances... just study it, real studies, and all the doors need to be open for study, through the governments and universities, so scientists don't have to be beholden to the ability to make a profit off anything they learn... isn't that just Common Sense? #MedicalMarijuana #TherapeuticValue of #Nicotine, or any other plant, or older substance that is no longer deemed profitable...
Either you want a healthy population, or you don't - is not okay to say you want a healthier population, then anything that really does work is prohibited by law, or anything else... and while I'm on a little rant here, anyway, make Healthy Food, Fresh Fruit and Veggies, affordable for ALL - that's not rocket science, and it's absolutely doable. You can spend in the trillions for war, for defense? Spend some of that money on helping people for what is really happening in their lives, not just on the fear of what might happen... Education and Health, the ability to earn a good living - those should be the Top Priorities, not fear-mongering. (Shoutout Bernie Sanders? lol! NDP?) Let scientists be scientists... be open and free to study anything that could be useful, at all... : )
I think we need to look at this whole issue from a new perspective, to make the best choices for people affected - and I would like to see more study done in the area of Nicotine as a therapy for Autism, ADD, ADHD, and Schizophrenia. Why not? Nicotine does not appear to have a down-side, like all the other drugs that are so readily pushed by Big Pharma, and, thus, so many doctors (too many doctors)...
If Nicotine plays a huge role in helping someone come with too much Stimuli, bring it on, let's try it. Did I already mention that I'm a Special Education Teacher? I've seen all the drugs, I am not a big advocate of using any drugs if they can be avoided, but sometimes, it really is necessary to add something in, and if it helps the person, and causes no harm, I'm all in, and I insist on a study, so we can find out the truth, and help more people.
Let me know if you try the Nicotine Toothpicks, or Vaping with Nicotine, if you see any improvements in your health, symptoms, any improvement, at all, or any adverse reactions, too - hey, sometimes, it's a more informal 'study' that can have more of an effect, these days, get the word out, ourselves, not wait for the pharmaceutical industries to finally decide they can make money off of this, or any other, plant or substance, right?
Vaping as a very viable way to Quit Smoking... you can wean yourself off of the nicotine, too, by gradually lessening the amount of nicotine, as you go... and no more smoke smell, your air will be cleaner, your whole body will thank you for it - and you'll save soo much money, too! Everybody Wins! Yippee!

I keep thinking, every time I have to run to close my balcony doors, when my neighbors start smoking,and their smoke wafts into my house... what if the Vapor ecigs were in a BBQ Steak flavor - omg, I would looove that! You would welcome the smell, right? Deep breath in, yum! hahaha! Jus' a little thought! lol! I am amazed by all the flavors, though... what a great way to quit smoking... and, it sure makes me wonder, with all those flavors, is Vaping a Good Way to Lose Weight? It makes sense, right? Even if it replaced SOME o' yer candies! hahaha!
Vaping is on The Simpsons! Aaand, vaping was on Black-ish, too... very cool : )
Vape your favorite fruits, foods, drinks and candy! Choose from over 300 premium sweet and savory flavors! (A great way to help you quit smoking : ) To your health! Yum! Did they say candy?? lol!

Vaping is the best new thing to help you quit smoking - and it even comes in a coffee flavour, so you could totally get everything you need, right now, in one go - lol!
Soo cool - can e-cigarettes, Vaping, Vapour Cigarettes, or Vapor Cigarettes, if you live where they don't like all those extra 'u's in their words, like, Vapour (vapor! lol!), or Flavour (flavor! haha!) help you quit smoking?? Yep! Just choose a flavour, or choose a bunch of flavors, make the switch from cigarettes to ecigarettes, at your own pace, and you'll be done with smoke, forever! Sounds great, right? And delicious?? lol! Wow, it couldn't be any easier to quit smoking : )
Anyway, wherever you are in the world, you've probably heard a little bit about the new movement toward ecigarettes, or the Vapor Cigarettes.. they're becoming very big in Canada, since we have very tight no smoking laws, and they just passed a new law, April 1st (and it was no joke - buh'bam-bum! haha!), that restricts smokers, even more, on where they can smoke. No smoking at bus stops, I think a lot of apartments have a rule for no smoking in the actual apartments, you have to go out on the balcony, but then the smoke goes in other peoples' houses, right, when it wafts over?
E Cigs- 10% off first order w/ code FIRSTIME. No odor, no tar, no yellow teeth, half the cost- you owe it to yourself, make the switch! 3 FREE juices w/ starter package!
So here's the fantastic thing, and, me thinks, about the new E-cigarettes... you could smoke them pretty much anywhere, but you could easily wean yourself off of regular cigarettes, using the Vapor Cigarettes.

