Take The Oatmeal Challenge
Eat One Bowl of Oatmeal a Day for 30 Days
Scottish Porridge!
See how you do : ) You're Gonna LOVE the results, baby-cakes!
Let us all know how many inches you lose around your Waist!
Yahoo!! : )
And #OatmealCookies, too! ![]() | ||
Scottish Porridge -- a super-healthy treat for breakfast!![]()
Or Oatmeal for ANY Meal - I just had mine for dinner! Yum!
Yum! I DO love my porridge - it's really important to have a nice place to sit down, enjoy your meal - especially your Oatmeal, then you'll feel like it's a real meal, and we all know your brain is behind a lot 'o da annoying extra weight... mine is, anyway, so you want to feel happy and content, and really enjoy your Oatmeal, love that Scottish Porridge! lol! (Don't forget to cook it with the salt, otherwise, yick! Is completely flavorless, without the salt, and salt is way better for you than the extra sugar... you just want to make it so that YOU like it, who cares what anyone else says, the inches you lose around your waist will be way better for your overall health than anything anyone has to say about the salt...) And, take that with a grain of salt, too - haha! ; ) Oh, and those are the pretty little Wire Trees that I love to make! : )
Can you lose weight just by eating oatmeal, just by adding oatmeal to your regular diet?
Absolutely! Adding Oatmeal to your regular diet will make those extra pounds just fall off, and if you add in going to the gym, well, then.. WHAMMO!! You're gonna drop that extra weight in no time! (AND, you'll be all regular, too! lol!) Just pop in the microwave for 3 minutes, after it's been in the fridge, and your porridge will be juuust right! lol!
Oh, and drink that tea, too... if you can make sure you're not drinking your calories, you'll take extra pounds off just by switching to water where you can, and tea is my favorite! I'm a Tea Jenny! lol! (A lot like a Tea 'Junkie', only much more civilized! hahaha!)
I'm a big oatmeal fan -- it's one of the best foods we can eat to lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight, plus, is really tasty and is very inexpensive : )
2 cups Oatmeal, the One Minute Oatmeal (I use One Cup Regular Oatmeal, One Cup Large Flakes or Steel Cut Oatmeal - but it'll all be good, and it'll all be healthy!)
3 cups of Water
1 1/2 tsp of Salt (You know what?? I used to say "1 tsp of Salt", because I felt guilty about saying how much salt I actually put in my porridge, but then, the other day, the morning routine was waaay thrown off, and I forgot the salt, fist time, ever, to forget the salt, and it was HORRIBLE - did I already says, 'HORRIBLE'?? hahaha! It was God-Awful, so then I thought, omg, is this why people hate porridge, won't eat their Oatmeal? Because their Mom or Dad made them some God-Awful Oatmeal, no salt, no flavour.. well, maybe the flavour of death-warmed-over, since it's , you know, hot...bah'hahahahaha! Me jus' entertaining mah'self, at this point! hahaha!
Anyway, the bottom line info about cooking your Oatmeal - please add the Salt - it's okay for you, unless you're on a very tight no-salt regimen (but even then, hmmm, I dunno, I would think the health benefits of eating Oatmeal might override that 'no salt' thing... that's a personal choice : ) Turns out, this is about a half a teaspoon of salt, in the center of my hand! So, 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt in your porridge! I always, always, just measure the salt in the center of my palm - lol! I don't know HOW you would ever doctor up the oatmeal/porridge, without the Salt.. you would need massive amounts of sugar, if you like Brown Sugar and Cinnamon in your Porridge.. to me, that just adds more sugar, soo, hmmm... but if that's how you'll eat your porridge, ooookaaay... and you can always add in fruit and walnuts...apparently, that's yummy, too... just so long as your food tastes good - healthy AND delicious, that's what we're shootin' for, here! lol! I loove my porridge the regular way, with milk - yum! Am making it, right now, divide it into 3 bowls, pop the other two bowls in the fridge for tomorrow and the next day... I just heat them up for 4 minutes in the microwave - easy schmeasy..and the porridge keeps me going all day - is the best! Da bestestest! lol! ( I think I actually use 3 tsp...sneaky! And I use my hand to measure - you know how you pour the salt into the center of the palm of your hand - yep, dat how me measures da salt - lol!)
