Jeff Probst is back with a new Season of Survivor! Yahoo! We love Jeff Probst!
Episode 1: #SurvivorSecondChances - They're Baack, another Shot at #Survivor #CloseButNoCigar!#SurvivorCambodia http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2015/09/survivorsecondchances-theyre-baack.html

Episode 2: #SurvivorSecondChances #Shirin, In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb... You Gotta Adapt, Spencer! #Cambodia Ruh-roh, Shirin is out, already... Tribal Council votes out Shirin from her Survivor Tribe

Episode 4: #Survivor: Woo is Safe! But Jeff Varner has to say, "Bye, Y'all!" #lol! When did Survivor become The Abi Show? Hmm, Abi Rules the World? Oh, no, I have one more, but it's tewwible, so me no will do it.. lol! Does remind me of Dallas, though...
Episode 5: #Survivor Cambodia: Second Chances Monica Blindsided - Maybe Tribal Council is NOT So Much Fun? #lol!
Episode 6: #Survivor - Woo'ps, He Did It Again... Too Soon for that? So Sorry to See Woo Go...
Episode 7: #Survivor - Chaos Kass is Voted out at Tribal Council, tonight! So, Bringing the Chaos DIDN'T Work? Hmm... ; )
Big Brother 17 #BB17
Wow, I see I haven't been into the "Pages" section o' mah' blog, for a few, ahhh, years?? hahaha! Sowwwy! I will try to remember to pop in here more often! lol!
I think I've found an easier way to add the pages on mah' blog onto this 'main page', if you will... I wish there were a more direct way, like on Dreamweaver, but... not yet! Maybe that's something they're working on, in Blogger world? lol!
I'll just list my Big Brother 17 pages, from most recent to the beginning of the season, since, chances are, you're watching Big Brother 17 at the same that I am... and if your county is carrying the episodes after we see them in North America, just go backwards ...starting from the bottom now we're here, all Drake-like, right? hahahah! Ah'm here all week, folks! Buh'dum-bum! haha!
#BB17 Meg and James Evicted from the Big Brother House #DoubleEviction #BBjury
#BB17 - Vanessa Wins Another HOH, Offers Johnny Mac Safety - Time to Flip the House?? #TotemPole #ChinaWholesale! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2015/08/bb17-vanessa-wins-another-hoh-offers.html
#BB17 - Vanessa Wins the Veto, Leaves Steve and Johnny Mac on the Block - but which one does she like?? #Zingbot9000
#BB17 - Liz Says She likes Austin, Oooh, about 93%. Or, 0%, Whatever... #LizLovesAustin - I mean, #LizLovesMoney
#BB17 - Becky Heads to the #BBJury House, with the chance to win her way back into the #BigBrother house, next week #Zing!
#BB17, #SistersBeforeMisters - Liz Wins the Veto Comp, and Julia is Disgusted with the Hickey on Liz's neck #OTEV
#BB17 - Johnny Mac and Becky are put on the Block - Where Does John Stand?? #Nominations
#BB17 - Wow, Crazy #DoubleEviction Night on Big Brother - Shelli''s Gone, Meg Stays! #Vanessa's Safe!Yahoo!
#BB17 - Becky wins THREE Prizes, the Never not, $5,000 AND the HOH, then turns on Vanessa?

#BB17 - Jason's Evicted from the Big Brother House - boooo! So Sad, I loved Jason!
#BB17 - Jason's on the Block - Say it ain't so!! #IloveJason, #BigBrother

#BB17 - How Many Times Can Johnny Mac Be Asked to throw a Competition?? #BigBrother, #TwinTwist
#BB17: MamaDa' is Evicted From the BB house, but why did she have to throw some shade on the #TwinTwist?
(Oh, my goodness.. there are soo many Big Brother 17 posts - lol! Me finish this later... no holds you' breath! hahaha! You can just do the old-fashioned (not all THAT old-fashioned...lol) scrolling down the page.. you'll find all the Big Brothers, and everything else! haha! Me tiwed! Me needs a schnack - lol! #Yum! : ) (Oh, if you haven't read the new Cookie Monster Tweets, you are in for a major treat.... Treat Tweets, if you will! @MeCookieMonster, I'm pretty sure! And I'm @AilsaForshaw , on da Twitter, o' course! lol! : ) Later, baby! : ) Ailsa
Bachelor in Paradise, Summer 2015
#BachelorinParadise - Ashley I. Has a Special Card to Give (force) Jared #TrueLoveForever (Pretty Sure! #lol) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2015/09/bachelorinparadise-ashley-i-has-special.html
#BachelorinParadise - Who's the Worst One, Here? Joe? Samantha? #AfterParadise #JaredonLockdown
#BachelorinParadise - Drama, Drama, and then a little more Drama....in Paradise! #Joe #Samantha #Samanthoe?? hahaha!