Claim your ONE FREE bottle of E-Juice
And look at all the flavours - yum! Vanilla, Strawberry, Cappuccino, Cherry... yum! Omg, what a great option for you to try, right? And if you gradually switch over to the e-cigarettes, you'll find you really enjoy the flavours, and you won't be so restricted in where you can have a cigarette, any more - that'll be great, right? But you just gradually reduce the amount of nicotine, as you go, when you're ready, and then, voila, you'll have kicked your cigarette habit for good! Your own good, right? lol! : )
Soo many flavors; Vanilla, Cherry, Cappuccino and Strawberry, it is just an amazing addition to an already classic and popular lineup.
There are a lot of good companies out there, now, so you might like to shop around, see which companies you like the best, make sure it ships to your country. Can you imagine if everyone who wants to quit smoking, now, switches over to the Vapor Cigarettes?? That would be amazing! Can you imagine the amount of money that would be saved in hospital care? That would be incredible!
That's how I started researching ecigarettes, in the first place. I was watching our local news (we're in Victoria, BC, Canada), and there was a heart surgeon on the local Vancouver news, and he was saying that he has opened something like, 68, ?,I think, but something like 68 e-cigarette stores across Canada, and he is hoping this is the new wave of the future (and right now - lol!), so that people can make a healthier choice, and it's still a choice....
So I figured, wow, if a HEART SURGEON believes in e-cigarettes to help you to quit smoking, as a much healthier alternative to smoking, then that's great... talk about support from the medical community, right?

