OTEV! I do love that Otev is just VETO spelled backwards - ooh, Big Brother, so clever! lol!

Sisters Before Misters
Hahaha! My favourite line of the night was "Sisters before Misters" - bah'hahahaha! Julia does NOT like Austin, and tells Liz, you can't take him home to Mom!
Liz comes into the Big Brother kitchen with a hickey on her neck, and when Julia sees it, she's beyond disgusted - haha! Is impossible to really figure out what is going on between Liz and Austin - Liz definitely looks like she's keeping Austin at arms-length, right, pushing him away, only teensy tiny kisses, and even those are pretty sporadic... like someone you think, okay, take one for the game - no, wait, yick! Hahahaah! You know that just makes me laugh!
#YouCantTakeHometoMother Are you singing, now? I am! Your voice has to go waaay up for "Muthaaaaah" lol! A little bit o' fun! : )
Is this the picture of someone you "can't take home to Mom"? hahaha! Aaawww, Austin, I think you might have more of a #Showmance than a real Romance....
What's interesting about Austin, is, he's very well educated, he has a Master's Degree in Medieval Studies, right? Austin is a Romantic, at heart, and the tattoos are a part of his chosen profession, for the moment... as a Wrestler, sooo, you know, Austin IS a good guy to take home to meet the parents! lol! Also, it makes me think that Julia and Liz might have very conservative parents, and if that's the case, maybe a fair bit of family money? Those two things don't always go together but they do often enough for there to be a stereotype, right? lol!
So, what was with the whole Liz against Vanessa thing? Based on anything Becky and Johnny Mac have to say? They're on the other side - they can't really think that Becky is on their side, and who even knows what's going on with Johnny Mac??
It's weird how attached Johnny Mac is to Becky, when she really shows no attraction to him, at all... those brief - and I mean, brief - encounters, but few and far between.. and Becky has talked about her 'rich boyfriend' - which, frankly, I find a little difficult to believe ...not really a charming personality, there... that I can see... just some very big, errr, enhancements... be it a double bra, or a giant push-up bra, or whatever's really going on, there...
What was with Becky going into the pile of names where Austin was, in the OTEV Veto Rock 'n Roll competition? Holy schmokes... I was shocked by that - that did not seem like good sportsmanship, to me. And then, lasts, Austin says he was looking through Steve's pile of names, sooo....hmmmm...
But so crazy with turning on Vanessa, now, after she worked so hard to keep the Twins alive to get them both into the Big Brother house, right? It's really hard to see where loyalties really lie, at this stage of the BBgame.
So, are the Twins the real Sharks in the BBhouse?? lol! Do they fool you with their beauty, then sneak up and win?? lol!
James in his Kitty Hat - lol!
I really like James, now - his personailty is really coming out, the longer James is in the house... funny that he's never called Jim or Jimmy... my Dad's name is James, so, of course, I love the name James, but of all the men I know who are named James, they are almost always called by all three names, depending on what's going on. James when it's serious, Jim when it's relaxed, and Jimmy when it's super fun - maybe that's why I love Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon so much? I love a funny Jimmy? A great James?? lol!
James is just playin' at being a country bumpkin, me tinks! lol! Good job, James! Very smart, and playing a great social game, for sure!
What is going on with Johnny Mac? I DO love it when his name comes on the screen during the show, now, and Big Brother used to lovingly call him 'Johnny Mac', and now they call him "John". Bah'hahahaah! Peas Scoot, yer oot!, Johnny Mac! Or should I just say 'John'? lol!

And Austin is friends with another Big Brother player from Season One... I think I put his name on my last post? Hmmm... but the important thing is these people seem to be more connected - and it irritates me that Becky wasn't even a fan of Big Brother, and they chose her - I guess that's okay, but you would think they would choose people who love Big Brother, right? Doesn't that just make sense? Do you think the Twins ever watched Big Brother, before they got on the show?

Andrea Boehlke from Survivor - Meg's BFF
Meg is getting soo fed up with the running joke between Austin and James, calling her 'Grandma'. She tells them, on Big Brother After Dark, to find a new joke, she's all done, but, instead, they set up a whole pretend court case, where Meg is center stage... so, that didn't work... but Vanessa was very good playing the lawyer for Meg's character, and Austin was pretty funny about being the lawyer for James - pretty funny : )
I cannot figure out what is happening with Johnny Mac and Steve. Steve seems highly questionable, this week, saying he was pretending to cry, when the girls were comforting him, so, either he really was acting, or he was trying to save face, for the camera... who knows?
Steve had a VERY interesting conversation with Meg in the yard, and Meg spilled the beans that neither Becky nor Johnny Mac were worried about being evicted from the Big Brother house, but how is that possible? Just too cocky for words, or so overly confident that they would be coming back into the BBhouse? Oh, my Goodness, is so hard to read these three, or, now that i think of it, Liz, too... James, Julia (I love their relationship - they are clearly very fond of each other, and very playful, together - I like that!), Vanessa and maybe Austin, are the most trustworthy, in the BBhouse...
And I think it's an enormous assumption that the Twins would necessarily always support each other - they could easily be in it for themselves, too - why not? They're not one person, they look like it! lol!

Now I want Vanessa, James and Julia, to go to the end, together - that seems like a good trio! All friendly, sweet and smart - my favourite combo!
Otay, go haz tons o' fun! 'Til Next Time! Ailsa : )
THE Coolest Candles, Evah'!! Need to guarantee the Romance? Bring one of these fancy Jewelry Candles home - or to your 'friends' place - lol!
Oh, my Goodness, I want this so badly!! hahaha! Like a Scratch Off Lottery Ticket, except every one's a winner - scooore!! Suh'weeet!!
Wow, talk about Romantic Candles!! Can you imagine how much more romantic it would be if there's a GIFT inside the candles for you?? haha! I looove it! Brilliant!
Otay, how amazing is this?? lol! Hilariously enough, I feel like I can smell the Lemon candle, right now! haha! The Power of Suggestion, Baby! How exciting is that, to get a surprise gift in every candle?? What a great gift (for me?? lol!) - so much fun! : )
JewelryCandles.com-A Beautiful Candle with a Jewelry Surprise Inside! Click here!

At Jewelry Candles, every customer is a winner. Inside each of their natural soy candles is a hidden jewel - a ring, necklace, pendant, bracelet, or pair of earrings - that makes for an exciting and unexpected surprise each time. WooHoo!! Ermah'gawd, that's soo cool! So exciting! Me luv it! lol!
I just think this is a really good idea - helps people to quit smoking, and if this is what prevents man-made forest fires, even better : )

You know what? There are soo many forest fires that are started by people tossing their cigarette butts out their car windows, and it, literally, costs millions - for just one forest fire. I would love to see people switch over to ecigs, or, even better, for driving, the Nicotine Toothpicks. Let's just accept the fact that millions of people enjoy Nicotine, so we can just move on and use a safer 'delivery method', if you will, and save lives (no more smoke) - in your lungs, or in the fires... did you like that little transition? lol! But, you know, is a good point, right? Yep! Hello, Progress, my old friend! : )
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