So here's how to get rid of fruit flies, for good. See ya', fruit flies, find another family to annoy - but you can tell your friends, so they don't have to deal with fruit flies anymore, too! Hope this doesn't disturb the fruit fly population, too much, but not sure what, exactly, they contribute to the world... lol!
You need:
Vinegar (get the big container, it's cheaper)
Squeezie (Scottish for Liquid Dish Soap - isn't 'Squeezie' a cuter name for 'liquid dish soap'? haha!)
Anyway, you just put some vinegar in a shallow dish - I just use a saucer, but you can use any wee dish or whatever you've got around the house...
Put 2 or 3 drops of dish soap (squeezie! lol!) into the vinegar - no need to mix it in, or stir it - just let the drops sit there on their own - and VOILA, Magic! No more fruit flies! It's amazing, and soo great to walk into the kitchen, and there are NO annoying little fruit flies flying all around - yahoo!! Problem solved!
At the height of the Fruit Fly problem - omg, we thought we were gonna lose our minds... and if your hands are wet, that seems to make it easier to 'catch them, and you know what I mean by that... then you just do a quick apology to God, for killing those horrible little flies, but it usually comes down to you or them - you don't want to get sick form them landing on any of your food - yuck! So, Sorry, God! We did our best to streer them away, first... and we got rid of all of our fruit, tidied everything - we really never did figure out why there were so many, for that one brief period - I think it was the mandarin oranges from China - who knows? We're just glad that's done!
This is one of my favorite tricks to get rid of flies... mostly fruit flies, but who knows who else it's keeping away, right? lol! Just a baggie with water, toss in 5 pennies, seal, and put on a plate, just in case it leaks - it probably won't leak, though, no worries! Works like a charm!
If the issue is all the little oranges or tangerines that you haven't eaten, yet, but the fruit flies are now a problem, you could always just freeze them - works, and you could use them as ice cubes, too - yum! that would be yummy!
Sounds silly, but really seems to work - a saucer with 5 pennies, add water. That's it, but it totally works!
There's the little saucer with vinegar, dish soap and a little sprinkle of sugar - you've gotta pull out the big guns when you've really had it with the Fruit Flies! lol!
An Extra Little Get Rid of Bugs Tip: I love this, and I don't even want to know exactly how it works (okay, I know, but it's kinda yucky, so better to live with your head in the sand, just do it, no more bugs, another problem solved - lol!
Sprinkle some salt in the corner of a counter, or the floor, anywhere you think they might be lingering, or if you've already seen 'someone' sneak out, and you've freaked out a little bit...don't worry about how much to put down, put an amount you can see - better to look at a little salt, than, God Forbid, some yucky little bug scuttling in front of you, right? hahaha! Yuck! Bugs! Get outta mah' life, you bugs! hahaha! They can find somewhere else to live, right?
Aaaand, one more little tip: Let's say you've gotten up in the middle of the night (if you're at that stage of the game where you're getting up a lot in the middle of the night - ugh, so annoying! lol!) and you've turned on the light, someone quickly slithers across the floor - like those little silverfish - yick! Sounds terrible, right? Yuck! But it happens, can happen in any home, but I think it might be more common if you live by the ocean (which I typically like to do), but if you have any sort of silverfish problem, and you're trying to figure out how to get rid of silver fish (one word, or 2 words? We'll never know - or, more accurately, I'll never know, 'cause I don't really care how to spell silverfish, I just never want to see another one, again! So here's how you get rid of silverfish - pour a little bit of vegetable oil in a little shallow container - I use the top off the milk jug, set it in the corner of your bathroom, or any other room where you've seen them (are they always in the bathroom? What are they doing in there?? Yuck!! Get outta mah' baffroom, little yucky silverfish! hahaha!)
Soo, these little natural solutions to get rid of insects and bugs really work, so definitely give it a try - oh, and you can use the salt mixed with baking soda to deal with fleas, too... sprinkle on your carpets, 'sweep' it in with a broom... it's all worth a try, if you're dealing with anything like that - you'll lose your mind less! lol!
