Wednesday, November 10, 2010

NaOnka, That Craaazy Bee-Yotch on Survivor Nicaragua

OMG, can you believe that horrible NaOnka ... again, NOT a Teacher -- aaarrrgh, makes me soo mad when they post that as her job when she comes on the screen on Survivor ... nope.  No California Teaching Credential, too God-Awful to ever be a teacher... or at least I would hope so... what would she teach, Stealing 101, How to Lie, Cheat and Steal, Tell Everyone to F U and Get Away with It, Section B....??  haha!  That girl... and here's the sad thing... I might be reacting even more than the regular TV Viewer, because I deal with 'NaOnkas' EVERY DAY. Ugh.  It's like it's a trend, here in L.A., for some young women (oh, no, what's happening to our girls??) to behave monstrously, then lie, fake out people by pretending to cry, shake, whatever it takes to make someone feel sorry for you, then get away with whatever BS they just did... it's an epidemic, right now.  (Schmacks of a scene in The Crucible, right?   bunch of horrible girls crying 'Witch' when they are the bad-assssses... lol!)

NaOnka is makin' Inglewood, California, look bad.... but let me tell you, I live up the road from Inglewood, and she is NOT a representative from the area, any more than some other horrible person who happened to come from a quaint little town in the Mid-West might be bad all on their own, in no way reflective of 'the community'... I'd love to know what other people are saying about her... but frankly, I just want to make sure she never teaches ANY kids her horrible personality, as if what she does is okay on any level, but see how it has harmed her??  Not at all!  She's still there, and Marty is the one who's gone.  That's Survivor for you.  You can swear at a whole group of adults, act out in the most agregious way, and STILL not get voted off Survivor! hahahaha!  That's why we tune in every week -- to see what kind of crazy sh*t is gonna go down NEXT week! lol!  And I loooved the Promo for next week.. "What kind o' hell went down over here?????"  I wanna know! I gotta see it for myself! hahaha!

Oh, hey, did you see that Running Wilde, with Will Arnett and David Cross is back on FOX??  Yippeee!!  There must have been a big enough internet outcry that we got the show back!  Yahoo!  Power to the People!  And Running Wilde was hilarious, as always... I love a story with a little excess... and a ton of great laughs :)  Thanks, FOX!  If you haven't had a chance to see Running Wilde, yet, it's on FOX (Channel 11, here in Los Angeles) on Tuesday night after Glee and Raising Hope, so 9:30pm on Tuesday nights... get ready to laugh your assss off! haha!

I'm thrilled that Jerry Brown was elected as our new Governor for California -- yippee!  I wish he would have a good long look at this new trend to have Charter Schools all over the city of Los Angeles, instead of putting the money into Public Schools... my biggest pet peeve with these Charter Schools is that they get to pick and choose which students they let in, but here's the thing in any civilized society (perhaps in the uncivilized ones, too! lol)... we are bound by basic, common decency, to educate ALL our youth, EVERY child, not just the ones we like the most... how full-on crazy is that??  Why is this new program Government supported?  It's horrifying to me, as a Canadian, to watch the Public School System slowly being usurped by this growing movement toward Charter Schools.  Who do the parents and supporters think will teach the kids in their special 'private' schools? Better teachers?  Did you know that a Charter school can (and frequently does) fire teachers at the drop of a hat?  So you know which teachers go for that level of insecurity?  Young ones.  Scared teachers.  Nothing like a little fear to get people to follow your agenda, no matter how crazy.  What a shame.  Teachers in the Charter Schools are not covered by our Teachers' Union in Los Angeles (UTLA), so it begs the question, 'Does the School Board, and it's School Board Members, elected to the School Board, WANT to break the Teachers' Union?'  Seems obvious to me, but I can't understand why some teachers, themselves, support this.  They don't see the forest for the trees?  The government needs to pour all the avaliable money for Education in PUBLIC Schools, where ALL students are wecome, so we can teach all our kids equally.  What happened to equality in America?  Are we in danger of losing it?  I hope not, not on the Eve of Remembrance/Veteran's Day. Too many people have fought waaay too hard, and far too long to happily give away equality in the name of someone thinking their kid is waaay more special than the next one... scray.  Nope, all special, all deserving of an excellent education... wonder what we can do to turn back the clocks on this issue... wonder what Jerry Brown can do to try to fix this potential disaster in the making?

Okay, let me jump off that Soap Box, go back to watching some great shows on TV...!  We're thrilled to see Conan back on TV, and even better that Jon Hamm is on the show.. yippee!  Cara and I canny get enough of Jon Hamm, he's sooo handsome!  Yum!  And I've been ordering more and more jewelry from DHgate, my favourite, favourite Chinese Wholesaler... I loove them!  Their prices are craaaazy low, my favourite price, other than free, any time! Last year I was trying to figure out Dropshipping, where you find really great prices on all sorts of stuff, like jewelry, but on anything, then sell it elsewhere, like on eBay, or at a Farmer's Market ... they sell everything you could imagine, and all sorts of stuff you would be amazed by.. like the little 'car mouse' for your computer... it's a mouse shaped like a Ferarri... how funny is that?  A great Stocking Stuffer, fer sures, eh?? (There's the Canadian coming out! lol!)  Okay, that TV ain't gonna watch itself, so I better get back through to the livingroom!  I hope you get a chance to say a little prayer or words of thanks for the Troops who are out there, right now, and for all Veterans, past and present, to honor all the hard work they have done and continue to do... Thank You, Vets!  We appreciate all you have done and the hard work you contiue to do!  Love, Luck, Good Health & Plenty of Wealth, Ailsa xox!


  1. I'm far better looking than Jon Hamm. That's what my mom tells me.
    Love the blogging! Yet can't believe you haven't yet run screaming for Canada... ;-)

    -- Marty (the non-Survivor one)

  2. Hahaha! Soo funny that you found my blog!! And yes, you ARE better looking than Jon Hamm... or so your Mom says... lol! I know, I'm desperate to DRIVE back, screaming, to Canada! The sooner the better, baby!! hahaha! ;)

  3. Well, there's nothing quite like Molson Golden and Moosehead. By Moosehead, I'm referring to the beer, not anything else... ;-)

  4. What ELSE could MooseHead stand for, if NOT the beer?? Dirty, diiirty..... lol! ;)
