But, man, is this the BEST Bachelorette, yet?? And not just because all the guys REALLY want Emily, which is hilarious... was such a shame in the last Bachelorette with Ashley (I hope she found love, poor wee thing!), where they took 6 guys off at a time (let's get this show over with-style...), none of them really cared, must have been low ratings, and the guys would all hang out together, have a great time, not too worried whether they were going on group dates or not... no, you go, no, no, go ahead, take my place.... nope, you don't see that on Emily's season of The Bachelorette!! hahahaha!
And The Muppets! Was hilarious! We laughed so hard -- usually we're just laughing at all the crazy sh*t that happens on these shows, but last night's Bachelorette was truly funny -- The Muppets killed, man! Was hilarious! Miss Piggy and Kermie... sooo cute!
So, these guys are hilarious... I looved the guy, a mere 41 years of age, with only 6 (SIX!!!!) kids at home (really, I thought he was kidding when he said this to Emily... I would have burst out laughing if some guy said that to me -- what on earth is he doing on a dating show with SIX kids at home... and where's the wife?? Is she an ex-wife, that you spent enough time with that you were able to procreate SIX times, and now she's gone? Only possible reasonable explanation is something terrible, and I canny bring myself to type that in, but the hair on the back of my arm goes up -- and, nooo, there's not a LOT of hair on the back o' me arm, thank you very much! lol! -- when I hear a man say he is on his own with the kids, especially that many kids, raises an immediate Red Flag... I went through an absolutely horrendous custody battle when my daughter was young, and I know the possible circumstances where men might get custody... but I've come to learn over this past few year that not all women are great mothers... I thought we all were loving and caring... I hope there was a legit reason for that DAD to be on the show... but there's usually a pretty good reason when people don't stay together when there's a child (or SIX lol!) in the picture... be careful, little Emily! Dinny choose a Bad One!!
So far, I like Arie, the race car driver, and Emily might go for that type, you know, given her past... and I like that Football guy (although, truth be told, I ALWAYS like the Football Guy!! hahahahahaha! Little joke to keep myself amused, right there! hahahaha!) But I canny reember his name, so that's not that good, since I'm pretty good with names... we both liked Charlie -- Cara really likes Charlie... poor guy, workin' his way back from a debilitating accident. (I da cynic, though, and made quite a few jokes about that movie with Steve Martin and Michael Caine, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels... remember that scene where Steve Martin's character says, "I wish I could dance"...and Michael Caine's German character starts dancing right in front of him?? lol! Was reminiscent of that! Bt, no, Charlie seems like a lovely fellow, but maybe not quite right for Emily... this show is a great opportunity to meet other women, though, so maybe some lovely ladies will see Charlie on The Bachelorette and have a soft spot for him, be gentle with him as he recuperates...
Oooh, and I like that Sean fellow, too -- reminded me of our old Carpenter, Trevor (soo cute!). (And a great carpenter! lol!) He seems really down to earth. It's terrible that the fellow who went to the Grand Hotel with Emily, and put his little wishes in the clock, 'n everything (that was sooo sweet... should try that! lol!), didn't have a good 5 Year Plan, except to be happy... and that's not easy, to Be Happy. Ruh-roh, did he not do his homework?? Didn't he know he HAS to say, married with children??? Maybe even, happily married with children??? hahaha! Pretty funny that he was from LA, and as soon as I saw that, I immediately thought, uh-oh, a flake.... it's just that there are soo many guys in LA who don't have any plan to get married.... and that's all Emily wants, to get married and have more sweet little babies... so normal, so nice!
Hahahaha! Makes me laugh, just thinking if I even HAVE a 5 Year Plan... I'd be thrilled to be happy for five straight years, and maybe even beyond??? Would be a miracle!! But I'm not at the baby-making stage, any more... would if weren't soo dangerous and slightly crazy for me, but that's just because me loooves da sweet little babies, so I totally get where Emily's coming from.... and I love that she just puts it all out there -- have no idea why ANY man would be surprised that almost any woman wants to get married and have babies, at that stage in her life.... is a no-brainer, right?? Silly men. Tricks are for kids! lol!
So I hope Emily finds real love on The Bachelorette, this time around. Would be so nice to see her happy, and truly fulfilled -- oh, and I want to see why she threw something and actually broke it, in next week's episode -- man, you've gotta be a bit looney to actually throw something, and break it -- hope there's a really good reason, or are those Warning Bells I hear, or are they just Wedding Bells?? hahaha! Go find you some great love in your life!! And make sure you're having fun!! lol! Ailsa