Make Your #FrozenEntrees Healthier - and Bigger!
Oooh, and great for #WeightLoss, too! #EatHealthy #LoseWeight (Yippee!)
This is one of my favorites - General Tao's Chicken with Rice - on a bed of lettuce, and some Catalina Salad Dressing - there's something about the Catalina that makes this so tasty! Yum!
Really, I only buy the Frozen Entrees, Michellina, when they're on sale - it drives me up the wall when they're not on at a reasonable price - I won't support that, when a store, typically Walmart, will jack up their prices - very annoying.. but when the Frozen Entrees are on sale, that's a good time to stock up, right? And adding a little something else make the Frozen Entrees that much healthier, tastier, and much, much bigger! Yay!

Whatevs! You deserve some nice wine - I hear the red wine is really good for you - lol! It's all good! : )
Why not make your little Frozen Dinner into a huuge dinner - you'll love the mix of hot and cold, and the extra spice is always nice - lol! Yum! To Your Good Health! And no dinners that just make you sad - haha! So, is this a Happy Meal, then? Happier? haha! Enjoy!
In the States, I love the Stouffers (spelling?), but they're hard to come by, in Canada, for some reason... but those are my favorite, soo deelish! lol!
So, and go ahead, laughs if you wants to - the other day, I was soo hungry, all of a sudden, after working out, was in the middle of making the General Tao's Chicken, right, was in the microwave, 4 and a half minutes, I couldn't wait that long, had already chopped the Romaine Lettuce (usually I would just grab the regular 'bag o' salad', but it was s stooopid price, so I got the 3 pack of Romaine Lettuce, instead, and that was totally my lucky day, since I made this fancy(it's not fancy! haha!) discovery...
So, I had made the first section of the meal, poured the Catalina salad Dressing on the Romaine Lettuce, and ate a piece with my fingers, occurred to me, oh, yum, this is like eating chips (which me misses very, very much! Booo! haha! But, you know, me a'tryin' to lose about 30 pounds - this week - bah'hahahaha!))
Anyhooo, I ended up eating the whole plate of these 'Romaine Chips' - I use the word 'chips' very loosely, in a pathetic attempt on my part to fool mah'self into thinking I might be eating REAL chips - hahaha! Whatevs, you know the drill, when you're doing some kind of diet... bleah! Annoying! Why me no skinny like me used to be? haha! Whatevs, me do what me can... do mah' very bestest! (Mostly! Is mah' very bestest also having pretty much whatever me wants? Okay, good, then, me doing mah' very, very bestest, taking good care o' mah' body!) (And Mind!) (And Soul!) : )
So, now that's a new thing for me to have - and maybe, you, too! See if you like it! I would imagine it's good with any of your favorite dressings - the key is, literally, to eat it with your fingers, like chips - try it, see if that works for you, too! Good Luck!! : )
Yum, I love veggies, especially broccoli, and I think lots of people keep frozen dinners in their freezers - frozen dinners are great when you're in a hurry, or you've had a long day, and just want to make something healthy, really fast. I love to have frozen food at work, too - is great to make a nice meal very quickly, and is usually a lot healthier than some other choices. I always put it on a nice plate - I think making your food look nice is an important part of enjoying your meal, right? It's nice. It's good. : )
Aaand, these are great meals if you want to lose some weight, or want to maintain your weight... they're filling, because you've added the extra veggies, and good and healthy, so you won't feel like, "Aaaaww, is THIS what I have to eat, tonight?? Booo!!", which does not feel good to think - lol! (Me feels like this, sometimes, when I've run out of my favorite General Tao Chicken, so I have to have a 'plain' salad, and then me feels sooo a'sorry for mah'self - is pretty funny, really, because I really DO love a good salad, but sometimes it feels like it's a'gonna do me in, that I have to have something far more exciting than a salad - and, so, the other night, we went for Fish & Chips down at the Fisherman's Wharf, and it was great! lol! See, it's all about the balance, right? And your personal happiness : )
So here's a quick and easy way to 'health up' your frozen meals... just open the lid, pour in a bunch of frozen vegetables, whatever your fave veggies are, pull the cover back over, and pop in the microwave for about 6 minutes. You'll need the extra time to make sure the veggies are cooked, nothing's still frozen : )
Put your veggies on top of your frozen entree, microwave for 6 minutes - see how easy? lol!