It looks like different companies for the ecigarettes have a variety of flavors for you to choose from - all very interesting, right? It's a whole new world of choice for smokers... and remember, you can decrease the amount of nicotine when you get more, so that you are gradually removing the need for the nicotine, and you still get the sensation of smoking...
AND, I was thinking about this, this morning, wouldn't you reduce the chances of you getting wrinkles from smoking, because wouldn't you inhale the vapor cigarettes differently? Not as much 'force', if you will, so your mouth doesn't have to pucker each time you take a drag on your cigarette, right? Am I right? hahaha! I have no idea! lol! Me jus' guessing! lol! But, it makes sense to me, right, that if your lips are in a different position with the vapour cigarettes, wouldn't it stand to reason that you wouldn't get any wrinkles?? hahaha! Well, there's ANOTHER upside, and will give you something to chat about when you're enjoying your ecigarette.
Oh, and you know, sometimes you can't 'smoke' the ecigs, either - in restaurants, airplanes, in a lot of parks, stores, at work... really, a lot of places, and this can be a really big problem for people who smoke, and they feel like they really need to have a schmoke, right? I thought these Nicotine Toothpicks were very cool (frankly, makes me think of President Obama, maybe with a toothpick in his mouth, looking all cool, 'n all, since he's not allowed to smoke, any more... but I guess not in a major meeting, right? lol! Still, it does look pretty cool! lol!), and a really good solution for a lot of people... and it's all about alternatives to smoking, right? If you can move over, a little bit of the time, think how great you'a gonna feel! : )
Oh, and I remember when they first started restricting where people could smoke - was pretty funny, really, when we all look back, now - remember the 'smoking section' in a restaurant? Was right beside the other tables, just a few feet away, but there was a sign that said 'Smoking Section' - oh, and in my high school, was considered all very progressive, at the time, and had been newly built, we had a very fancy 'Smoking Court' for the students - staff just smoked in the Teacher's Lounge, like on The Simpsons - hahahaha! Hilarious! (As a little side note, here, I wrote 3 scripts for The Simpsons, back in the day.. you used to be able to submit your scripts without an agent, back then - those were the days!)
Electronic Cigarettes: No odor, no tar, no yellow teeth, lower cost. Get 10% off your first order w/ code FIRSTTIME at Breazy.com
Man, I forgot all about your teeth - wow, whiter teeth, too! lol! Oh, and you can try my favourite tooth whitening thing, too - well, my favourite thing is to go to the mall in LA, get mah' teeth whitened there - but at home, you can just dip your tooth brush into the top cap of the Hydrogen Peroxide bottle (pour it in there, first - lol!), and apply straight to your teeth (no swallowing!), then don't rinse, just go ahead and dip your toothbrush into a some baking soda (I keep a little jar of baking soda in the bathroom) - give your teeth a good brush - hopefully you're already using an electric toothbrush - haha! Anyway, you'll have lovely shiny white teeth in no time! : )
Best Vaping Prices! 10% OFF your first order w/ code FIRSTTIME! Best prices, wide selection of flavors, fast delivery, and great customer service.
I think I would totally check for the best prices, look for Free Shipping, since everyone looves Free Shipping - lol! I want you to save money, and be all lovely and healthy! : )
Joe's Vapor Shop 10% off everything today! Use HAPPY10!
Oooh, and I've heard that the ecigs are half the price of regular cigarettes, and a lot of smokers spend, easily, $3,000 a year on cigarettes, so wouldn't it be soo great to be able to quit smoking, and put that money toward a vacation,or something equally fun (candy?? hahaha!)... so, better health, more money, no tar, no smell on your clothes... man, is this Win-Win, or what?? Worth a try, for sures, eh? lol! (Thought I'd throw in a little Canadian for you, there! lol!)
And, here's a little feedback from my wonderful, lovely, niece, Marlo... Marlo's been using the ecigs for a little while, now, and it's been a very good experience... here she is....
Hey Auntie Ailsa!
Great article! It’s such a difference – here are a few benefits that have been big in the plus column for me switching over:
· Flavors aside – as they have regular tobacco flavors too that can be matched to type of smokes people usually have and it goes for them too; tastes much better. Spend a day smoking one of the e-cigarettes and change to a normal smoke and you won’t even finish the normal one because it tastes gross. I think this attributes to all of the chemicals in cigarettes.
· Smoker smell. It doesn’t make you reek like a smoker. I could never tell before now – I can smell smoke on people now who just had one and it smells horrible.
· The different dosages that enable you to cut down at your own pace on nicotine levels rather than harsh cold turkey. As a long time smoker and high stress work environment, cold turkey is not an appealing option to make anyone want to finally delve into quitting.
· The cost. For the brand of e-cigarettes that I have I can buy bottles of the flavored nicotine which can last depending how much you smoke, well over four weeks and they cost only $20. Due to recent tax increases in Alberta the brand of smokes that I buy went up to just a few cents shy of $16. Depending on the day I was either a pack a day or a few smokes shy of a pack a day. Math wise:
o (Smokes) $16.00 x 27 x 12 = $5,184.00 vs. (E-cigs) $20.00 x 10 = $200.00 (likely less than that as bottle that I bought two weeks ago still is about 85% full) *$5K DIFFERENCE. (I’m going to Sweden next summer by the way with that).
It’s healthier with far less of the chemicals, you don’t feel like you’re missing anything from the difference between the two in terms of scratching an itch habit/addiction wise. The difference in cost is obscene.
Hope that helps if you were looking to add anything! Lots of love, Marlo

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