Ghirardelli has THE most amazing Coffee Cake Mix, if you've never tried it!
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Cinnamon Sour Cream Coffee Cake
4 oz Margarine or Butter (1 square margarine, melted in the microwave for 60 seconds) Stir in: 2 tsp Vanilla 2 large Eggs 1/2 cup Brown Sugar 1 cup Sour Cream Mix well
Stir into: 2 cups Flour 1 cup Sugar 1 tsp Baking Powder 1/4 tsp Baking Soda 1/2 tsp Salt
3 Tablespoons Cinnamon (if you want a LOT of Cinnamon, so this is optional : )
#easyrecipes #Yum!
Pour HALF the batter into a greased 9" X 13" pan (glass pans are my favorite!) Sprinkle with:
3/4 cup Brown Sugar 2 tsp Cinnamon 2 tsp Vanilla Pour on OTHER half of batter
Brown Sugar Cinnamon Topping: (Same as before, new batch! lol!) 3/4 cup Brown Sugar 2 tsp Cinnamon 2 tsp Vanilla Sprinkle and Bake 50 minutes at 350
Done! Will be deeelishush!! You're a'gonna loooves it! The middle pieces are our favorite #FYI - lol!
Happy Baking, and Happy Eating!!
Your Little Baking Buddy, Ailsa!! xoxo!!
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