You know what I loove, though? Jerks NEVER know they're jerks. Never. They always think they're fabulous. Hilarious. Soooo reasonable, as they tighten the noose around some unsuspecting poor soul's neck... (uh-oh, what happened to me, today? lol! Luckily, my own life never creeps into me writing! hahaha!)
I wrote a whole article about How to Get Along with Jerks, years ago... I'm pretty sure I advocated drinking to forget them, drinking if they're in your HOUSE (egads!! Get outta me housie!!), and then, most likely, drinking to forget them, again. You see how many solutions I have for dealing with jerks? One. That's right. It's very effective. I was joking at the end of my extremely crappy day, today," I wonder if I can claim Bailey's Irish Cream as a tax deduction, since it's a work-related necessity??" hahahaha!(Okay, I'm just entertaining myself, here! lol! You know I really am laughing out loud... that's right -- I've written the words all the way out, this time, I'm laughing just that much! haha!)
Okay, so I DID have some Baileys when I got home. I love it. It's soooo delicious. I canny help it. When I DON'T have a horrible day at work, maybe I'll go back to my usual cup of tea, but until this particularly difficult time passes, Baileys it is, and I AM much happier after I've had it -- truly, from the very first tasty sip! lol!
But enough about me, lets get back to some more NaOnka... ddn't Brenda actually make NaOnka look GOOD on Survivor, tonight?? haha! And that's not an easy task, what with the stealing and whatnot... and just when I had said to Cara, my lovely daughter, man, I think I'm starting to like NaOnka, she's playing a pretty good game', wouldn't you know it? The preview comes up for Survivor for next week, and NaOnka's done something really bad, but doesn't everyone tune in for the baddies?? haha! You avoid them in the rest of your life (hopefully), then can't wait to see them 'interact with other humans...ish', on TV! Is hilarious!
So that crazy Brenda was 'too good' to scramble. Man, I hate arrogance. Arrogance sucks. I should make that a website, then everyone could write in their stories on the arrogant bashtards they know... I knew a guy who would send group emails to all the women (and some girls... eeeewwww!) he was seeing at the same time -- if that's not extreme arrogance, I don't know what is. I'm waiting for the day when it all comes crashing down -- I love that part, because the arrogant person NEVER sees that coming...). Really, you think women don't notice everything? Yep. They do... and they never forget.
I gotta say, I loved the little smug look Brenda gave Sash right before Jeff Probst read the vote, when he asked if anyone had an immunity idol, and Sash looked away. Buuurn! That was the second burn on the show, tonight! Who would be sooo stooopid as to build a wooden 'shelter' for their unattended fire? hahahahaha! Too funny! and I love the idea of the camera crew standing around filming their stuff burn... wonder if they ran in to save their personal possessions? Hmmm... I'm just curious...
Chase is in his own little 'does Brenda like me' world, but now we can see if he can think with his brain, instead... will be interesting, and speaking of brainless nits, did you happen to notice that 'Purple Kelly' is a bit of a mowon?? hahaha! She gets virtually no camera time, but perhaps they DID give her a ton of camera time in the field, but during editing, whe they were looking for the least idiotic things she might have said, that only left them with the tiniest bit of footage of Purple Kelly. Funny. Stupi.
I'm really liking Jane a whole lot more -- I've gone back and forth with her, since I didn't like that she wasn't aligned with the old Marty team, but maybe he was a jerk to her... and anyone who loves dogs must be good in their heart, right? (Ruh-roh, all the creepy people who happen to have purchased a dog are all nodding in wild agreement, now! hahaha!) Man, she's strong, especially at her age... remarkable. And I loooved when the Real Holly came out, tonight... did you happen to hear the "What the Faaaaa..." from Holly?? I laughed soo hard. You can't hide behind that hideous 'mom' bathing suit... where did she find that? She's in good shape, why not a pretty bathing suit, if you're going to be, say, filmed in said bathing suit every day... I am a bikini girl, Thank God... for a few years, there,dat was not-so-much an option for me (yes, my fancy diet tips are on here... lol!), and now when I ever have to pretend to be 'conservative', and put on a one-piece bathing suit, I feel like I'm wearing waaay too much clothing to be able to swim, like I'm wearing a real suit! lol!
Otay, going to bed! Sleep well! Chase will be dreaming about Brenda -- who will you be dreaming about?? hahaha! I just took some Nyquil, because my life sucks soo royally, I can't sleep with out it, these days... I canny wait 'til m life gets back to normal! I hope your life is all normal and wonderful, and you have someone lovely to dream about! Maybe I'll just dream about finding money... I'm pretty good at finding that, just crappy at finding love! lol! Maybe my luck change soon! We see!! haha! To Good Luck, A Great Life, and Much Happiness, Ailsa xox!
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Cheap Jewelry -- it's gorgeous and real! I wish I made a commission off of this Chinese Wholesale website, DHgate, but I don't, dang it ... lots of language barriers, and a slightly long wait for the items to arrive, but they're super-cheap, real stones... and the clothes are great, too, but if you're over 5 feet, order larger than your regular size! lol! Enjoy!! I've bought soo much stuff from this Chinese wholesaler -- and I wear it all the time :)
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