So what's the deal with little, tiny, teensy, Ashley? Is she a dentist or a dancer?? How come they made her out to be a dentist on the Bachelor with Brad Womack, and this season on The Bachelorette, she's suddenly a 'dancer', with what looks to be about one good move... that thrusting your hips forward in a half walk, half dance-thing... I was tyring it on the weekend, when we were out for a hike (was beautilful... Kenneth Hahn Park in Los Angeles, the 'Walk for Health' section of the park... stunningly gorgeous, if you're looking for something fun and healthy to do...). Anyway, I just look like an idiot trying that sh*t, but, you know, I'll do anything for a laugh, but I would never bother me asss to do that for real -- would be too stupi! haha!
So little Ashley, who is now seen primarily in bikinis, to prove to the guys that she really is a girl... look, a bikini, I'm a girl!! Come on, get interested!! Sad. Not good. Even Neanderthal Ned think 'Not Good'. Ashley's all depressed that loser Bentley is gone... that creep. Ugh. Oh, if only Bentley were here, what would my trip to PHUKET be like.... and I'm sure all the rest of the guys are thinking the same thing... and some have even mentioned they're there for a free trip around the world -- why not? It's not their fault Ashley falls for all the losers...
We only got about halfway through the episode of The Bachelorette, last night, then switched over to The Housewives of Orange County, having yet another fight... was much better TV than Ashley looking forlorn over Bentley not being in Phuket... (can you tell I love the mispronunciation of that name?? hahahaha! Makes me laugh!) We left off where Ashley is on her date with Ames, who seems like a nice enough fellow... he looks like the kind of guy I went to University with (I went to Queen's University, in Kingston, Ontario, Canada)... smart, good looking, monied, can get any girl he wants in his normal life, probably doesn't treat women very well because of that... unfortunate stereotype, but usually true... but he has to really work to get Ashley's attention, since her mind is in Utah...hmmmm. Those guys love a good chase, so we'll see what happens, there... he seems like a good guy, though. Not like loser William... man, say something horrible to Ashley, she's yours for life. What's that all about?? Ugh. Women need to know, if he says something mean in his pick-up line, like, 'you probably think you're too good for me' (that's a standard line for abusers, too, ladies...), or actively says something mean about you to catch your attention, run away. At the very least, turn your back. It will only get much, much worse... this type of guy preys on the insecurities of these women. Terrible, but true.
I liked that Ames was talking about family life on the date... at least he's thinking of that, and marriage, when that's what they're supposed to be there for, in the first place... but how many men a night does she kiss?? (Reminds me of the old 'mennonite' joke... How many Mennonites did she go out with? 3 mennonite... buh-dum-bum... haha! It's an oldie but a goodie... really, it doesn't take much to make me laugh, clearly! haha!) So are the producers telling Ashley to get in there and get to kissin' these guys, or does it all come naturally?? haha!! Yuck!! Kissing is such an intimate thing... and with one guy after another... yick. How many will she want to take to the Fantasy Suites?? hahahahaha!
We'll keep watching The Bachelorette, of course... I'm always curious how it will work out.... I like Ben F. (looks like Dax Sheppard, and I really think he's cute... very funny guy...), and I like that Ryan guy with the Solar Panel
I don't see any connection with the other dentist... she barely talks to him. I love my dentists... they're such nice fellows, and they are highly skilled conversationalists, so that makes no sense... they're so good at chatting away to you while you're getting your teeth done... is a great skill! She really seems to be distancing herself from her career in dentistry... that's bizarre, since that's what she talked about most on the last season of the Bachelor with Brad... hmmmm. Well, we'll see what happens, next week... oh, and my favourite 'Bachelorette Moment' happened with Jimmy Kimmel, when he came on the screen right after Bentley had been such a bashtard, Jimmy Kimmel turns to the camera, and says what a jerk-loser Bentley is... so we've been watching Jimmy Kimmel every since .. sooo funny!