Marry Rich - lol - me joking, but you know, it's good to find someone you're compatible with, financially, right?
William and Kate: Spending the night under the Northern Canadian skies, under the spell of the Aurora Borealis.... to make a baby?? It's supposed to be a magical, mystical place on the planet to help a couple conceive a baby.... many couples travel from all over the world to see if this helps them to conceive a child. Not that they are having any problems, of course, they're still newlyweds, but many couples experiencing infertility choose to make this beautiful journey to Northern Canada, to see if they can conceive a child under the beautiful skies of the Northern Aurora Borealis. https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/07/william-and-kate-spend-night-in.html
Unrequited Love.... it's THE worst. Is it really true to have love and lost is better than to never loved at all?? Hmmm... we should ask poor little Ashley on the Bachelorette! https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/06/bachelorette-ashley-and-bentley-sitting.html
Take an Internet Vacation: I just came back from a 'forced' Internet Vacation' (yes, that's right, my stooopid Modem wouldn't work), but man, did I learn a valuable lesson from that... that I've forgotten, now that me Modem is working, again!
How to Raise Happy and Healthy Children, and Keep Yourself Sane and Happy, too! (Many bits of advice learned the hard way.. that seems to be the only way I can learn! lol!)
How to Get Along with Your In-Laws, Before they Become OUT-Laws! lol!
A Wee Bit o' Wedding Advice... like you won't hear that from everyone who finds out you're getting married! lol! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/11/wee-bit-o-wedding-advice.html
How to Cope with Difficult People During the Holidays (maybe your family?? lol!)... and the rest of the year, too! https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/11/how-to-get-along-with-difficult-people.html My original title for this article was 'How to Get Along with Jerks' (dang, I know a lot of jerks!! hahaha!), which is particularly relevant pretty much every day of my life, since I always seems to be coming across an awful lot of jerks... now, what's that all about?? Universe, that's not funny, anymore!! lol!
How to Marry Rich -- or at least FIND a Wealthy Guy... or a Guy with a Job?? haha! (Don't worry, it's tongue in cheek, all in fun... but some good ideas for my ladies!! lol!)https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/11/how-to-marry-rich-or-find-rich-guy.html
A Little More Love advice... yes, that's right, more Free Advice... now who doesn't love that?? lol!
Make sure you have a healthy, happy, sex life... it'll come up later in your marriage, if you don't address it early on! (Bridalplasty: Janessa Tells no Lies... unfortunately! Ask me no more questions, I'll tell you no more lies... remember that little song?? The Bridalplasty girls don't! lol!) (01/17/11)
The Money Frog! Bring more money into your life with The Money Frog... I first came across the Chinese Money Frog a few years ago, and have been rubbing the Money Frog to bring more money into my life, ever since! Go ahead and 'rub him for luck' -- see how much money comes into your life! https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/10/money-frog-rub-him-for-more-money-in.html
Easter Traditions: Scottish... Rolling Easter Eggs! Soo much fun for the whole family. Symbolic AND fun... this could be your family's new Easter Tradition! Just boil your eggs, paint them, and find a nice park with a good hill where you can roll them -- don't forget to bring the salt!! lol! Happy Easter! https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/04/easter-traditions-roll-your-eggs-at.html
Easter Crafts you can make with the kids :) Make these easy and sooo cute Marshmallow Bunnies -- youi'll love them as much as the kids will love them! lol!https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/04/easter-crafts-marshmallow-bunnies.html
Just for Fun! April Fools Oldies but Goodies, from my regular website, https://www.buildyourownhouse.ca/
April Fools Day Fun... some silliness from when?? lol!
April Fools '06
April Fools '05
April Fools '04