This makes 3 servings of Oatmeal, or, Porridge, as we call it : )
I have one serving, right away, then pop the other two servings in the fridge - I pour all three bowls of porridge as soon as the porridge is ready, have one now, pop the other two in the fridge to heat in the microwave, and have for breakfast or lunch, the next tow days... and I just heat it for 3:30 minutes - and I have my oatmeal with milk - yum! Me yuvs it!
Put the water on to boil, and add the salt. I use my hand as a measurement, and for one reason or another, I like to put in 3 little bits of salt in the center of my hand (one wee bit at a time), and put that in -- I never use an actual tool for measurement for this! lol!
You can skip the salt if you prefer fruit or Brown Sugar and Cinnamon in your Oatmeal, but I love the traditional Scottish Porridge... I grew up with it, and it reminds me of my Dad making the porridge every time I make it... is a lovely memory, and I loves me porridge (and my Dad!!)! Sticks to yer ribs, lasts you all day!
Once the water is boiled, pour in 2 cups of oatmeal, using a wooden spoon to quickly stir it into the boiling water so no lumps arrive (it's good to keep lumps of any kind out of your life... I'm thinking here of intensely dull people I might accidentally call lumps... lol!).
Stir the oats into the boiling water, cover and turn off the heat, wait 3 minutes, Done! : )
Turn the heat down right away, or your oatmeal will go over the edge of the pot, and keep stirring occasionally for about 3 minutes -- I use a wee pot for the porridge, unless I'm making it for more people... this is enough for two bowls just for you -- one for now and one for tomorrow (just heat it for 3 minutes in the microwave, add milk and enjoy!), or you can split this into three little bowls... depends on the size of the people you're serving! lol! Really, this is an easy ratio -- 3 parts Water: 2 parts Oatmeal, salt to taste...
I always make, 3 cups of water, 3 tsp. of salt - in my hand, soo, prolly less than a tsp., each time, and 2 cups of Oatmeal - yum! Makes 3 bowls : )
I line up the bowls so I can just pour the oatmeal porridge into each bowl - one for now, cover and refrigerate the other bowls, for the following days - then just pop a bowl in the microwave for 3 to 4 minutes, so it's nice and hot with your milk - yum!
Now I'm dividing the Oatmeal Porridge into 4 bowls - but, you'll know how much energy you need to get through your busy day!
Here's the thing, though... if you know me, and if you're in here, chances are high you already know that I clearly believe that More is Better, Bigger is Better, More Oatmeal means I might lose weight even FASTER... hahahaha! Well, all that really means is that I tend to put extra oatmeal in my porridge, in the hopes that it will counteract all da chocolates me likes to eat!! hahahaha! I Hope to God my theory that oatmeal makes the pounds fall off is right!! haha! (Yes, it's right... I kid because I just got a great deal on Cadbury Mini Eggs, and plan to have a pack a day forever! lol!) So if you feel like adding in a wee bit more oatmeal into the boiling water, go ahead... what's the worst that can happen?? You'll get too skinny?? hahahaha! We all wishes!! lol!
You will be amazed at how much weight you lose naturally when you add oatmeal to your diet. I am very fond of it, and I like my Scottish Porridge with milk... you pour the milk into the edge of the bowl, so your porridge will float around like a wee island... is all just part o' da fun o' porridge!! haha! Who knew porridge is fun?? I just keep adding milk as I go along... is delicious : )
I have a whole Scottish Diet that I developed and used to help me lose over 35 pounds... is in the same vein as the whole Oatmeal idea, since oatmeal is sooo useful in losing weight quickly... is da best food, ever!! https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2010/10/scottish-diet-it-really-works.html |
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Set yourself a nice place setting, put on a funny show - I always watch Jimmy Fallon while I'm having my Oatmeal Porridge - and I use a pretty mat, 'n everything - lol! Just add milk, and you're all set! You'll be so crazy-healthy, is less than a month, but if you can
Take the Oatmeal Challenge, it's just 30 days, one bowl of Oatmeal a day, you'll lose inches off your waist, and everywhere else - and then add in a little exercise and keep going on your Oatmeal Challenge, and you'll be at your ideal weight in no time! Good Luck! Let me know how it goes for you! : )
Your little (and getting littler!) pal, Ailsa!! xoxo
This is great! Oatmeal is the best:)
ReplyDeleteI just did an article about oatmeal for weight loss.. Does Oatmeal Help You Lose Weight?. Please check it out and tell me what you think!
Thanks, Marissa! I like your blog, and that's a really good article on Oatmeal, and what a little miracle it is in the weight loss department! lol! I love it - have it every day : )