Showing posts with label house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label house. Show all posts

Monday, June 20, 2016

Are You Sitting On A Goldmine - On Your Couch? Take Advantage of This Red Hot #RealEstate Market ~ Should You Sell Your House? #Money #HousingMarket

Flooring Deals for Every Room! Worry-Proof Flooring Sale! Worry-Proof Flooring from $0.49, Laminate Flooring from $0.58 and Hardwood & Bamboo Flooring from $1.48 Per Sq. Ft. Offer Valid 8/15-8/21!
Shopping - All the things you can buy when you make a fortune selling your home - lol! And, right now - Yay!! Great Deals!

Oooh, you say, who could afford this li'l gem?

I'm sure this was a comfy-cozy home for lovely people, for sooo long, and now it's been sold for - wait for it - $2.5 MILLION Dollars.


So here's the deal with Real Estate, right now, especially if you live in an up and coming neighborhood - Victoria, BC, Canada, Vancouver, BC, Canada... Toronto, Los Angeles, any Big City, many places with a good view... you name it, property is selling like hotcakes, right now (Yum, hotcakes! haha!), so, you might consider selling your property. : )

The message I want to get out there, today, is for people who have been living in the same house, forever, and had a Big Plan 'to die in this house' (I've heard that line soo many times, and I used to say, Omg, are you all right? But, come to find out, that's just a little saying, as in, I never plan to move from this house - which I cannot relate to, since, who knows where their lives will take them, and isn't that very limiting thinking?)

Anyway, if you happen to find yourself in a nice house, you're comfy, but your taxes have been going up, possibly exponentially, but your taxes are going up because your Property Value has skyrocketed, keep an open mind when it comes to making a change, putting your property on the market, cash in on this very Hot Real Estate Market.

Don't worry about finding somewhere else to live - you will be rolling in cash, you'll find something amazing, without a doubt!

I feel like this is a sticking point - well, where else will I live? What you could do, if you felt like it, is go and look at other properties - are you open to moving outside of town? You KNOW I'm a big advocate of building your own home - lol! That's what I would almost always advise - hahaha! Find a nice piece of land, build a gorgeous house, live there for a few more years, then either stay, or decide to sell that house, too, and do it all over again - but that's me, you have to go your own path, right?

But I think a lot depends on where you're at with your lie - are you ready to retire? what if you had a big bundle o' cashola, THEN would you be ready to retire? lol!

Are you ready to move into a Condo, where you can live freely, no grass to cut, everything is done for you - Condo Living is Easy Living - just make sure you have a good condo Board (they can be such a hassle, so, maybe see if you could go to a meeting - although, that seems excessive, now that I've actually written that - haha! But you can usually get a feel for the place, right away - if you see a whole lot of disgruntled people, not a good sign, but if everyone seems nice and normal, go for it - and if you looove the condo, who cares, get yourself on the Condo Board, make it nice and normal, yourself, right? lol!)

And if you're dealing with, let's just say, relatives, neighbors, or people who do not know any better (super-annoying people - naysayers, you might call them ...or whatever fancy words you can come up with, but most people have some sort of group around them who are intent on holding them back, keeping them down, for some unknown reason...) ...Anyway, you might get a lot of resistance to the mere IDEA of you selling your property and moving - why are people like that? I loove Change - change is Good - Change Can Be VERY Good - and this is YOUR life to live, not your neighbors...

There are major bidding wars going on, right now, in our own city, here in Victoria, BC - is so pretty, people from the Mainland and from overseas (Mainly buyers from China), and Victoria is considerably less expensive than Vancouver, but buyers are snapping up properties that come on the market, in days - sometimes in hours - so it is a good idea to have an idea of where you might like to go next, with your big wad of cash - haha!

Could Your House be the Pot Of Gold at the End of the Rainbow? I hope so! : )

Seriously, it's like winning the lottery - think of your house, that way - you are literally, sitting on a Golden Ticket - And your new-found money will go a really long way - maybe you'd like to rent something affordable, and then just travel - go anywhere your heart wants you to go - you could do all that - we don't have to live by any old-fashioned standards, any more - life is different, now, you can do so many things - What Do You Wanna Do?? Anything, at all, Baby! The Future is yours to play with, why not roll the dice, see what happens? (Not in a crazy way, but in a well thought out kinda way - lol!)

