Rice Krispie Squares - in the Microwave - sooo easy and fast!
Omg, how much do you love Rice Krispie Squares? I love them soo much, they're so simple, so fast and easy to make, and I feel like they must be a little bit healthy, right?? hahaha! Whatevs, they're deeelish..but they do have some vitamins and whatnot in the Rice Krispies, and the marshmallows are Fat Free, soo, I say, make lots of Rice Krispie Squares, enjoy them yourself and maybe even with your family and friends - lol!
So here's the fastie-schmastie way to make your favorite Rice Krispie Squares, in one bowl - couldn't beee any easier! lol!
Rice Krispies - I think about 6 cups... I pour them in about 2 cups at a time, sooo, whatever will fit!
1 bag of mini-marshmallows...or any marshmallows! The mini-marshmallows are so cute, and good for little snacks : >
2 Teaspoons of Vanilla (I pour it in, sooo, you can, too, if you like - lol!)
1/3 cup butter, cut in 2 bits...or margarine, I'm sure... I am a butter girl, but I use margarine on the pan : )
While the marshmallows are in the microwave, open the vanilla, get that ready to pour...
You'll love what the marshmallows do in the microwave - they'll triple in size, all puffed up : ) Is all very exciting, so if you have kids in the house, have them come and watch - it's a very cool process, plus, kids love to help in the kitchen - maybe they can stir in the Rice Krispies : )
Take the bowl out the microwave with your oven mitts on, for safey, and you'll notice the marshmallows fall right away - no worries, you're going to quickly pour in the vanilla, then stir with a wooden spoon. I would imagine you could use any spoon, but I have my favorite wooden spoon for baking - and you prolly will, too - lol!
This is also one of the main ingredients in my absolutely crazy-delicious cheesecake...is a great ingredient!
Pour your Rice Krispies right into the melted marshmallows... you've gotta get everything ready to go for this lovely wee treat, because it's soo fast to make them, so just go ahead and pour the Rice Krispies in and start stirring right away. I usually pour in about 6 cups of Rice Krispies, but I'm pretty sure you could pour maybe another 2 cups of Rice Krispies in... is just a matter of making sure the marshmallow gets on all the Rice Krispies, so they'll stick together, no bother : )
Pull down any stray Rice Krispies from the side of the bowl, and gently mix it all together, especially toward the end...
Pop the pan in the fridge, let them cool, then cut and put out on a nice plate - yum!! Enjoy!!
Well, that seems a little hard to read, but suffice it to say that there are lots of health benefits to eating Rice Krispies, so this is the sort of treat you can feel good about : )
And here's the deal with the mini-marshmallows - they make a great little treat all on their own, and they'll make your Rice Krispie Squares all lovely and yummy!
Once you've made these once (how to use 'once' two or three times in one sentence - hahaha!), you'll get the hang of it so quickly, they'll become your new go-to treat - your waist and your kids will love them (and you!! lol!).
Happy Snacking!! Ailsa : )