#BachelorInParadise - What'd'you mean, you don't want a basketcase, says Ashley I. - Oh, Summer Romance on TV - lol!
Yippee, The Bachelor has started again - this time we'll get to watch the gaggle o' girls go after Sean Lowe, see who wins the Big Prize! lol! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2013/01/will-sean-lowe-find-love-on-bachelor.html
Emily The Bachelorette: Lookin' for Love All Over the Place! lol!
Emily Does London: and she wants to go all West Virginia Hood Rat on Their Assses! lol!
Ruh-roh, who wants to marry their cousin?? Alessandro does! Maybe he thought Emily could overcome his intense love for his sweeeet (suh-weeet! lol!) kissin' cousin!
Emily Loves.. The Muppets??! Soo cute!
Big Brother 13: Brenchel is Baaack! But how long will Brendon and Rachel stay a couple, and how long will they last in the Big Brother house?? http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/08/brenchel-rises-again-but-how-long-can.html
Big Brother 13: Cassi is out, Rachel and Brendon fight like cats and dogs... what else is new in the Big Brother housie, this summer?? lol!
Big Brother 13: Big Brother's Back!! WooHoo! Something to get wrapped up in for the summer! Week 1 of Big Brother 13: http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/07/big-brother-13-rachel-and-brendon-are.html
Week 2 of Big Brother 13: What is going on with all the 'coupling' on Big Brother?? And what really happened with Evil Dick? http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/07/big-brother-13-most-boring-season-ever.html
Survivor Redemption Island, Wedding Wars, Jersey Shore, Bridalplasty, You're Cut Off!!, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, The Real Housewives of the O.C., Miami, Beverly Hills... all of them, Oprah and Survivor... just scroll down to find what you're looking for! :) ...
The Bachelorette: Ashley and Bentley, Sitting in a Tree.... or is she out on a limb... stooopid unrequited love has Ashley in a love-lock!
The Bachelorette with Ashley: Ah, Phuket... lol!
Survivor, Redemption Island: Phillip Plays The Race Card... (04/20/2011)
Survivor Redemption Island: Is Phillip Still the Red-headed Stepchild?? (And a little Wedding Wars thrown in for fun! lol!) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/03/survivor-redemption-island-is-phillip.html
The Real Housewives of Orange County: Jesus Lane, The O.C., just go as far right as you can, and you'll find it!... lol! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/03/housewives-of-orange-county-jesus-lane.html
The Bachelor: The Final Rose, and After the Rose... Engaged or Not Engaged, that is the question... http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/03/bachelor-emily-loves-brad-womack.html
Survivor: Redemption Island... Former Secret Service Man, Phillip, survives the vote at Tribal Council, but Matt wasn't so lucky... so Matt joins Francesca on Redemption Island... but who will survive that?? lol! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/02/survivor-phillip-survives-matt-sent-to.html
Survivor: Redemption Island!! WooHoo, another new Season of Survivor fun in the sun (and the rain.. okay, mostly in the rain! lol!) (02/16/11)
Jersey Shore... my favorite 'New-to-Me' Show! Now it's 8 million and ONE viewers for The Jersey Shore! lol! (02/10/11) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/02/jersey-shore-ronnies-bedroom-antics.html
The Bachelor: Brad Womack secretly digs Michelle?? Say it ain't so!! I want someone nice to win, like Emily, or Chantal O.... (02/07/11)
Bridalplasty Finale: Allyson Wins the Dream Wedding... WTF?? (lol!) (01/30/11)
Bridalplasty: Janessa vs. Allyson, Fight Night! lol! (01/23/11) (scroll down for more Bridalplasty! :)
You're Cut Off!!! The new season of You're Cut Off!!! started, tonight -- yippee! I love riches biitches!! They're soo much fun to watch... fall apart, when faced with the living conditions of... of.... of ... regular people... how will they survive making their own beds, cleaning their own toilets, cooking their own food, and other horrors of every day living?? The fun never ends!!
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills....
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: What, is the Party Over, Already?? lol! (01/20/11) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/01/housewives-of-beverly-hills-what-is-it.html