Okay, so, now it's the Fall, and for some reason, there are some new wee beasties, and they're driving me crazy - we live by the ocean, so, it might be related to that, and the weather... but whatever the reason we're seeing them, now, I hate them all - hate them - bleah! Sorry God - I love all your creatures, but these ones gotta go - lol!
Bugs have to fall under that category of annoying people - You don't gotta go home, but you gotta get up outta here... hahaha!
So, I went on a quest to figure out how to get rid of any and all bugs, completely - #BugFreeHome
You know when you kill a wee beastie, and you're pleased with yourself that you finally caught it, (I'm talking about a Fruit Fly, but, whatever bugs bugging you, right now, and that's why you' a'reading this - lol!), and then you immediately have to say, "Sorry, God, but if it's this bug or my family, my family has to come first..." I feel like God Understands...
I've gotta go find a pic of Borax, or just take a picture of the Borax box I just bought - had forgotten all about Borax, but you can use Borax for a million things, and one of the main things is getting rid of beasties - all sorts of gross, they're fine somewhere else, but NOT in your home, kind of beasties - so, give it a try for everything - and I just read that if you sprinkle Borax, in about a 3" strip, around the perimeter of your home, no gross beasties will come in - hey, I'd try it! I'm in an apartment, right now, and I don't know how the hell they got up to the upper floors, but, do what you gotta do, to keep you and your family safe from gross beasties, that could cause illness, and could freak you out (me! lol! Gross!!)
Here we go - good ol' Borax - who knew how many things it could do, though, right?
I would start (and have already done this) with just sprinkling the Borax on the carpets, around the floor, then sweep against the floorboards... sprinkle some Borax anywhere you think there might be some gross bugs that you don't want in your house, or anywhere near your food, or anything at all - yuck! I hate them! Yick! Be Gone, Stoopid Beasties!! lol!
And now I'm gonna try the soaking cotton balls in a cup of hot water, a little bit of Borax, some sugar - I would think about 1 to 2 tablespoons of each... to trick those shockingly smart bugs into taking the bait, so-to-speak... and then maybe place each cotton ball strategically, in every corner? I'm not sure about this, so I'll try one, see what happens - I don't want to encourage their friends to come over - Guys, there's a huuge Sugar Rush Party over at ailsa' house - nope! hahaha! That canny happen! lol!
But you can mix the Borax with a little sugar, to entice the beasties to eat it, and take it back home with them, get rid of the colony.. sounds harsh, but when you're protecting the health of your family, you gotta do what you gotta do...
Anyway, when I was getting some pics of Borax (rather than stand up and go take a pic of my own box of Borax, maaaay-be 10 feet away from me - haha!) - anyway, did you know you can make Crystals from Borax? I would imagine like Salt Crystals, so you KNOW I'm gonna investigate THAT, and tell you all about it!
What if you could make a gorgeous craft that keeps the bugs and beasties away? haha! I would a'love that! lol!
Oh, and I haven't even tried Borax in the laundry, yet, but I'll go ahead and give that a shot, too - why not? I'm on a borax Roll, now - lol! : )
Not All Bugs are cute! lol! Just Bugs Bunny (on the off-chance you haven't seen the new Bugs Bunny - omg, high-larious - Daffy Dack, what a jerk - bah'hahahaha! Check online to see if you can find it - I don't know why they stopped making it, was soo funny!)
Oh, look what I just read - will maybe give this a wee try - lol!
"If you insist on leaving your doors and windows open and unscreened, there is one solution that works pretty well… Install a fan pointing directly at the floor. Any animal that tries to fly through that airflow will instantly be knocked from the sky.
Places that have a lot of foot traffic from the outside, like supermarkets, use this trick."
We live on Vancouver Island, and many places don't have any screens, because we have so few bugs or wee beasties, but the occasional beastie will fly in, sooo... good idea, right? lol!
'Insist on' - now who's a little angry, up in here - hahaha! But dat almost mah' favorite part - lol! Angry about dem bugs! Bug Off, eh (they're Canadian Bugs, now - haha!) ; )