Isn't this gorgeous? I took this picture of The Bay of Quinte when I was out for a walk the other morning... was very peaceful : ) I love the lighting and the symmetry of this picture, and the shades of blue... so pretty! No wonder I like walking, here! |
Just a little bit to the left, under (through?!) the Willow Tree branches! The Bay of Quinte in in Southern Ontario, Canada... so pretty! |
Man, I love these swans. I've been down to the Bay so many times, not just for a lovely walk, but I really want to be able to get a good video of the swans flying and then landing in the water -- is hilarious! The flapping sound their webbed feet make when they hit the water is sooo funny, and an amazing sight. I'll keep trying, and will post it if I'm lucky enough to catch the swans in flight : ) |
Three swans in a row... I've never seen so many swans in any one place... I'm not even sure how many swans are down at the Bay of Quinte... they like the mouth of the river, too, and soon the little baby cygnets will arrive... will be sooo cute! |
Aidan's favourite spot down at our favourite walkway along the Bay of Quinte... we call this 'Aidan on the rocks'... lol! |
Okay, 'til next time!! Go haz you'self Lots of Fun!!
Ailsa : )

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