Well, if you're in BC, Canada, especially Victoria, and you're even considering selling your house, let me know, I'm always happy to help out my lovely (and suuper-smart!) (and did I already say, attractive?? haha!) Readers!

Follow Me on Twitter @AilsaForshaw

Oh, and I'm not a realtor, but I do know some really great realtors, I just want you to live your very best life, love every minute of it!

I hope you are having THE Best Day!! Ailsa : ) 

10 Tips to Sell Your House Faster - And How To Sell Your Own Home : ) 

#ToTheMoon! $BNGO $BB $SLV $GME $AG $AMC 💰
M1 Plus #FreeTrial🎊
1 YEAR #FREETRIAL in #m1finance
$30 in #SeedFunding
#ACAT Transfer #Promo
#M1 #futureofwork #FutureOfFinance #app
FREE #investing
📈🤑#StockMarket #GameStop 🎮📈
@elonmusk #ElonMusk

Monday, January 17, 2011

How to Buy Your First Home (Yippee!!) #FirstTimeBuyer #HomeOwnership #Condo #Mortgage

Compare offers from up to 5 Lenders at

Buying Your First Home

Step 1: Look around. See what's out there that you like.

Step 2: How much can you realistically afford? (Never let yourself be 'house poor'.)

Step 3: Know how long you want to live in your new place... and how much room you'll need.

Step 4:  Get pre-qualified with a Banker or Broker. Compare multiple offers in minutes!

Step 5: Find a good realtor.  Choose someone you like, and can trust in the area where you are looking -- they'll know the area... this is crucial.

Step 6:  Look at what YOU want to see, not just the 7 - 10 properties your realtor may want to show you.  Use the internet for all it's worth... exercise your rights.

Step 7: Choose a house (apartment, condo, farm... whatever you like!), make an offer.

Step 8:  Get an independent Inspector. Go with one your realtor suggests if you still trust your realtor.. remember, it's your investment, not theirs.

Step 9: Read the appraisal.  Make sure you agree. Ask for any accomodations that seem reasonable.

Step 10: Buy your new house!!  Or, at least, in America, enter into Escrow!! The house will be yours in 30 - 90 days!  Yippee!!

(And see what kind of Tax Benefits might be available to you - there are a lot of great incentives for First Time Buyers : )

Just to give you some idea of what your new Mortgage Payments might look like, and how that compares to how much you are already paying in Rent : )

This isn't nearly as complicated as some folks make it out to be. Your first step should probably be to contact a Mortgage Broker (you can have a look at the online Mortgage Companies -- they're a great way to quickly find out how much you qualify for, and they often have better rates than the standard Banks...) or your Banker to Pre-qualify for a Mortgage.

I happen to prefer Brokers because they are waaay more likely to actually get you a mortgage! Many banks have created an environment that severely limits most people's ability to get a loan, these days. If you've gone to your bank and they've flatly turned you down, don't give up. Contact a broker and make an appointment to go over your financial information (for Goodness Sake, be honest - never embellish information with any financial institution). For the record, there are so many more options available for New Home Owners, these days. It used to be (even 5 years ago) that you had to go into a regular bank to get anywhere near a Mortgage, but no so anymore. Really do your homework to get the best possible deal out there on your Mortgage, and go with a reputable broker.

At the very least, you'll find out how much you can afford to pay for a property, or you will find out what you have to do in order to become qualified.

I have heard some bankers tell potential buyers that what they really need to do is buy lots of Retirement Savings Bonds (the banks have special names for them that you are most likely familiar with), which they happen to be selling that day… then the person can re-apply for a mortgage after their huge purchase of said banking product. Of course, now the potential home owner has no money left for a Down Payment. Much better to save your money in a safe Money Market Account at the bank (see, they're still making money, if all of a sudden you feel sorry for the banks!), or in a Savings Account that you don't regularly dip into.

Set your sights on something that is realistic. Don't go looking at all the 10,000 square foot Mansions when you haven't started saving your money for a Downpayment, yet... Start with a Condo or Smaller Home, or head out of the City to nearby Towns to see what kind of Market Prices are out there. Usually, it's way less expensive to live outside of the city, with the exception of Estate Areas, which are a lot more expensive, given that they'll have Architectural Controls to allow only very large homes.