Well, if you know me, and I hope you do (I hope you've made your way through lots of my little articles and posts, and maybe even my main website,, which is jammed packed full o' fun information, and will show you everything you need to know to build your own house - lol! Thus, the name! haha!)...anyway, I love to 'doctor things up' - I'll change anything, from recipes to houses - hahaha!
So I add in some Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper and some lovely parsley. Yum! So tasty, and nice and healthy...AND, it'll double the size of your meal, and that's a good thing, too, not to mention add some more veggies in your life! lol!
Pretty good for a 6 minute meal, right? Yum! And soo easy : )
And here it is with Frozen Macaroni and Cheese, add in the Brocolli, or whatever your fave veggies happen to be, pop in the microwave for 6 minutes, mix and add some spices that you like, and Voila, a nice, full, healthy Frozen meal - so easy! And so delicious!
This is one of my favourite meals - for reals! lol! I loove it! Is just the right amount of spicy, with the General Tao's Chicken Frozen Meal (I only buy them when they're $1.00 - irritates me when Walmart doubles the price, and even though it's still only $2, it annoys me to think they can so easily double their prices, sooo, on principle, alone, me will only buy it when it's a dollar - lol!), then I love a bite of the chicken and rice along with the salad with Catalina Salad Dressing - is soo delicious! I love that the rice is hot, the salad is cold, it's juuust the right amount of spice... yum!
Doesn't that look yummy?? Yum! It IS crazy-delicious, you'll love it, and you'll be all happy, and be all nice and slim an' trim, too! Yahoo! Now me gots'ta get back to Walmart to pick up more General Tao's Chicken Entrees! hahahaha!
Well, cucumbers have been on sale for the last few weeks, so now this is mah' new fave combo meal with the Michelina's General Tao's Chicken (or any kind they have at your local grocery store : )
Anyway, tonight I had double that amount of cucumber, and put some Catalina Salad Dressing around the edge of the cucumber, then mix up the General Tao's Chicken, so the rice is all nice and whatnot, put that in the middle of your plate - yum! It's just the right mix of spices, and the cucumber makes it nice and cool - yum! And nice and healthy for you, too - and all for under $2 bucks! Yippee!
And, today I was cutting up the Romaine Lettuce to put under the General Tao's Chicken Frozen Entree, right? But I had just finished working out, so I was all-of-a-sudden totally starving, had to eat something.. so while I was waiting for the microwave to beep, I poured some Catalina Dressing on the Romaine Lettuce pieces -
You know the 3 packs of Romaine Lettuce you can get in the Produce Section? Well, I had taken one of those 'hearts' of the Romaine Lettuce you cut the very bottom off, rinse well, then just kind of squish it together, cut 1 inch strips, all along the whole thing - anyway, I was so hungry that I just picked up a piece of the lettuce with the Catalina Dressing, was soo good, was like eating chips, sooo... anyway, I ended up eating the whole plate of lettuce with the Catalina dressing - was deeelish! Had to get out more of the Romaine Lettuce to still make a nice bed of lettuce for the hot rice - and then a little more of the Catalina Dressing - is a great flavor combo, is huuge, healthy and delicious - poifect!
Oh, ha! That reminds me of one of my favorite Knock-Knock jokes.. it's an oldie but a goodie:
Knock knock
Who's there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in, it's freezin' out here! (Now you're in Brooklyn! Hahaha! BuddaBingBuddaBang!)
Haha! Makes me laugh, every time! Is a great little joke for the 12 and under crowd, but I love it, too! hahaha!

Mac 'n Cheese with Broccoli - doctor up your Frozen Entrees! Yay!
Now I'm trying another li'l thing out - haha! Whatevs... if it works, that'll be fantastic!
Fast and Easy!
Just put your broccoli floret side up, stem side down, in a small bowl, add a little water on the bottom of the bowl - pour in maybe half an inch, an inch, depending on how much broccoli you're cooking...
Anyway, here's my little idea - you're gonna cover the broccoli in the microwave, and microwave the broccoli for 10 minutes...
Then at the 5:30 mark, put your little package of Macaroni and Cheese (I looove the Stouffer's - yum!), pierce the top, of course, and I lifted one edge, just to be extra safe...
And then everything's done at the same time - another 10 minute meal - yippee!
Okay, so, here's the adjustmet:
Put your Macaroni and cheese on top of the plate of broccoli when it first goes in the microwave, cook for 8 minutes... easy schmeasy! Yay!
Isn't that pretty? I loove it! Pretty Delicious! lol! : )