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Camille Behaves Badly, again?? Say what?? hahaha! Oh, and Captain Hook totally likes my rose top, sort of like Lisa Vancamp's fancy rose tops on the show! This picture just breaks me up -- makes me laugh every time I look at it! lol! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/01/beverly-hills-housewives-camille.html
The Bachelor:
The Bachelor: Brad Womback, The Kissing King! Watch as he kisses one girl after another, in perfect succession... lol! (01/24/11)http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/01/bachelor-when-brad-sends-xoxo-he-really.html
The Bachelor: Brad Womack, He's Baa-ack! (To Break Some More Hearts?? lol!)
Bridalplasty Finale: Allyson Wins the Dream Wedding... WTF?? (lol!) (01/30/11)
Bridalplasty: Janessa vs. Allyson, Fight Night! lol! (01/23/11)Bridalplasty: Janessa Tells no Lies... unfortunately! Ask me no more questions, I'll tell you no more lies... remember that little song?? The Bridalplasty girls don't! lol! (01/23/11)
Bridalplasty: Janessa Tells no Lies... unfortunately! Ask me no more questions, I'll tell you no more lies... remember that little song?? The Bridalplasty girls don't! lol! (01/17/11)
Bridalplasty: Janessa kills the cockroach?? Poor Janessa, she just couldn't carry Lisa Marie one more step!! (01/09/11) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/01/bridal-plasty-janessa-kills-cockroach.html
Bridal Plasty: Janessa Gets a New Nose! : o ) (Yes, that's exactly what it looks like! lol!) (01/02/11) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2011/01/bridal-plasty-janessa-new-nose-new.html
Bridal Plasty: Janessa, Ruler of the World, or, at least, Ruler of the Bridal Plasty House...! (12/26/10) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/12/bridal-plasty-janessa-ruler-of-world-or.html
Bridal Plasty: Wait, Pump Your Brakes, Biitches! (Says Netty... lol!!) (12/19/10) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/12/bridal-plasty-wait-pump-your-brakes.html
Bridal Plasty: Will the Cutting Fun Never End??? And, some good pics, just for you to gaze at... lol! (12/12/10) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/12/bridal-plasty-will-cutting-fun-new-end.html
Bridal Plasty: Forget the New Nose... Who's First for a New Brain?? lol! (11/28/10)
Bridal Plasty: Sooo crazy, you're gonna loove it! All these girls, most of them so pretty, already (??), all out to get some serious reconstruction done on themselves, and all for a Free Wedding! Sooo silly, but soooo much fun to watch! (11/21/10) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/11/bridal-plasty-is-this-fer-real-lol.html
Oprah's Favorite Things Christmas Show... sooo funny! And You've gotta go watch The Women of SNL, the parody of Oprah's Favorite Things shows, first, then you'll love it even more... we laughed soo hard! lol! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/11/oprahs-favorite-things-christmas-show.html
Survivor Nicaragua: Fabio Wins the Million Dollars!! And Jane's not as old as I thought she was! lol! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/12/survivor-nicaragua-season-finale-fabio.html
Survivor Nicaragua: Jane Voted Out!http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/12/survivor-nicaragua-jane-voted-out.html
Survivor Nicaragua: When Do You Stop Trusting Your Alliances?? Wednesday, December 8th, 2010.http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/12/survivor-betrayal-when-do-you-stop.html
Survivor Nicaragua: Jeff Hates Quitter! Wednesday, December 1st, 2010... Ding Dong, the witch is dead! NaOnka's finally out! Yippee! And stooopi Purple Kelly, too, couple o' quitters... now just the good people are left -- I hope someone who really needs the money, and someone who really works hard for the money, wins Survivor! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/12/survivor-nicaragua-jeff-hates-quitters.html
Survivor: Wednesday, November 17th, 2010... Survivor Nicaragua: King Brenda! lol!
Survivor: Wednesday, November 10th, 2010... NaOnka, that Craaazy Bee-Yotch on Survivor Nicaragua! lol!
Survivor: October 27th, 2010.... Survivor Nicaragua: It's all about Marty!
Survivor: Oct. 23rd, 2010. Survivor Nicaragua... and Jerry Brown, Best Legs in Town...!
Survivor: Oct. 15th, 2010. Survivor, Baby!! And the Rest of my craaazy life... lol!