Don't worry about the whole "I can't live in the Suburbs..." . Better to think of it as a place of your own that you own -- Own Your Own Home! Your friends can laugh at a HOMEOWNER -- who's laughing now?? hmmmm? And 2 - 10 years from now when you're ready to move on, you'll have sooo much more money to invest in your next home, and you probably won't be hanging with those crazy friends, anyway! Although it would be fun to invite them for cocktails at your new Mansion, 'cause your early investment really paid off, and now you've just finished building it! ha,ha,ha! You can laugh yourself silly, and just blame it on the drinks! (I have to assume you'll have a big 'Welcome to My Mansion, Sucka' Party, and there's most likely gonna be some alcohol consumed on the premises... It's probably a requirement in those neighborhoods -- I'll let you know as soon as I move into one! hahaha!)

Try to buy as new as you can, since Mortgage Rates are cheap, right now, and it's easier to come up with a monthly mortgage payment that is reasonable than to find the cash to fix major repairs in an older home. A house that is in very good repair is a good choice, too - it's the traditional 'fixer-upper' that used to be considered a good deal that is actually far more expensive in the long run. (There are lots of conditions, here, but this is generally a good rule of thumb.)

Make sure to find out what the Condo Fees are, if the property you're looking at has a Condo Association. Check out the house taxes, too. Some smaller towns actually have higher tax rates than larger cities. If it's a pre-owned home, you can find out the general heating/cooling costs. The important thing is not to get in over your head. Stay moderate, never go beyond your means. Remember that Brand New Homes also come with huge costs that will not be included in your Mortgage. Little things, like grass, curtains, and perhaps a fridge… weigh out the total costs to see where you'll find the easiest place to start.

Flooring Deals for Every Room! Worry-Proof Flooring Sale! Worry-Proof Flooring from $0.49, Laminate Flooring from $0.58 and Hardwood & Bamboo Flooring from $1.48 Per Sq. Ft. Offer Valid 8/15-8/21! Now, it's true that the financial institutions have different Mortgage Rates depending on the percentage of the value of the property that you have for a Down Payment. If you put 5% down, your Rate will probably be higher than a Borrower who is putting 25% or more down on a property. It's based on the risk factors involved for each person borrowing from the institution. The Lenders always have to protect themselves. The important thing is just to get into a home as soon as you can. Don't wait until you have 20% to put down - just get into a property as soon as you can while these rates are so remarkably low.

You can always live there for a few years, sell it for a profit (always good!), and then make your move up. At the very least, you'll be investing the $6,000.00 (and waaay up, since that number is based on $500/month rent) a year in your own property.

If you are currently renting, the chances are really high that you could be paying less money per month on a Mortgage than you are paying for rent. This is because the Mortgage Rates are so incredibly low.

Make it a point to start taking note of the rates in your area. Start reading the Real Estate Papers, the classified ads in your local paper, and checking out Real Estate On-Line. Get a handle on what's out there that you like and can afford.

Start visiting Show Suites in Apartment Buildings and regular Show Homes. You may be surprised at the deals that are out there, these days. Go for a drive to see if there are properties For Sale in neighbourhoods that you like that are within a reasonable driving distance to your place of employment. Don't forget to add Traffic Time, if you are in a busy city! Bring a notepad and pens so you can jot down the Realtor's name and number. Often, there will be a web address, and you can check out the house on-line.

We sell our houses ourselves, so there's no reason to be wary of a 'Home For Sale By Owner'. Chances are high they've sold before and know the ropes. If you're on a time crunch, or you're new to the area, you can contact a local Realtor and tell them what you're looking for, and your price range. Again, if you're pre-qualified with a financial institution, this will be much easier. Looks can be deceiving - don't make judgements on a property until you've had a look inside. If you can imagine yourself living there, you've probably found the right place.

Write up an offer and contact a lawyer, Martha, we're buyin' a house!

Real Estate Law is pretty straight forward. If ever there was an easy consultation with a lawyer, this should be it! Your lawyer will lead you through the paperwork -- you just have to listen carefully, sign on the appropriate lines, provide any necessary documents the lawyer may require, and generally be polite! Sounds easy, eh?

You can even share a lawyer (the buyer and seller use the same lawyer when it's a nice, clean deal, with no nut cases involved…this is more common in a private sale), but chances are high you'll have your own. Make sure you have funds set aside to cover the Legal Fees (shop around - you may be surprised how these fees can vary), if they're not included in the deal. Some Builders include Legal Fees with their New Houses.
Make More Money -- Look for a New Job...

Now, I don't get why people don't have a good look at any Foreclosure Properties that might be available in their area -- especially if you are looking at buying in a Larger U.S. City, where the housing prices are through the roof. Why not have a wee look around, just in case there's something for you. That's one of the few times when it's worthwhile to buy a 'Fixer-Upper', if it's a great price.

Keep in mind that a Home can go into Foreclosure for many different reasons (Financial Difficulty can come about from a variety of sources...), so there are lots of Homes in Foreclosure that are not 'Fixer-Uppers' -- they are regular Family Homes, Condos -- sometimes even some Bare Land (a Builder's Favorite!). It's always worth a look!

More about understanding mortgages, without making you sleepy! lol! 

Make a ton o' money on the Stock Market, buy that home! Yay!! Good Luck! 
#ToTheMoon! $BNGO $BB $SLV $GME $AG $AMC 💰
M1 Plus #FreeTrial🎊
1 YEAR #FREETRIAL in #m1finance
$30 in #SeedFunding
#ACAT Transfer #Promo
#M1 #futureofwork #FutureOfFinance #app
FREE #investing
📈🤑#StockMarket #GameStop 🎮📈
@elonmusk #ElonMusk

Monday, November 8, 2010

How to Buy Your First Home - Yahoo! #BuyaHouse #BuyProperty #House #Condo #NewHome! #RealEstate

Dream Big, But Buy Within Your Means, Work Up To That Gorgeous Home! lol! 

This isn't nearly as complicated as some folks make it out to be. Your first step should probably be to contact a Mortgage Broker (you can have a look at the on-line Mortgage Companies on my Site -- they're a great way to quickly find out how much you qualify for, and they often have better rates than the standard Banks...). or your Banker to Pre-qualify for a Mortgage.

I happen to prefer Brokers because they are waaay more likely to actually get you a mortgage! Many banks have created an environment that severely limits most people's ability to get a loan, these days. If you've gone to your bank and they've flatly turned you down, don't give up. Contact a broker and make an appointment to go over your financial information (for Goodness Sake, be honest - never embellish information with any financial institution). For the record, there are so many more options available for New Home Owners, these days. It used to be (even 5 years ago) that you had to go into a regular bank to get anywhere near a Mortgage, but no so anymore. Really do your homework to get the best possible deal out there on your Mortgage, and go with a reputable broker.

At the very least, you'll find out how much you can afford to pay for a property, or you will find out what you have to do in order to become qualified.

I have heard some bankers tell potential buyers that what they really need to do is buy lots of Retirement Savings Bonds (the banks have special names for them that you are most likely familiar with), which they happen to be selling that day… then the person can re-apply for a mortgage after their huge purchase of said banking product. Of course, now the potential home owner has no money left for a Down Payment. Much better to save your money in a safe Money Market Account at the bank (see, they're still making money, if all of a sudden you feel sorry for the banks!), or in a Savings Account that you don't regularly dip into.

Set your sights on something that is realistic. Don't go looking at all the 10,000 square foot Mansions when you haven't started saving your money for a Downpayment, yet... Start with a Condo or Smaller Home, or head out of the City to nearby Towns to see what kind of Market Prices are out there. Usually, it's way less expensive to live outside of the city, with the exception of Estate Areas, which are a lot more expensive, given that they'll have Architectural Controls to allow only very large homes.
Don't worry about the whole "I can't live in the Suburbs..." . Better to think of it as a place of your own that you own -- Own Your Own Home! Your friends can laugh at a HOMEOWNER -- who's laughing now?? hmmmm? And 2 - 10 years from now when you're ready to move on, you'll have sooo much more money to invest in your next home, and you probably won't be hanging with those crazy friends, anyway! Although it would be fun to invite them for cocktails at your new Mansion, 'cause your early investment really paid off, and now you've just finished building it! ha,ha,ha! You can laugh yourself silly, and just blame it on the drinks! (I have to assume you'll have a big 'Welcome to My Mansion, Sucka' Party, and there's most likely gonna be some alcohol consumed on the premises... It's probably a requirement in those neighborhoods -- I'll let you know as soon as I move into one! hahaha!)

Try to buy as new as you can, since Mortgage Rates are cheap, right now, and it's easier to come up with a monthly mortgage payment that is reasonable than to find the cash to fix major repairs in an older home. A house that is in very good repair is a good choice, too - it's the traditional 'fixer-upper' that used to be considered a good deal that is actually far more expensive in the long run. (There are lots of conditions, here, but this is generally a good rule of thumb.)

Make sure to find out what the Condo Fees are, if the property you're looking at has a Condo Association. Check out the house taxes, too. Some smaller towns actually have higher tax rates than larger cities. If it's a pre-owned home, you can find out the general heating/cooling costs. The important thing is not to get in over your head. Stay moderate, never go beyond your means. Remember that Brand New Homes also come with huge costs that will not be included in your Mortgage. Little things, like grass, curtains, and perhaps a fridge… weigh out the total costs to see where you'll find the easiest place to start.

Now, it's true that the financial institutions have different Mortgage Rates depending on the percentage of the value of the property that you have for a Down Payment. If you put 5% down, your Rate will probably be higher than a Borrower who is putting 25% or more down on a property. It's based on the risk factors involved for each person borrowing from the institution. The Lenders always have to protect themselves. The important thing is just to get into a home as soon as you can. Don't wait until you have 20% to put down - just get into a property as soon as you can while these rates are so remarkably low.

You can always live there for a few years, sell it for a profit (always good!), and then make your move up. At the very least, you'll be investing the $12,000.00 (and waaay up, since that number is based on $1,000/month rent) a year in your own property.

If you are currently renting, the chances are really high that you could be paying less money per month on a Mortgage than you are paying for rent. This is because the Mortgage Rates are so incredibly low.

Make it a point to start taking note of the rates in your area. Start reading the Real Estate Papers, the classified ads in your local paper, and checking out Real Estate On-Line. Get a handle on what's out there that you like and can afford.

Start visiting Show Suites in Apartment Buildings and regular Show Homes. You may be surprised at the deals that are out there, these days. Go for a drive to see if there are properties For Sale in neighbourhoods that you like that are within a reasonable driving distance to your place of employment. Don't forget to add Traffic Time, if you are in a busy city! Bring a notepad and pens so you can jot down the Realtor's name and number. Often, there will be a web address, and you can check out the house on-line.

We sell our houses ourselves, so there's no reason to be wary of a 'Home For Sale By Owner'. Chances are high they've sold before and know the ropes. If you're on a time crunch, or you're new to the area, you can contact a local Realtor and tell them what you're looking for, and your price range. Again, if you're pre-qualified with a financial institution, this will be much easier. Looks can be deceiving - don't make judgements on a property until you've had a look inside. If you can imagine yourself living there, you've probably found the right place.

Write up an offer and contact a lawyer, Martha, we're buyin' a house!

Real Estate Law is pretty straight forward. If ever there was an easy consultation with a lawyer, this should be it! Your lawyer will lead you through the paperwork -- you just have to listen carefully, sign on the appropriate lines, provide any necessary documents the lawyer may require, and generally be polite! Sounds easy, eh?

You can even share a lawyer (the buyer and seller use the same lawyer when it's a nice, clean deal, with no nut cases involved…this is more common in a private sale), but chances are high you'll have your own. Make sure you have funds set aside to cover the Legal Fees (shop around - you may be surprised how these fees can vary), if they're not included in the deal. Some Builders include Legal Fees with their New Houses.

If you live in America, you'll have to go through the Escrow process, which is a whole other ball of wax, but suffice it to say that if you have a good Escrow Person, you'll have a much better time of it, since they will take care of all the legalities, and you will just have to fork over the money to pay for the Escrow Service.  Ask your friends and associates for a good recommendation -- you won't be sorry if you get a good reference. Your Realtor or Mortgage Broker should have their own connections, too.

Now, I don't get why people don't have a good look at any Foreclosure Properties that might be available in their area -- especially if you are looking at buying in a Larger U.S. City, where the housing prices are through the roof. Why not have a wee look around, just in case there's something for you. That's one of the few times when it's worthwhile to buy a 'Fixer-Upper', if it's a great price.

Keep in mind that a Home can go into Foreclosure for many different reasons (Financial Difficulty can come about from a variety of sources...), so there are lots of Homes in Foreclosure that are not 'Fixer-Uppers' -- they are regular Family Homes, Condos -- sometimes even some Bare Land (a Builder's Favorite!). It's always worth a look!

Good luck, and I hope you find the house of your dreams!! :)  Ailsa xox
Flooring Deals for Every Room! Worry-Proof Flooring Sale! Worry-Proof Flooring from $0.49, Laminate Flooring from $0.58 and Hardwood & Bamboo Flooring from $1.48 Per Sq. Ft. Offer Valid 8/15-8/21!

Friday, October 29, 2010

10 Tips To Sell Your House Faster #HomeSale #RealEstate #Realtor #ForSale #ForSaleByOwner #Realtor #SmartHome

Compare offers from up to 5 Lenders at

Here are the best tips I've learned from experience over the years.

1. Clean your house -- no kidding... the cleaner your house is, the easier it is to sell.

2. Fix any glaring problems. You know -- doors hanging off, blowing in the wind... that sort of big thing!

3. Advertise yourself, even if you have a Realtor. It's not a given that your Realtor will actually advertise for you. It's an option that they can add in addition to putting you on MLS (Multiple Listing Service...). If you place your own Ad, include the Price, size, and any special features. There's nothing more annoying to us than a House without a Price -- it's much better to be completely up-front, so people will know well in advance whether your house is in their Price Range, and almost everyone has a Price Range. In the last year, or so, the Online For Sale By Owner Sites have become increasingly popular, so definitely give them a try, first.

It's amazing how many homes are Sold By Owner, now. We've sold most of our houses, over the years, on our own... you just need a good Real Estate Lawyer and you're all set. It's good to look at everything you can before you buy, and give it a try if you're selling.

4. If you're not on a tight time-line, consider selling on your own -- you just need some good 'people skills' and a good Real Estate Lawyer. It's a Sellers Market out there, so it's worth a shot... you can always hire a Realtor in a couple of months.

5. Take some great Interior and Exterior pictures of your house, then make up a sheet with a written list of the features of the house, dimensions, etc. Make lots of color photocopies so you can have them available to any potential buyers. You can set up a mail box of sorts to hold the info so people stopping by can just pick one up privately -- put it in the Front Yard, or Main Entry of an Apartment Complex, if that's where you live). Lots of people will be interested in the house price before viewing.

6. Have Open Houses -- from 1:00 'til 6:00pm. For some reason, these are great hours. The typical Open House (if there even is one...)is from 2:00 - 4:00pm. Too hard for people with busy lives (the ones with the money to actually buy your house! ha,ha!) to get to in time. Hey, you're cleaning and prepping your house, anyway -- what's a few more hours? Those'll be some of your best-paid hours in your life, if you sell on your own, since you'll save about $20,000. on an 'average' home! Now, that ain't bad!

7. Put out fresh flowers -- potted or cut -- in as many rooms as you can. Adds great color and gives your home a lovely lived in feel. Also, the old 'bake something that smells delicious' thing really is effective. You can also put a cinnamon bun in the microwave for 45 seconds, or simmer apple juice, vanilla and cinnamon on the stove. It's welcoming and it works! Oh, yeah. Wear something appropriate AND Put the dog/snakes/leopards where they won't bother your potential buyers! :)

8. Get any offers in writing. Have your Contracts ready and read through them first, so you're not struggling to figure out who the Vendor is when your Buyer is sitting there...:) (If you're the Seller, you're the Vendor!) When you're using a Realtor, be sure that they have good contact numbers for you so you can all act quickly when an Offer comes in on your Home.

9. Contact a Lender On-line before you start the whole thing -- you need to know the current Mortgage Rates so you can help your Buyer, if necessary, and for yourself, so you can know how much you can afford for your next place.

Find a good Real Estate Lawyer, first, too, so you can give your Buyer his or her name. (When you're selling yourself, you can share a lawyer, unless your buyer seems crazy, in which case it may be wise to find another buyer, or at least retain separate lawyers!)

10. Keep a positive attitude. The right person always shows up at just the right time, so keep your chin up and sell your house : )

Good Luck!! : )

Oh, and if you're in Los Angeles, California, let me know, and I'll put you in touch with THE Best Realtor! 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Home Safety Tips #HomeSafety #Toilet #Gas #Electricity #WaterProblems #Contractors #FindAContractor

Great Deals, Clearance and Flash Sales - So Exciting! 

Home Safety Tips (Darn it, my pictures came off during that very annoying switch from http to https... bleah! Annoying - But I'll go and find them, post them, again, but the info is all accurate... hope it helps 'til I get the pics back! : )

Home Safety is something we all need to know. I can never remember where the things are that you're supposed to turn to shut off the Gas, Water or Electricity, so I got Dwight to give me a quick tour through the House so I could get a better handle on this (and to share it with all my Readers, of course!). (Small note of possible interest to my Readers... this is clearly a while back, when I lived in Canada... now I am in Los Angeles, and would most likely call 911 if, God Forbid, there was any kind of Gas issue, since now I live in a Condo, and other people are at risk, as well as their homes... and I am happily Single, now, too! But this is still really relevant, so enjoy...!)

Gas Safety
The First Rule is to Always Turn to the Right in a Clockwise Motion to Turn off a Valve.
Here's Dwight over by the Gas Line. I've taken a bunch of shots so you can easily recognize this is outside of your own house. (By the way, note how the Satellite Dish is in a nice, sheltered position.)


See the Two Holes in the Third Picture? To Turn Off the Gas, you will need to Turn the Valve Clockwise until the Two Holes Match Up. You'll need to use a Crescent Wrench or Pipe Wrench for this, so be sure to have one handy -- perhaps by the Front Entry or over by the Gas-line itself. (Odd little note: Aidan, our 3 year old son, loves his Crescent Wrench so much that he holds it like a baby when he's watching T.V.! Isn't that hilarious??)

** **

You would need to Turn Off the Gas if anyone is ever working on the Gasline (the holes are there so that you can lock in in an Off Position while the work is being done).


If you ever suspect a Gas Leak -- you might smell the gas in the house. Call the Gas Company and go and Shut off the Gas. Stay out of the House until they get there.


If there's a Fire in your house and you can safely get to the Gas-line without any possibility of you getting hurt, run over and Shut Off the Gas.

Electrical Safety

This is the Electrical Panel, generally found in the Furnace Room.


The Big Black Switch at the Bottom of the Panel is the Main Breaker Switch.

In an Emergency (like when you see smoke or fire coming out of a Plug), and it's safe to do so, go to the Electrical Panel and Switch Off the Main Breaker Switch.
Problem: You're using the Microwave and the Toaster at the same time, and the power quits to both.

Solution: Go to the Electrical Panel. Most of the 'Breakers' (other Switches) will be clearly marked with the name of the Room they service. Locate the one you think most closely fits the problem area, then Pull the Switch to the Opposite Side. This should solve the problem. You might have to try a couple of switches to get the Power back to your Appliances (or wherever they're required).

Take special care not to use the same combination of power use in the future -- find another plug for the Toaster, or use it after you're done with the Microwave. (I don't know why this is such a tricky combination -- probably because of the power load...)

It's critical that you NEVER, EVER Open the Electrical Panel. It could cause Serious Injury or Death. Never take any risks with Electricity. Call an Electrician to Solve any Serious Issues.

Water Problems

Okay, Water is pouring out of the Dishwasher or a Tap has Burst -- what to do, what to do??
Go to the Furnace Room (Utility Room). Shut Off the Main Water Valves. Turn the Valve Clockwise (to the Right) to Shut them off.

The Main Water Shut-Off Valves look like Large Levers (often Red and Yellow) or in an older home, the Round Knob Handles. They're usually on an Angled Pipe.

The Lever is Open when it is Flush with the Pipe in a Vertical Position.

The Lever is Closed when it is in a Horizontal Position to the Pipe.


See the Yellow Lever? That's the Main Water Shut-off Valve.

And now for the Toilet... did you see the Bernie Mac (one of my favorite shows!) Episode where Wanda discovers the Toilet Overflowing? It's every woman's worst nightmare (or one of the worst!)...

Well, I can never watch anything without linking it back to my Site in some way, so I immediatley asked Dwight to please show me how to deal with that... so here are some lovely pictures of the Toilet.

** **

Okay, there's the Toilet. And there's the pipe at the Base of it. See the little Lever? (Photo 2) All you have to do is Turn the Lever Clockwise (To the Right) until it's Horizontal (closed). (Photo 3)
Now you will probably still have a bunch of yucky water to clean up, but at least you'll have stopped any more water from coming out. Now you can call your Plumber!

SITE MENU for my Original Site

Go have yourself all sorts o' fun!!  'til next time!  Ailsa : )

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